Abstracts of Papers in This Issue

2013-03-19 16:30:33
外文研究 2013年3期



XIONGXueliang(College of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China)

The coercive potential of constructions over the verbs used within is generally accepted. Yet the constructional coercive power is not unlimited. In order to account for why some non-giving and non-3-value verbs cannot appear in the English di-transitive construction, this article first of all analyzes some basic attributes of the non-ditransitive verbs and then concocts Iconicity Principle, Linearity Principle, Goal-Orientation Principle, etc. to explicate this phenomenon.


HEZiran(National Research Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, China)

LIDongmei(Foreign Language Teaching and Research Center, Zhuhai College, Jilin University, Zhuhai 519041, China)

This paper is a book-report of Kate Distin’sTheSelfishMeme, which was regarded as a critical reassessment of memes and memetics. Though published a few years ago, it has represented so far a totally new perspective and unique insight on memes and memetics. This book holds that culture is evolutionalized, and that memes provide a device for the cultural evolution. Based on the analysis and assessment of the memetic hypothesis proposed by Dawkins, the author puts forward an idea of cultural DNA, and discusses respectively the preserving, replicating, varying and selecting of the complex culture. Having studied some of the different views on memes and the issues of early cultural evolution, Kate explores further the insights of memetic DNA. Her work adopts a completely novel method of study, and presents for the first time a fully developed and workable concept of cultural DNA. It also demonstrates that the equivalent of memetic DNA may be more than one representational systems of information. This book gives a new angle of view for the study of memes, memetics, and, especially, linguistic memetics.


LIUGuohui(College of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306,China)

Based upon embodied philosophy, cognitive linguistics has become one of the pivotal linguistic research paradigms for over three decades if calculated from 1980s. Accordingly, people may seriously raise a question as to whether such paradigm also needs a “turn” to other paradigms in terms of previous linguistic studies. This paper hereby endeavors to make motivational analyses from the perspectives of cognitive linguistics situations, western linguistic evolutional law, scientific view and innovation mind, arguing that for the present time, cognitive linguistics has to take “improvement” (i.e. more objectivity) as its first choice, but in the long run, it must take a “turn”, i.e. develop into a more rational paradigm, in order to cater for the requirements of linguistic science.


HUANGJinwei(College of Chinese Language, Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing 100083, China)

The triple object construction (TOC), with a verb of a ritual event and three objects expressed as personnel, gods and sacrifice respectively, is a “peculiar” sentence pattern in the oracle bone inscriptions. This paper, under the framework of the Minimalist Program, attempts to provide syntactic derivation of TOC in order to solve the problems of TOC’s syntactic generation. The reason why there exists TOC in oracle bone inscriptions is that it follows from a shift operation in which multiple light verbs (for expressing some event meanings) motivating the center verbal constituent of the verb phrase (VP用牲) and its copy components to raise, move and merge into the main verb phrase (VP祭祀)in a ritual event.


ZHUANGHuibin(College of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

This paper tries to explain the syntactic distribution of Chinese negative markerbu, in the framework of NegP Hypothesis proposed by Pollock (1989).Buis assumed to be positioned under Spec,NegP while the head of NegP is empty. We argue that the ECP proposed by Rizzi (1990) can give an account for the two facts about negation in Chinese: one is thatbucannot co-occur with the perfective aspect markerle; the other is thatbuis incompatible with the manner phrase in the V-deconstruction.


PENGYuhai(Center for Russian Language, Literature and Culture Studies, Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080, China)

YUXin(Russian Language Department, Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Tianjin 300204, China)

Metaphor meaning of Russian verbs is a certain result of cognition rising from physical and functional properties to the abstract and analogous ones of things and events. Among the metaphor meanings of verbs there are inherent relationships, which come from the same deep scheme, its variants and metaphor mapping of basic cognitive domain to others. The paper researches the problems about metaphor mapping of the concrete cognitive domain in verbs: from a concrete cognitive domain onto another one; from concrete cognitive domain onto abstractizational concrete one.


LIWeimin(The Journal Editorial Office, Sichuan International University, Chongqing 400031, China)

Lin Tongji devoted himself to teaching and research about Shakespeare. In the 1980s, he introduced Shakespeare research in China to the international Shakespeare society; in 1963, he wrote an important paper “‘Sullied’ is the word:‘A note inHamletcriticism’”. In the history of China’s Shakespeare criticism, it is an important paper written in English about Shakespeare and it is of great significance for the understanding ofHamlet.


WANGShanshan(English Department, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)

Born into the famous Sidney family, Lady Mary Wroth was the first woman writer in the English literary history who wrote a Petrarchan sonnet sequence and a prose romance, and also one of the earliest women writers who wrote a play. Her major works were put into printing during her lifetime, but due to various reasons, they were not widely known until late 1970’s, when the rediscovery and editing of her manuscripts began, followed by extensive studies, ranging from introductory studies of certain works to studies of the author, from influence studies in the family context, to genre study, woman writer and early modern writer study, and social and cultural study. These studies have accelerated the process of canonization of Wroth, made more complete the picture of early modern English literature as a whole, and improved the understanding of English woman writing as the literary context.


LIXiaorui(College of Foreign Languages, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, China)

Stevie Smith, born in the early 20thcentury, was a British woman poet with distinctive poetic style. Her language is often simple, light-hearted and childlike with parody on some well-known fairy tales, and her illustrations to many poems are just childlike doodlings. But behind all these seemingly casual forms are some very solemn and serious contents: the artistic pursuit of a women poet and her solitude, religious belief and the theme of death and escape, which make up the three major themes in Stevie Smith’s poetry. She mocks at the solitude of women artists, teases at her ambivalence in religion by rewriting fairy tales or imitating God’s speech or baby talk and enjoys herself with the theme of death by treating it as a friend and a hope.


LIQiaohui(College of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

The contemporary critic Lawrence Buell proposes that the American ecological concepts undergo particular processes of evolution. Only through the analysis of the formation of the concepts can we get to know nature and protect the environment. Only when we fully understand the relationship between environment and man can we help people adopt the right ways of treating the environment and endow the ecology with practical implication. Nationalism in pastoral culture, essentialism in pastoral literature and skepticism in pastoral criticism form the three theoretic pillars of Buell. The understanding of pastoral ideology is intended to awaken people’s sensitivity to environmental protection through the analysis of the complex relationships between man and environment.


XUMing(College of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

Honoré d’Urfé, a French writer in the 17thcentury, is well-known as the representative of pastoral and baroque style literature. His classic work,L’Astrée, was regarded as one of the most important representatives as well as the first River novel in France. Its literary thoughts, style and influence played a very important role in French literature. We can learn a lot from its artistic and writing skills, which are beneficial to the whole Chinese novel. It not only won great success in literature but also brought new enlightenment to the French people’s pursuit of ideal society and living mode. It has had actually an important effect on the social transformation and transition. Therefore, we should make more introduction of Honoré d’Urfé and his works in different aspects and it’s worth studying seriously in Chinese literature.


GUOShangxing(Institute of Translation, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

This paper, on the basis of the cultural position of traditional Chinese philosophical classics, deeply discusses the final principles in translating them into English: the principles of originality and autonomousness. The author holds that the necessity and indispensability of the principles are determined by the nature and purposes of their translation, the uniqueness of traditional Chinese philosophy and its differences from others, and the experience in the west of Chinese culture. On the other side, the autonomousness, which is the pre-condition of maintaining the originality of translation texts, should be mainly embodied from three levels: theories of different academic schools, different views within an academic school, and text of a particular author.


LIZhanxi(College of Foreign Studies, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China)

After our critical review of literal translation and free translation, this thesis maintains that a probe into this aspect should be made from translation practice level up to translation theoretical exploration. We tentatively propose Target Audience’s Cognitive Consonance-based Principle for Pragmatic Translation Strategies within the frameworks of Relevance and Adjustability Theoretic Approach to the Translating Process and Target Audience-centered Principle of Cognitive Consonance, and then apply the new principle to cultural image renderings to illustrate our viewpoints. This principle is intended to give theoretical guidance for the translator’s choice of pragmatic translation strategies, freeing him from his troubled mental workings in the dilemma between his loyalty to the author in traditional translation studies and his development of his subjectivity in today’s translation studies.


ZHANGZhizhong(College of Foreign Languages, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China)

The beauty of repetition is an aspect of the linguistic beauty of Chinese poetry, whose aesthetic effect is to quicken the rhythm, thicken the atmosphere, and strengthen the feelings. Repetitions constitute an outstanding feature of the aesthetic mode of lyrical Chinese poems, which include repetition of the same words (repetitive words and anadiplosis), repetition with different words, continuous repetition, spacing repetition, mixed repetition, and paregmenon, etc. Since repetition is not favored in English, the beauty of repetition in Chinese poetry, in the process of being translated into English, is often lost in some degree. However, as repetition is after all an important rhetorical device in English, the beauty of repetition in Chinese poetry can still be reproduced in English poetry, though not without some flexibility.


ZHANGYan(College of International Finance and Commerce, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200081, China)

Translation as an activity is highly analogous to aesthetic activity. The process of translating is an aesthetic process. By applying relevant aesthetic theories to translation teaching, teachers and students in translation teaching become aesthetic subjects, and the texts in translation teaching become aesthetic objects. The aesthetic approach of translation teaching should include the cultivation of students’ aesthetic awareness, the improvement of their aesthetic ability in language learning and translation, and turning them into aesthetic subjects with initiative and creativity.