Abstract: It is generally believed that the theory of image schema was first put forward within the framework of conceptual metaphor. Later, the theory of image schema was widened to some other academic subjects fields. Many different definitions of image schema have been introduced.
摘要: 通常认为意象图式理论是在概念隐喻的范畴内提出的。从这之后,意象图式理论发展到了其他学科领域。语言学家们提出了许多关于意象图式的不同的定义。
Key words: definition; image schema
It is generally believed that the theory of image schema was first put forward within the framework of conceptual metaphor. Later, the theory of image schema was widened to some other academic subjects fields. In cognitive linguistics, image schema plays an important role in the understanding of polysemy. Many different definitions of image schema have been introduced.
2、Different Definitions of Image Schema
Johnson (1987) used a whole book to discuss the embodied foundation of image schema, as well as the role image schema plays in the conceptual structures meaningfulness. It is Johnson who claims that an image schema is a recurring, dynamic pattern of our perceptual interaction and motor programs that gives coherence and structure to our experience. In human experience, image schema plays the role of their typical structures of sustaining respects. Image schema rule is critical. It is the rule that make people experience, understand and reason out the world. As considered, image schema is the very way to structure the specific experience, which can pur them in order and connect peoples perceptions and conceptions together.
Lakoffs (1987) view on image schema is that simple structures that persistently occur in peoples body experience in everyday life, like CONTAINER (IN-OUT), PATHS, LINKS, FORCES, BALANCE, and in many kinds of orientations and relations,like UP-DOWN, FRONT-BACK, PART-WHOLE, CENTRAL-PERIPHERY, etc. Image schemas are full of meanings in that they have been functioning repetitively in our lives. Image schemas is not a specific image; instead, it is nonrepresentational cognitive structure in human domains.
As a result, both Johnson and Lakoffs understanding of image schema lay particular emphasis on the interactive relations between body and the living environment of natural condition. They reckon that image schema is a primary cognitive structure built on the basis of physical experience.
Gibbs (1995) claims that image schema can be generally be defined as dynamic analog representations of spatial relations and movements in space.
Turner (1996) points out that image schema, deriving from perception and interaction, is a recurring pattern of our perceptual experience.
Both Ungerer and Schmid (1996) still hold that image schema is brief and elementary cognitive model which originated from the interaction between our body and the external environment and that image schema is not just an abstract semantic principle, but should be understood as a mental picture, which is more elementary than both concrete categories and abstract principle.
Langacker (2000) emphasizes that image schema is highly abstract configuration, which is based on our daily physical experience.
Oakley (2007) holds that image schema is a condensed redescription of perceptual experience for the purpose of mapping spatial structure onto conceptual structure.
According to the definitions of image schema put forward by different linguistists, I hold the opinion that image schema results from perception from outside world, which represents spatial relations.
[1]、Gibbs, R. (1995). The Cognitive Psychological Reality of Image Schemas and Their Transformations [J]. Cognitive Linguistics, 1995(6): 349.
[2]、Johnson, M. (1987). The Body in the Mind: the Bodily Basis of Meaning, Imagination and Reason [M]. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
[3]、Lakoff, G. (1987). Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
[4]、Langacker,W.(1987). Foundations of Cognitive Grammar[M].California: Stanford University Press.
[5]、王寅 (2010). 认知语言学. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社。