
2012-08-15 00:42:44湖南文理学院外国语学院湖南常德415000
名作欣赏 2012年3期

⊙李 钢[湖南文理学院外国语学院, 湖南 常德 415000]

《论语》是中国历史上最具权威性的文献典籍之一。它对中国古代思想和文化产生了巨大的影响,也通过翻译对世界思想和文化产生了巨大的影响。早在16世纪末,《论语》开始被译为西方语言。1809年,传教士马希曼(Joshua Marshman)出版了《论语》的节译本《The Works of Confucius》,这是《论语》在英语世界的最早译介,从此拉开了《论语》在英语世界经典化的序幕。此后,一大批西方传教士和汉学家,以及华人学者和翻译家投身到《论语》英译中。迄今为止,已有四十余个《论语》英译本,它们风格各异,为儒家文化思想西传做出了重要的贡献。本文拟对1998年由森舸澜(Edward Slingerland)翻译的《论语》英译本《Confucius:Analects》做一个简单的介绍与评价。

该译本出版后,获得了学界的好评。波士顿大学的John Berthrong对该译本做了如下评论:“建立在中国和西方最好的现代和传统学术研究基础之上,森舸澜杰出的《论语》新译——包括每段中的传统注疏选译——是一个受人欢迎的译本。从孔子传给弟子的东西中,当代读者会大受启发,并且可以分享那种与历代学者为邻的经历,他们都曾苦苦思索过孔子神秘难懂的话语。森舸澜在译文中运用的注疏使读者有机会理解和欣赏这部重要的儒家经典。”加利福尼亚大学的David Schaberg认为:“森舸澜的《论语》新译是我们长久以来所需要的译本:准确、简洁,配有有用的注释和参考材料,包括那些最重要的《论语》注疏的选译。对于普通读者和学生而言,要理解这部难懂的开创性的著作,再也没有比这更容易理解和可靠的译本了。该译本贡献巨大,应该成为英语读者喜爱的入门书。”宾夕法尼亚大学的Paul R.Goldin认为森舸澜的译本“对学生而言,是现今最好的译本。译者的哲学素养显而易见,但他从不在译文中豪无根据地添加西方的观念和话语方式”。《国际中国书评》(China Review International)杂志的Yuet Keung Lo认为森舸澜的译本“不仅展示了一丝不苟的研究和翻译艺术,而且为《论语》的研究提供了一个新的视角,为《论语》翻译提供了一个新的模版。我们应该祝贺森舸澜,他为美国的大学学生和学术界提供了一项非常宝贵的服务。从这个新译本中我们可以学到许多东西,我们所有人都应该感谢译者”。

森舸澜的目标读者主要是普通读者(nonspecialists)。因此,他在译文中的每一段后面都选译了一些中国历代注家对《论语》的各种注疏以及他自己本人的注释。大多数情况下,译文后面的注疏和注释篇幅远远大于译文本身的篇幅,这也构成了森舸澜《论语》译本的最大特色。森舸澜指出,至少从汉朝起,所有中国学者在研读《论语》时都有着离不开参考各家注疏的传统。即使是受过传统教育、精通古汉语的中国人都认为有必要在前代注疏的基础上去理解《论语》。他认为,《论语》太过精简,如果没有某些注疏,很难理解其中的内容。因此,他觉得不可思议的是,大多数的西方读者阅读《论语》时,只能依靠“光秃秃”的译文,加上译者序言或为数不多的文本注释,用自己的方式去理解这本难解的书。他引用了John Makeham的“骨”和“肉”的比喻来说明了注疏对于论语的重要性:《论语》文本是骨,注疏是肉;有了注疏,论语才有了生命。因此,他在译文中大量选译历代各家注疏,以便让读者在阅读《论语》时,能够感觉到自己坐在一位朋友身边,这位朋友精通古汉语,对于如何阅读《论语》有着自己的见解。他浏览大量有关《论语》的注疏,不时谈论一些对于理解《论语》有所帮助和启发的东西,并且可以为用英语对《论语》做进一步的研究提供建议。简言之,森舸澜想通过大量的注疏选译以及他本人的注释,帮助读者理解《论语》这部深邃著作里透露出的孔子的儒家思想。请看下例:


[Version]Zixia asked Zigong,“When our Master arrives in a state,he invariably finds out about its government.Does he actively seek out this information?Surely it is not simply offered to him!”

Zigong answered,“Our Master obtains it through being courteous, refined, respectful, restrained ad deferential.The Master’s way of seeking it is entirely different from other people’s way of seeking it,is it not?”

Huang Kan believes the point of this passage to be that the quality of rulership in a state is revealed in the sentiment of the common people,to which Confucius was particularly sensitive because of his virtuous nature.Rulers thus“give away”this information inadvertently to one as attuned as Confucius,who therefore does not have to make inquiries in the ordinary fashion.Zhu Xi believes that it is the rulers who,drawn by the power of the Master’s virtue,actively seek Confucius out to discuss the problems of governance.In any case,the point seems to be that Confucius “sought it in himself,not in others”(15.21)or that(as Lu Longqi puts it)“the sage seeks things by means of virtue,unlike ordinary people who seek things with their minds.”That is,while ordinary people consciously and deliberately pursue external goals,the sage focuses his attention upon his own inner virtue and allows external things to come to him naturally.Confucius does not actively pry or seek out information,but is perfected in virtue that what he seeks comes to him unbidden,in a wu-wei fashion.(Edward Slingerland 2003:4-5)




Many of the passages in this book concern the supreme virtue of Goodness.Those who are truly Good love the Confucian Way and embody it in an wu-wei fashion-completely unselfconsciously and effortlessly-as opposed to those who pursue the Way because of ulterior motives.Such true gentlemen require nothing from the world but the genuine joy and satisfaction they derive from virtue,as opposed to “petty people”who are motivate by considerations of profit or other external goods.This Book also contain a series of statements(4.19-4.21)on filial piety that flesh out the treatment in Book One.(Edward Slingerland 2003:29)





[Version]Ji Ziran asked,“Could Zilu and Ran Qiu be considered great ministers?”

The Master replied,“I thought you were going to ask about some exceptional individuals,but instead you always ask about Zilu and Ran Qiu!What we call‘great ministers’are those who seek to serve their lord by means of the Way,and who resign if unable to do so.Now,Zilu and Ran Qiu are what we might call‘useful minsters’(juchen 具臣).”

[Note]Juchen means literally “tool-ministers”(c.f.2.12,“the gentleman is not a vessel”).Confucius probably means to imply that Zilu and Ran Qiu are minimally competent in carrying out the official duties required of them but lack the moral vision of a great minister.As we see immediately below,Ji Ranzi apparently mistakes him to mean that Zilu and Ran Qiu are“tools”that can be easily manipulated.(Edward Slingerland 2003:121)






[Version]Zigong asked,“What do you think of me?”

The Master replied,“You are a vessel.”

“What sort of vessel?”

“A hu瑚 or lian琏vessel.”

[Note]Of course, “the gentleman is not a vessel”(2.12)-i.e.the true gentleman is more than a mere specialist.According to commentators,the hu and lian were precious jade food-offering vessels that were the most important ritual vessels in the ancestral temples of the Xia and Shang dynasties,respectively.Commentators point out that Confucius’elaboration is double-edged:comforting,in that Zigong is no ordinary vessel,but perhaps even more critical because the hu and lian vessels were both archaic curiosities (no longer used in the Zhou rites)and extremely specialized(thus seldom used even during Xia and Shang times)….(Edward Slingerland 2003:40)


[1]Edward Slingerland.Confucius:Analects[Z].Indianapolis:Hackett Publishing Press,2003.

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