
2011-11-06 08:34:38赵小皖刘洵妤李慧勤赵国华
食品工业科技 2011年3期


(1.西南大学食品科学学院,重庆400715; (2.重庆市农产品加工技术重点实验室,重庆400715)



(1.西南大学食品科学学院,重庆400715; (2.重庆市农产品加工技术重点实验室,重庆400715)



1 β-胡萝卜素的降解方式


1.1 热裂解


图1 β-胡萝卜素的降解反应

1.2 热氧化降解


1.3 化学氧化降解


1.4 光氧化降解


图2 β-胡萝卜素的光氧化降解反应


1.5 酶促降解

图3 β胡萝卜素生物氧化降解途径

2 影响β-胡萝卜素降解的因素

2.1 氧气

2.2 添加物

2.3 水分活度

3 β-胡萝卜素降解对食品体系的影响

3.1 改善食品的风味

3.2 导致食品褪色

3.3 降低食品的营养价值

4 展望


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Degradation of β-carotene and its influence in foods

ZHAO Xiao-wan1,LIU Xun-yu1,LI Hui-qin1,ZHAO Guo-hua1,2,*
(1.College of Food Science,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China; 2.Chongqing Key Laboratory of Agricultural Products Processing,Chongqing 400715,China)

β-carotene is a natural pigment and an important nutrient in food,which easily tends to degradation during food processing and storage,and thus affects the flavor,nutritional value,color and safety of the foods.The degradation methods of β-carotene include thermo-oxidative degradation,thermal cracking,chemical oxidation degradation,photo-oxidation degradation and enzymatic degradation,etc.The degradation products and methods contact with the degradation conditions closely.The main factors of the degradation are oxygen,food additives and water activity.Further researches should focus on the impacts of the microbial fermentation,food ingredients and processing technology on the degradation of β-carotene,the effect methods to prevent the degradation of β-carotene in foods and risk assessments of the degradation products of β-carotene.

β-carotene;the methods of degradation;impact factors;impact;food processing





2010-02-04 *通讯联系人


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