试验台的目的是由测功器传递到飞轮提供的运动能量证实数学模型,以及反过来控制齿轮箱齿圈的速度。这样做,测功器的传动周期由三个加速一减速时间段组成。在每个时间段,唯制动功率以运动能量储存在飞轮内。图7(a)示试验由静止起动, 而图7(b)示相同的周期,但飞轮已经起动。
图7 测功器速度ωDyna_exp、飞轮速度ωfw_exp和齿圈速度ωRing_exp的试验测量示(a)唯回收制动和(b)全混合驱动车辆运行。破析线为用仿真作出的飞轮速度ωfw,底部线段表示为飞轮辅助加速的周期(FA),普通加速度(CA),回收制动(RB)和常规制动(CB).Fig.7 Experimental measurements of the speed ωDyna_expat the flywheel,and the speed ωRing_expat the ring showing(a)only regenerative braking and(b)full-hybrid-vehicle operation.The dashed curve corresponds to the speed ωfwat the flywheel predicted from the simulation.The segments on the pottom indicate the periods of flywheel-assisted acceleration(FA),conventional acceleration(CA),regenerative braking(RB),and conventional braking(CB).
第一试验目的(见图7(a))是证实回收制动原理:因而它进行在飞轮由静止至起动,测功器用马达初始加速,用内燃机模仿常规加速(时间段CA),以及用提供的回收制动随后制动齿圈(时间段RB)。采用这种方法,飞轮由静止位置加速到速度为45 rad/s,证实了采用PGS把运动能量由车辆传递到飞轮的工作原理。
第二试验(图7(b)所示)用来证实混合驱动车辆的全工作循环,它包括飞轮辅助加速、常规加速、回收制动和常规制动的各个时间段。该试验初始阶段随之飞轮已作343 rad/s(3280 r/m)转速转动,确保有足够的能量来加速测功器,接着飞轮和测功器的之间能量传递采用整个机械混合驱动模式来实现。
常规和两型机械混合驱动在市区和市区外道路进行的车辆的计算机仿真,采用由Diego-Ayala[22]和North等[23]开发的 Ford Focus Estale计算模型。在该模型中,稳态发动机特性线图用发动预热修正。
用于试验的车辆是1999年Ford Focus Estate 1.8 L涡轮增压柴油机的模型,它的主要特性概括于表3。
4.2.1 唯制动型混合驱动车辆模型是把唯制动装置综合在串联的一个常规动力系中获得的。该混合驱动车辆和其机械能储存装置的主要特性示于表4。该齿轮箱行星架和终传动间的效率值可以用式(31)算出,简单地作为常数。
表2 行驶过程主要参数Table 2 Main parameters of driving cycles
表3 Ford Focus技术条件Table 3 Specifications of the Ford Focus
表4 Ford Focus混合驱动机械储能装置主要特性Table 4 Main characteristics of mechanical energy storage system for the hybrid Ford Focus
图8 (a)飞轮损失和(b)PGS效率线图Fig.8 Maps of(a)losses at the flywheel and(b)efficiency of the PGS
表5 混合驱动Focus仿真值Table 5 Values for simulation of the hybrid Focus
4.2.2 CVT制动型式混合驱动模型
图9 相关于转矩 TCVT_in/TCVT_max和速度ωCV T_out/ωCVT_in CVT模型的变速器效率线图Fig.9 Variator efficiency map for CVT model correlating the torque TCVT_in/TCVT_max and velocity ωCVT_out/ωCVT_in
图10 在Artemis市区道路(a)单纯制动混合驱动车辆和(b)CVT制动混合驱动车辆的性能示飞轮速度ωfw和行星架速度ωC。图中上部证实黑线表明发动机工作(发动机开和关)细破折线表示飞轮最大运转速度(上部),最小运转速度和最低速度(下方)Fig.10 Performance of(a)the brake-only hybrid and(b)the CVT-brake hybrid vehicles following the Artemis urban cycle,showing the speed ωfw of the flywheel and the speed ωCof the carrier.The solid thin black curve at the top of the figure illuslrates engine operation(engine on or off),while the dashed thin black lines refer to the flywheel maximum(upper),minimum operation and minimum(lower)speeds
表6 对于常规单一制动混合驱动和CVT一制动混合驱动车辆仿真结果和能量损失分类Table 6 Simulation and breakdown of energy losses for the conventional,brake-only hybrid,and CVT-brake hybrid vehicles
一个特别吸引人的特点是能很容易使一个通常的动力系调整到混合驱动的性能。和混合驱动其他形式不同,这种混合驱动车辆可以由对一通常的动力系简单地加一机械能量储存装置获得。因此,混合驱动装置也可以认为是一个‘bolt-on'混合驱动。对推荐的设计已经作无成本的分析,然而像其机械部件的成本一样将实际上低于现代在HEVS中采用的电子部件。(谷雨译自 Proc.IMechE 2008 Vol.222 Part6 D:J.Automotile Engineering)
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附 录
A,B 行星传动速度变量variables for the speed of the planetary gear set
CVT 无级变速器continuously variable transmission
GRC_CVT主输入轴至无级变速器的速比gear ratio of the main input shaft to the continuously variable transmission
GRC_fd主输入轴至终传动速比gear ratio of the main input shaft to the final drive
GRR_CVT齿圈至无级变速器速比gear ratio of the ring to the continuously variable transmission
Ifw飞轮惯量inertia of the flywheel
PGS 行星齿轮传动planetary gear set
R1,2,R2分别在双排行星齿轮装置内1和2级齿圈的齿数number of teeth of the ring gear for stages 1 and 2 respectively in the double planetary gear set
S1,2,S2分别双排行星齿轮装置内1和2级太阳轮齿数number of teeth of the sun gear for stages 1 and 2 respectively in the double planetary gear set
TC行星架转矩torque in the carrier
TC_CVT无级变速器输出转矩torque in the output of the continuously variable transmission
TClutch_in离合器输入转矩torque in the input of the clutch
TClutch_out离合器输出转矩torque in the output of the clutch
TCVT_in无级变速器输入转矩torque in the input of the continuously variable transmission
TCVT_out无级变速器输出转矩torque in the output of the continuously variable transmission
Tfd终传动轴转矩torque in the final drive's shaft
Tfw_shaft飞轮轴转矩torque in the flywheel's shaft
Tfw_loss飞轮转矩损失torque loss at the flywheel
TR齿圈转矩torque in the ring
TR_loss齿圈转矩损失torque loss at the ring
TS太阳轮转矩torque in the sun
TS_loss太阳轮转矩损失torque loss at the sun
TShaft主输入轴转矩torque in the main input shaft
VRClutch离合器速比velocity ratio of the clutch
VRCVT无级变速器速比velocity ratio of the continuously variable transmission
Δt 仿真时间步阶time step for the simulation
Δωfw已知时间段飞轮角速度变化change in the flywheel angular speed for a given time step
ηC_CVT无级变速器输出和主输入轴齿轮连接效率efficiency at the gear connection of the continuously variable transmission output and the main input shaft
ηC_fd主输入轴和终传动齿轮连接效率efficiency at the gear connection of the main input shaft and the final drive
ηClutch离合器效率efficiency at the clutch
ηCVT无级变速器效率efficiency at the continuously variable transmission
ηGB行星齿轮传动效率efficiency of the planetary gear set
ηR_CVT齿圈和无级变速器连接效率efficiency at the connection ofthe ring and the continuously variable transmission
ωC行星架角速度angular speed of the carrier
ωClutch_in离合器输入角速度angular speed of the input of the clutch
ωClutch_out离合器输出角速度angular speed of the output of the clutch
ωCVT_in无级变速器输入角速度angular speed of the input of the continuously variable transmission
ωCVT_out无级变速器输出角速度angular speed of the output of the continuously variable transmission
ωDyna_exp测功仪角速度试验值experimental value of the dynamometer's angular speed
ωfd终传动角速度angular speed of the final drive
ωfw 飞轮平均角速度average flywheel angular speed
ωfw_exp 飞轮角速度试验值experimental value of the flywheel's angular speed
ωR齿圈角速度angular speed of the ring
ωRing_exp 齿圈角速度试验值experimental value of the ring's angular speed
ωS太阳轮角速度angular speed of the sun