横置前驱传动以其最经济的成本和安装空间而成为绝大多数轿车的标准形式。而所谓的标准传动即发动机纵向布置和后轮驱动方式已成例外,但是“标准传动”仍有其优点,主要应用在豪华轿车、SUV和商用车辆中。ZF Friedrichshafen AG作为变速器制造商的领导者之一,已经认识到小型豪华轿车的这种趋势并早已开展横置前驱动力换档变速器的研究。
1 Introduction
The front-transverse drive with the frontmounted engine,which is transverse to the direction of travel has firmly established itself in almost all passenger car categories as the most eco-nomical design with respect to costs and installation space.The so-called standard drive with a longitudinal mounted front engine and rear-wheel drive,how ever,has meanwhile become the exception,but the‘standard drive'still has an advantage,particularly for use in luxury passenger cars,SUVs,and commercial vehicles.ZF Friedrichshafen AG,as one of the leading transmission manufacturers,has recognized a trend for small premium-class vehicles and has undertaken a conceptual study involving fronttransverse powershift transmissions
1.1 Global market situation
Currently,almost 80%of all passenger cars and light commercial vehicles less than 6 tons manufactured worldwide have a front-transverse design(see Fig.1).In view of the steady increase in production figures,it is expected that this percentage will increase over the next years,since there is a preference for compact vehicles,particularly in emerging markets.Fig.2 presents a global breakdown for various types of transmissions.The quantities for all transmission types shown will continue to increase during the 2008 to 2015 period.Manual transmissions and planetary transmissions continue to dominate the market.From a regional point of view,it can be seen that at least presently,CVTs are a niche phenomenon on Asian markets while dual clutch transmissions are a niche phenomenon on European markets.A detailed examination of the development of the vehicle production for passenger cars and LCV's in China for different types of drivetrain installation can be seen in Fig.3.With a total production volume of 15,8 mill vehicles in 2010 and a forecast of 23,2 mill in 2015 China is the largest producer of PC and LCV worldwide well ahead of EU,US and Japan.Showing an increase of 7,4 mill units in the next five years,additionally China is the fastest growing production base in the world.The production of FWD vehicles with transverse engine mount is expected to increase strongly starting from approx.11 mill units in 2010 to more than 17 mill vehicles in 2015.
图1 全球各种发动机驱动形式车辆的产量Fig.1 Production volume of various types of engine assemblies on a global scale
图2 全球范围轿车和小于6吨轻型商用车变速器分类Fig.2 Breakdown of transmissions for cars and LCV<6 tons,worldwide
The driver behind this increase is the continuous success of foreign OEM‘s who are expanding their production capacities in China as well as the significant growth of local OEM's which already could be observed during the last couple of years and which will certainly continue in the future.
In contrast to that the absolute quantities for standard drives which traditionally have a high percentage of automation will increase only slightly during the period from 2010 until 2015.
All other drivetrain configurations only contribute marginal to the total vehicle production volume in China.
Fig.4 shows that manual transmissions will predominate in the Chinese market also in 2015,same as in 2 0 0 9.But the variety of transmission designs is growing and the absolute figures with respect to automation,particularly in FWD vehicles,have an interesting order magnitude.Starting in 2013,vehicles will also be offered with electric drives,which will initially secure a small share of the total market in 2015.
◦ 降低油耗和排放
◦ 有竞争力的生产成本
◦ 满足安装空间的要求
◦ 混合动力的可能性
◦ 先进的驾驶性能
◦ 高舒适性
图3 中国轿车和轻型商用车变速器总产量Fig.3 Absolute production numbers of passenger cars and LCV in China by engine mount
图4 中国2010到2015年间变速器分类Fig.4 Breakdown of the transmission figures in China for 2010 and 2015
◦ 现代化的常规变矩器行星齿轮变速器
In total the quota of automatic transmissions including AT's,CVT's,DCT's and AMT's will increase from 31%to 38%.With this development of the installation rate of automatic transmission solutions the absolute numbers in China will raise from 5 mill in 2010 to approx.9 mill in 2015.This makes China the second largest automatic transmission market in the world following the US.Frontwheel transverse driveline will account for almost 7 mill units of this huge automatic transmission demand in China in 2015.Although planetary AT's will remain the dominating technology with even increasing market shares,also DCT are expected to gain an increasing portion of the market.For this reason,the question should be asked what type of transmission is ideally suited for front-wheel drives in China.
The following criteria were specified as development goals:
◦ Reduced fuel consumption and emissions
◦ Competitive production costs
◦ Meet the requirements in terms of installation space
◦ Hybrid capability
◦ Advanced driving dynamics
◦ High comfort
2 Concept study
One of the objectives under the scope of this concept study is to find an ideal transmission design,totally unbiased.
2.1 Designs that were investigated
The transmission designs already in use in today's vehicles,can be subdivided into stepped and continuously variable transmissions.Planetary transmissions and spur-gear drives with a countershaft design as well as hybrid forms that arederived therefrom ,are considered as stepped transmis sions.Continuously variable transmissions have significantly more variants,however,in that the pow-
◦ 带综合起步功能的行星齿轮变速器
◦ 带独立起步离合器的行星齿轮变速器
◦ 带动力换档功能的各种多轴式变速器
◦ 现代化的双离合器变速器
图5 8HP-FQ行星排示意图和换档表Fig.5 8HP-FQ gearset schematic and shifting table
2.3.1 湿式双离合器变速器(N-DKG)
采用多片式离合器的双离合器通过液压活塞动作。er transfer can be in the form of mechanical,electrical,or hydraulic means.Within the scope of the study,it w as determined,that continuously variable transmissions will no longer be pursued.The reasons for this are particularly the large amount of required installation space,too low efficiency,or the considerably higher costs of such systems.The following categories of transmissions were selected to be investigated in this study.
◦ State-of-the-art conventional torque converter planetary transmissions
◦ Planetary transmissions with integrated starting functionality
◦ Planetary transmissions with a separate starting clutch
◦ Variants of countershaft transmissions with full power shift capability
◦ State-of-the-art dual clutch transmissions
◦ Non-conventional hybrid forms
2.2 Planetary transmission
6-speed planetary transmissions with three gearsets and five shift elements and one hydro-dynamic torque converter as starting element are the state-of-the-art.
An extensive search for other planetary transmissions,particularly those with a higher number of gears,was done within the scope of this study.Fig.5 shows one of the preferred planetary transmissions[1].This is based upon the basic idea of selecting a gearset that is suitable for the ZF 8HP standard drive[2].By changing internal connec tions,it is now possible to radially arrange two planetary gearsets.In this way,the achievable axi-al installation length corresponds to a transmission that has only three planetary gearsets.
表1 开发的行星齿轮变速器结构特点Table 1 Applied configurations of the developed planetarytransmissions
2.3.2 干式双离合器变速器(T-DKG)
◦ 电机控制的干式双离合器和换档机构
2.3.3 “湿式”双离合器变速器(F-DKG)
◦ 电机控制的油冷双离合器和换档机构
2.4.1 平行轴式行星齿轮变速器
Table 1 is an overview of the various selected configurations for w orking out the constructive designs of planetary transmissions.The first variant uses a conventional torque converter as the starting element.The second variant either has a shift element in the form of an integrated starting element,or a primary oil-cooled starting clutch.
The series of ratios and transmission spacing for each selected gearset was in order to find an optimal compromise in terms of fuel consumption and dynamics.
Based upon current knowledge,the hydraulics were also optimized.Among the pumps in-vestigated w as a conventional internal gear pump on the torque converter impeller hub as well as an axially offset vane cell pump,w here it was found that the vane cell pump has significant advantages in terms of installation space and efficiency.
2.3 Dual clutch transmissions
In dual clutch transmissions,both the dual clutch as well as the gearshift play an important part in determining w hether the transmission is suitable.The following variants were examined in detail.
2.3.1 Wet dual clutch transmission(N-DKG)
◦ Hydraulic actuation of oil-cooled dual clutch and shift system.
The dual clutch as two multidiscclutches is actuated by means of hydraulic pistons.
The conventional hydraulic control,in that it was attempted to find an optimal solution in terms of leakage,installation space,and costs.The types of pumps investigated were an internal gear pump and a vane cell pump,that were each driven with a chain and arranged directly on the control unit.The actuation of the synchronizer for gear selection is performed by means of conventional selector rods which are moved by hydraulic.
2.3.2 Dry dual clutch transmission(T-DKG)
◦ Electromotive actuation of the dry dual clutch and shift system
Using servomotors for actuation,it is possible to accomplish additional improvements in common systems for dual clutch transmissions in terms of fuel consumption.
2.4.2 行星齿轮式双离合器变速器
图6 7档双离合器变速器的结构示意图和换档表Fig.6 Gearset schematic and shifting table for a 7-speed dual clutch transmission
图7 平行轴式行星齿轮变速器结构示意图和换档表Fig.7 Gearset schematic and shifting table of the axially parallel planetary transmission
The dry friction discs of the dual clutch only have minimal drag torques.Cooling and lubrication of the gearset was realized by means of splash lu-brication.Only tw o electrical actuators actuate all sliding collars of the gearset.Two additional actua tors operate the dual clutches by means of classic release bearings.
图8 行星齿轮双离合器变速器结构示意图及换档表Fig.8 Gearset schematic and shifting table of a planetary dual clutch transmission
2.3.3 "Moist"dual clutch transmission(F-DKG)
◦ Electromotive actuation of the oil-cooled dual clutch and shift mechanismThis system is a combination of the actuation of the T-DKG with an oil-cooled multidisk clutch similar to the N-DKG,but that is actuated the same as the dry dual clutch,using release bearings and diaphragm springs.
A Gerotor low-pressure pump is used for cooling the dual clutch.The actuation of the gear-shift system and the dual clutch is identical to that of the T-DKG.
For the selected application,it was attempted to find gearsets for dual clutch transmissions from six to nine gears and transmission spacing betw een 7.0 and 7.5.The 7-speed gearset show n in Fig.6 was found to be extremely suitable for the general conditions required.
Itcomes with four synchronizers, seven gearsand multiple use of the drive shaft.The first gear is designed as a winding path gear,which requires a simpler construction with respect to gears,and thus also means reduced weight,costs and bearing losses.
图9 油耗和行驶动力性比较Fig.9 Comparison between fuel consumption and driving dynamics
正如所预期的那样,干式双离合器变速器的油耗最低。湿式双离合器变速器也具有相当低的油耗,尽管增加了部分牵引损失。值得注意的是液力变矩器行星齿轮变速器(8HP-FQ)与它们的差距很小。 这是由于极小的牵引损失所致,因为开启的换档元件数量很少。另外,在最近的调查中发现,并不能忽略双离合器变速器在轴承和同步器中的损失。集成了起步功能的行星齿轮变速器(8HPFQ)由于将换档元件用作为起步元件使得尺寸较大而稍有缺陷。这导致牵引转矩明显增加。
图10是相对成本的比较。配备集成起步功能的行星齿轮变速器(8P-FQ)达到100%的标准。配备液力变矩器的行星齿轮变速器(8HP-FQ)增加了约2%的成本。配备电动执行机构的干式双离合器变速器(T-DKD)约增加了6%的成本。湿式双离合器变速器(F-DKG和N-DKG)约增加了 11%到19%的成本,而行星齿轮双离合器变速器的成本的增加超过了25%。
2.4 Hybrid forms
2.4.1 Axially parallel planetary transmission
The axially parallel planetary transmission is developed by subdividing a conventional plane-tary transmission across several parallel shafts,whereby the shaft couplings used previously are replaced by spur gears.Advantages can be gained in terms of installation length.
The gearset which is an example of an axially parallel planetary transmission with eight gears is shown in Fig.7.This consists only of two planetary gearsets that are arranged on two shafts parallel to the drive shaft.The torque converter and the hydraulic controlunit were incorporated unchanged.
2.4.2 Planetary dual clutch transmission
If the sub-transmission components,which normally consist of spur gears,are replaced by planetary transmissions in a conventionaldual clutch transmission,this will create a planetary dual clutch transmission(see Fig.8).This change in the transmission design was ex-pected to result in a smaller physical size,as well as lower costs.
The search revealed,however,that useful sub-transmission components are available only up to a maximum number of seven gears.The actuation of the sub-transmission components is sometimes also very complex.
The selection of clutches and their actuation can be done again in the same manner as in the conventionally designed dualclutch transmissions shown above.
3 Results
The transmission designs presented in the preceding section were designed for 280 Nm torque by means of 3D CAD.In order to be able to use it for the determination of costs and the installation space,the design also included the housing and necessary attachment parts in addition to the power-transfer elements,such as the starting element,gearset,and the output drive.determine the respective efficiency.
图10 变速器相对成本比较Fig.10 Relative cost comparison of the transmission designs worked out
3.1 Studies with respect to installation space
In a first step,the smallest common denominator of the relevant installation space in B-Segment vehicles was determined.This space was then used to assess all created transmission designs and evaluate them for potential adaptation.
3.2 Fuel consumption and performance
The engineering concepts ofthe different transmissions were also used to precisely calculate the specific losses of individual components and to
On this basis,simulations of fuel consumption and dynamics were performed for various ve-hicles and engine systems.Fig.9 illustrates the results for a B Segment vehicle with an 85 kW gasoline engine.The abscissa represents the difference in time for the acceleration from start to 100 km/h.The ordinate represents a relative comparison for fuel consumption in the New European Driving Cycle(NEDC).A state-of-the-art 6-speed automatic transmission for front-transverse configuration serves as the basis for this comparison.
As was to be expected,the dry dual clutch transmission(T-DKG)was found to be the system with the lowest fuel consumption.The moist dual clutch transmission(F-DKG)also had very low fuel consumption,despite increased drag losses.Noteworthy is the small distance of the torque converter planetary transmission(8HP-FQ),how ever.
This is due to the very small drag losses,because of the small number of open shift ele-ments.In addition,under close examination,it is also apparent that also dual clutch trans-missions have drag losses in bearings and synchronizers that cannot be ignored.The plane-tary transmission with integrated start function(8P-FQ)has a slight disadvantage in that it has a larger sized shift element that also serves for start up.This results in a marked increase of the drag torque.
The differences in startup characteristics are primarily the result of the necessary adaptation on the starting torque ratio to the various spreads and the different moments of inertia.Transmissions with a hydrodynamic torque converter are best,due to the torque multiplica-tion.
3.3 System costs
Despite focusing mainly on fuel consumption,ultimately the system costs are decisive with respect to market acceptance.In order to make a fair cost comparison which can be applied to future circumstances,the following premises were established:
◦ Taking into account all facts with regard to specific systems
◦ One vehicle application based upon an annual quantity of 200,000 transmissions
◦ Location of production facility:Germany
◦ New investment in manufacturing,assembly and testing,without taking existing facilities into consideration
◦ The apportionment of investments,development expenses,and nonrecurring costs over aperiod of five years
Fig.10 represents the result of the relative cost comparison.The planetary transmission with integrated startup function(8P-FQ)w as standardized 100%.The planetary transmission with torque converter(8HP-FQ)with additional costs of approximately 2%,is only marginally more expensive.The dry dual clutch transmission with electrical actuation(T-DKD)has an additional cost of approximately 6%.The moist and the wet dual clutch transmission(F-DKG and N-DKG)are approximately 11%or 19%more expensive,and the planetary dual clutch transmission is over 25%more expensive.
3.4 Hybrid capability
Right from the start,all transmissions were designed for hybrid suitability,and here it was evident that the dual clutch transmissions,in particular,are problematic in terms of placing the electrical engine.If the electrical engine is arranged between the combustion engine and the transmission,its entire length must be added to the length of the transmission,which creates problems in terms of installation space.But even if placed next to the transmission and connecting it to one of the two sub-transmissions as an alternative arrangement,the fact that it operates with only one sub-transmission is also extremely problematic.
Transmissions with torque converters,which can be replaced with an electric engine almost irrespective of the availableinstallation space,have advantages.
4 Summary
Based upon this study,it can be said that dual clutch transmissions and planetary transmis-sions with torque converters are basically suitable for use in vehicles with transverse drive systems,now and in the future.In terms of installation space and particularly with respect to costs,planetary transmissions have distinct advantages compared with dual clutch transmis-sions,however.With respect to fuel consumption,they have only minor drawbacks when compared with electrically actuated dual clutch transmissions,which,however,are compensated by the starting dynamics due to the torque multiplication of the torque converter.
So if we finally count the facts,the planetary transmissions are the better choice for front-transverse applications.
5 Bibliography
[1]DE 10 2005 014 592 A1 M ehrstufengetriebe[multistage transmissions]
[2]DE 10 2005 002 337 A1 M ehrstufengetriebe[multistage transmissions]