(上海外国语大学英语学院,上海 200083)
《上海市国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要(2011—2015年)》(以下简称《纲要》)英语稿The Twelfth “Five-year” Plan of National Economy and Social Development of Shanghai Municipality (2011—2015)日前完稿,即将问世。
《纲要》由16章组成,它们分别是:第一章,加快转型的历史选择(Chapter One The Historic Choice of Speeding up the Transformation of Deve- lopment Mode);第二章,未来五年的发展蓝图(Chapter Two The Developmental Blueprint for the Next Five Years);第三章,迈向“四个中心”(Chapter Three Marching towards “Four Centers”);第四章,构建服务经济时代的产业体系(Chapter Four Developing the Industrial System of the Service Economy Era);第五章,建设充满活力的创新型城市(Chapter Five Building a Dynamic and Innovative City);第六章,构筑城乡协调的发展格局(Chapter Six Achieving Balanced and Coordinated Urban and Rural Development);第七章,创建面向未来的智慧城市(Chapter Seven Building a Future-oriented Smart City);第八章,建设管理一流的现代都市(Chapter Eight Building a Modern Metropolis with First-class Administration);第九章,营造生态宜居的绿色家园(Chapter Nine The Cultivation of an Eco-friendly and Green Living Environment);第十章,创造安居乐业的人民生活(Chapter Ten Raising People’s Living Standards to Ensure That They Live and Work in Peace and Contentment);第十一章,促进和谐有序的社会管理(Chapter Eleven Promoting the Orderly Management of Harmonious Society);第十二章,塑造时尚魅力的国际文化大都市(Chapter Twelve Building a Fashionable and Charming International Cultural Metropolis);第十三章,建设创新开放的新浦东(Chapter Thirteen Building an Innovative and Open New Pudong);第十四章,争当改革攻坚的排头兵(Chapter Fourteen Striving to Be the Avant-garde of Reform);第十五章,形成海纳百川的开放格局(Chapter Fifteen Developing an Open and Embracive Development Model);第十六章,行动纲领的实施保障(Chapter Sixteen Guara- ntee for Plan Implementation)。
例1 原文:“十二五”期间,要高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观。(第二章第一节)
译文:During the Twelfth “Five-year” Plan period, Shanghai Municipality shall uphold the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of the “Three Represents” Theory as its guideline, and further implement the Scientific Concept of Deve- lopment.
例1中的“邓小平理论”、“‘三个代表’重要思想”、“科学发展观”都是当前中国改革开放的理论基础和指导思想,已有固定的英语翻译。它们分别为“Deng Xiaoping Theory”,“the important thought of ‘the Three Represents’ Theory”和“the Scientific Concept of Development”。特别要注意的是,“三个代表”不要译成the“Three Representatives”,而是译成the“Three Represents”,因为这里的“代表”是由3个句子中的用作动词的“代表”提取出来的,所以用英语的动词“represent”,而不是名词“representatives”。在翻译这类具有浓烈中国特色的名词、词组、句子时的一个大忌就是苦思冥想,来一个“创造性叛逆”,应该采取的方法是尽可能使用已有的官方译文。
在《纲要》中,还有不少是上海特色的政治、经济、文化的语言,根据不同的情况需做不同的 处理。
例2 原文:在对于在新的起点上推动科学发展、加快实现“四个率先”、加快建设“四个中心”和社会主义现代化国际大都市,具有十分重要的意义。(引言部分)
译文:It is of tremendous significance for the promotion of scientific development from a fresh starting point, the acceleration of the realization of the “Four Initiatives,” and the speeding up of the construction of the “Four Centres” and a modernized socialist cosmopolis.
例3 原文:着力打造东西轴线、黄浦江和中环三条具有国际影响力的现代服务业集聚带。(第四章第五节)
译文:Three modern service cluster belts with international influence shall be built along its east-west axis, the Huangpu River and the Middle Ring Road.
例2中的“四个率先”和“四个中心”是上海今后一段时期发展的目标,可以直接译为“Four Initiatives”,和“Four Centres”;例3中“东西轴线、黄浦江和中环(的)……现代服务业集聚带”英语中用一个介词along连接,整个短语译成three modern service cluster belts…along its east-west axis,the Huangpu River and the Middle Ring Road。在翻译地方色彩的名词、词组、句子的基本原则与翻译中国特色的名词、词组、句子的原则相似,若还有现存的译文,有时则可以根据原文的意义,作一定的翻译技巧处理。
例4 原文:城市和农村居民家庭人均可支配收入年均增长率分别达到11.3%和10.5%。(第一章第一节)
译文:The growth rates of the average disposable incomes of both urban and rural residents have reached 11.3% and 10.5% respectively.
例5 原文:研究设立免税商品购物区(店),发展一批国际品牌和国货精品店。(第三章第三节)
译文:The city shall conduct researches and establish duty-free shopping zones (stores), and develop a series of international brand stores and boutique stores of domestically produced commo- dities.
例6 原文:探索基层工会“公推直选”制度 和建立专业工会干部队伍,切实维护劳动者权益。加强劳动保护,注重对新成长劳动者的人文关怀。(第十章第一节)
译文:(The city shall) explore ways of imple- menting the system of “recommendation by general acclaim and direct election” in basic-level trade unions.
例7 原文:坚持“拆、改、留、修”并举,全 面实施旧区改造新机制和政策,继续推进旧区改造和旧住房综合改造。(第十章第四节)
译文:Shanghai shall adopt and implement new policies to further advance the reconstruction of old areas and houses through tearing down, transforming, preserving and repairing.
例4中的“可支配收入”一般译为“disposable incomes”,例5中的“国货精品店”可以译为“bou- tique stores of domestically produced commodities”,这两例的译文相对来说处理比较简单。但是,对于例6中的“公推直选”和例7中的“拆、改、留、修”的翻译则采用了解释性翻译处理,分别译为“recommendation by general acclaim and direct election”和“through tearing down, transforming, preserving and repairing”。从以上翻译处理中可以看到,这类情况的翻译较之中国特色、翻译地方色彩的名词、词组、句子的翻译多了一点“创作”的余地,翻译的手段可以多样化些。
例8 原文:探索完善居民区党组织、居委 会、业委会和物业服务企业“四位一体”的协调机制,加快完善住房产权和物业管理。(第十一章第 二节)
译文:Besides, the city shall try to enhance the “quaternary” negotiation mechanism between reside- ntial Party organizations, neighborhood committees, owners committees and property management compa- nies, so as to improve housing property right and property management.
例9 原文:实施“百姓健身设施工程”,公共运动场实现社区全覆盖。新建健身步道300公里。建设“一村一场”、“一镇一池”、“一街一中心”。(第十二章第七节)
译文:The city shall carry out its Citizens Fitness Facilities Development Plan, and one of its aims is that every community shall have access to public sports grounds. According to the Plan, a total of 300 kilometers of fitness trails shall be built, and “every village shall have a sports ground, a town shall have a swimming pool, and every street shall have a fitness center”.
例10 原文:依托区域资源禀赋,形成“一圈四区三带一岛”总体布局。中心城区形成集商务会展、都市观光、美食购物、休闲娱乐、文化创意为一体的都市旅游中心圈。东部形成主题游乐与会议展览旅游区,西部形成山水游憩与休闲度假旅游区,南部形成乡村度假与滨海娱乐旅游区,北部形成生态休闲与产业体验旅游区。打造黄浦江、苏州河、杭州湾北岸三条水上旅游带。打造农业体验与生态观光为一体的崇明生态休闲度假岛。(第十二章第六节)
译文:Depending on its advantageous geogra- phical resources, the city shall develop a general pattern composed of “ONE Circle, FOUR Zones, THREE Belts and ONE Island”. In the inner city, there shall form One Urban Tour Circle that provides convention and exhibition, urban sightseeing, gourmet and shopping, recreation and entertainment, culture and creative services. There will be ONE tour zone in the east of the city that offers theme entertainment and convention and exhibition services; ONE in its west that features beautiful landscape and offering recreation and leisure travel services; ONE in its south that provides vacation villages and seaside recreation facilities; and ONE in the north that offers bio-friendly and recreational experience and industrial experience. Three waterborne tourism belts will be developed along the Huangpu River, the Suzhou River and the Northern Coast of Hangzhou Bay. And Chongming Island, the ONE Island, will be developed into a bio-friendly and recreational island that offers agricultural experience and green sightseeing.
对于例8中的“四位一体”的翻译处理就简单用一个英语单词“quaternary”,其基本意思为“由四要素构成的”;对于例9中“一村一场”、“一镇一池”、“一街一中心”的翻译,采取了“挖掘隐含意义,使之显豁”的策略,译成“every village shall have a sports ground, a town shall have a swimming pool, and every street shall have a fitness center”;对于例10中的“一圈四区三带一岛”的翻译处理,则随着原文,先给一个比较笼统的译文“ONE Circle, FOUR Zones, THREE Belts and ONE Island”,而后慢慢展开,赋予具体内容。值得注意的是,译文对于某些关键的数字用大写字母,表示强调。因此,对于含有数字的原文的翻译,未必一定要一板一眼地采用与原文相同短语或句式进行翻译处理,而是应该根据实际情况采用比较灵活的翻译处理方法。
例11 原文:着力推进制度创新、科技创新、 管理创新和文化创新。(第二章第一节)
译文:So Shanghai shall endeavour to promote system innovation, science and technology innovation, management innovation and culture innovation.
例12 原文:大力发展水上旅游、邮轮旅游、购物旅游、商务旅游、会展旅游、医疗旅游、红色旅游,促进旅游与相关产业联动发展。(第十二章第 六节)
译文:The city shall make greater efforts to promote waterborne tourism, cruise tourism, shopping tourism, business tourism, MICE tourism, medical tourism and Red tourism, and achieve joint and synchronic development of tourism and other related industries.
例13 原文:建设服务全国的贸易促进和服务平台,打造集多种媒体、多领域、多语种于一体的财经信息综合服务平台。(第三章第三节)
译文:The city shall strive to construct the trade promotion and service platform serving the whole nation, and forge a multi-media, multi-field, and multi-language comprehensive business information service platform.
以上3例都是并行结构,翻译处理都是跟着原文结构亦步亦趋。例11的原文中连续用了4个“修饰语+创新”的名词短语,英语译文也用4个“修饰语+innovation”的名词短语;例12中原文连续用了6个“修饰语+旅游”的短语,英语译文也照样6个“修饰语+tourism”的结构;例13中连续用了3个“多”字作为前置修饰语,英语译文中也用3个“multi-”来做前置修饰语。一般来说,翻译处理 时也采用原文的并行结构,能够比较好地向英语 读者传达原文的语言特色,而英语读者也会欣然接受这样的译文,因为并行结构也是英语的一种修辞手段。
例14 原文:面对新机遇、新挑战,我们必须 增强机遇意识、忧患意识、使命意识和创新意识。(第一章第二节)
译文:In the situation where new opportunities and new challenges co-exist, Shanghai shall heighten its awareness of opportunities, of unexpected crisis, of mission, and of innovation.
例15 原文:加快建立有利于转变经济发展方式的体制机制,着力提高开放型经济水平、文化软实力和城市国际化程度,充分利用国际国内两个市场、两种资源,更好地服务长三角、服务长江流域、服务全国。(第二章第二节)
译文:The city shall quicken the pace of establishing institutional mechanisms favourable to the transition of the mode of economic development, raise levels of open economy, soft cultural power, and urban internationalization, and make full use of both domestic and international markets and resources, so as to better serve the Yangtze River Delta, the Yangtze River valley, and the whole country at large.
例16 原文:我国发展中长期积累的矛盾还没有根本解决,不平衡、不协调、不可持续问题依然突出,上海发展环境的不稳定、不确定因素明显增多。(第一章第二节)
译文:The contradiction long accumulated in China’s development remains fundamentally unsettled; the problems such as disproportion, incongruence, and unsustainability in development are unquestionably acute. So there are still many unstable elements in the environments and increasing uncertainties, which might constitute obstacles to the city's development.
例17 原文:积极发展农民专业合作社,扶持家庭农场和农业龙头企业,大力培育农产品品牌,促进农业生产经营专业化、标准化、规模化和集约化。推动农产品市场建设。(第四章第四节)
译文:…actively develop farmer cooperatives, cultivate household farms and agricultural captains, and foster agricultural brands to promote specialized, standard, scale and intensive agricultural operations. The city shall also promote the development of its agricultural market.
例18 原文:推进人性化服务、网格化覆盖、智能化应用、精细化管理,努力形成整洁、有序、高效、安全的城市现代化管理格局。(第八章引言部分)
译文:The city shall try to develop law-based long-acting mechanisms of administration, promote and strengthen humanistic services, grid coverage, IT-based applications and lean management, in order to build up a modern urban administration system that is clean, orderly, efficient and safe.
以上3例中虽然中文原文都有并行结构,但在英语翻译处理中却没有采用并行结构。在例16中有5个表示否定意义的“不”字,但在英语译文中却分别连续用了3个名词:disproportion, incongruence, and unsustainability,接着又用一个形容词unstable和一个名词uncertainties。这样的翻译处理隐没了原文的并行结构,而是靠英语词汇来转达原文中隐含在并行结构中的意义,是一种翻译处理手段,但不是一个翻译并行结构原文的一个最有效的手段。
例19 原文:重点发展纯电动和混合动力等新能源汽车,着力突破电池、电机、电控等关键核心技术,继续开展燃料电池汽车技术研发和标准制定。(第四章第二节)
译文:The city shall put emphasis on alternative-energy automobiles such as pure electric and hybrid motor vehicles, aiming at breakthroughs in key and core technologies such as fuel cells, electric motor, electronic control, and stay committed to technological and standard establishment for fuel cell automobiles.
例20 原文:增强自主设计能力,大力发展液化天然气船、科学考察船等高技术船舶及其关键系统和配套设备,形成一批具有国际竞争力的自主品牌船型。(第四章第三节)
译文:Efforts shall also be made to strengthen its independent designing capability and boost the development of high-tech vessels such as LNG-powered ships and science research ships and their key systems and supporting equipment, building up a number of proprietary ship brands with international competitiveness.
例21 原文:实施信息化无障碍工程,缩小不同人群和区域之间的“数字差距”。(第七章第三节)
译文:Barrier-free ICT access shall be provided to narrow down the digital divide between different groups and areas.
以上3例中都涉及专业名词问题,它们的译文没有任何可以创作的余地,只能按照“一对一”的对应专业的英语名词来进行翻译。比如,例19中的原文“(燃料)电池、电机、电控”译成对应的英语专业名词“fuel cells, electric motor, electronic control”,例20中的原文“液化天然气船”译成对应的英语 专业名词“LNG-powered ships”,例21中的原文 “数字差距”译成对应的英语专业名词“digital divide”,等。遇到这一类的专业名词,只能老老实实,不能外行装内行,应仔细寻查对应词,否则就会犯错。
例22 原文:坚持以人为本、全面协调可持续发展,(第二章第一节)
译文:…to the fundamental principle of the interests of the common people. The city shall also stick to the path of overall coordinated sustainable development,
例23 原文:必须更加注重以人为本的社会建设和管理。(第二章第一节)
译文:The people-oriented social construction and management must be more stressed.
例24 原文:根据上述指导思想和基本要求,要进一步明确发展导向,推动发展理念向以人为本转变,推动发展动力向创新驱动转变,推动产业结构向服务经济转变,推动生产生活向绿色低碳转变,推动发展布局向城乡一体转变,推动开放格局向内外并重转变,努力实现经济发展方式的率先转变。(第二章第一节)
译文:In light of the aforesaid guidelines and basic requirements, Shanghai shall further nail down the direction for its development, and push forward the shift of development concept toward the people’s livelihood, the shift of motive force of development toward innovation-driven development, the shift of industrial structure toward serving economy, the shift of production and living toward the low-carbon ways of life, the shift of development layout toward urban and rural integration, and the shift of the mode of opening-up toward equal stress on both internal and external markets. By so doing, Shanghai shall endeavor to realize the initiative transformation of the mode of economic development.
例25 原文:坚持以人为本、管建并举、管理为重、安全为先,积极推广世博城市管理经验,加强依法和长效管理,推进人性化服务、网格化覆盖、智能化应用、精细化管理,努力形成整洁、有序、高效、安全的城市现代化管理格局。(第八章引言)
译文:According to the principle of holding the people’s well-being first, attaching equal importance to construction and development, focusing on manage- ment and safety, and on the basis of the expertise and experience accumulated during Expo 2010, the city shall try to develop law-based long-acting mecha- nisms of administration, promote and strengthen humanistic services, grid coverage, IT-based applica- tions and lean management, in order to build up a modern urban administration system that is clean, orderly, efficient and safe.
以上4个例子中的中文原文都含有同一的短语“以人为本”,但它们的译文却各不相同。例22中译成“the fundamental principle of the interests of the common people”,例23中译成“the people-oriented”,例24中译成“the people’s livelihood”,而在例25中则译成“holding the people’s well-being first”。以上译文告诉我们,在很多情况下,翻译不是机械的,出色的翻译离不开对应上下文的语境,同样一个词、一个短语、一个句式,在不同的语境中,就应该做不同的翻译处理。
例26 原文:保持城市面貌文明整洁。(第八 章第三节)
译文:Maintaining a Clean and Civilized Urban Environment
例27 原文:增强应急救援保障能力。(第八 章第五节)
译文:Enhancing support for emergency rescue and relief.
例28 原文:维护社会安全稳定。(第十一章 第四节)
译文:Maintaining Social Security and Stability.
例29 原文:按照弘扬主旋律、提倡多样化的要求,鼓励创作更多思想性、艺术性、观赏性相统一的精品力作,努力成为优秀文艺作品的发源地。(第十二章第二节)
译文:In accordance with the requirement for advocating the “Main Melody”, or mainstream culture, and promote cultural diversity at the same time, Shanghai shall provide incentives for creating masterpieces of ideological profundity, high artistic and aesthetic quality and entertaining value, and therefore make itself a provenance or cradle of excellent arts.
以上4个例子中的英语译文都借用了头韵的修辞格手段。具体来说,例26中英语译文的两个形容词“Clean and Civilized”,例27中英语译文的两个名词“rescue and relief”,例28的英语译文中一个名词词组“Social Security and Stability”以及例29中的一个名词短语“Main Melody”等,都是运用头韵的实例。笔者认为,学好英语,运用好英语,单单学习语法是远远不够的,我们还应该学习修辞,掌握了一些基本修辞手段,可以使英语写作、英语翻译更加生动、优雅,更加出彩。
Some Rendering Methods Adopted in Translating—“-”
Shi Zhikang
Based on the English translation of(2011—2015), the paper deals with different rendering methods adopted according to various features of the original text in the translating process, with focus on the rendering of the nouns with Chinese characteristics, of paralleled words, sentences and patterns and of other sorts of peculiar words and expressions.
史志康(1957-),男,教授。研究方向:英美文学,翻译。E-mail: s_zhikang@yahoo.com.cn