- 第43 卷第6 期英文摘要
High-Precise Measurement and Intelligence Evaluation of Engineering Dynamic SignalSHEN Song,LIU Jinming,YAN Ming,WANG Zhimin(China Orient Institute of Noise and Vibration Beijing, 100085, China)AbstractFor precise calculation in e
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America’s “Double Containment”of China and Russia: Changes and EnlightenmentBy Zhang Wenzong, Wang JingyuanIn the wake of the Ukraine crisis, the US and its key allies have imposed massive financial sanctions, trade restrictions,
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- Stem cell-based 3D brain organoids for mimicking,investigating,and challenging Alzheimer’s diseases
lding.参考译文:The Chinese have the custom/habit of eating yuanxiao(sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour)and watching festivelanternson thefifteenth eveningof thefirst lunar month.In a more holistic approach,to better model AD
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By Trans. by (符白羽)【1】A dozen years ago, the publication ofTheComplete Works of Zeng Guofanand literary works with Zeng as the protagonist immediately sparked a nationwide interest in a man who once changed the course of Chinese h
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The Post-COVID-19 Situation of the World and China’s ResponseBy Gao Fei and Wang DongThe year of 2020 witnessed a “great pandemic unseen in a century”breaking out globally and spreading continuously,which has posed not only a huge
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- Politics and the English Language
栏目不再刊登中文译文,读者们可自行从网站上搜索相关译文进行学习参考。学习任务1. Explain the contextual meaning of the following words and expressions (highlighted in blue) in English.(1) decadent, collapse (Para. 1)(2) indefinitely, slovenliness, reversible, frivolous
英语学习 2020年2期2020-04-21
- Politics and the English Language
栏目不再刊登中文译文,读者们可自行从网站上搜索相关译文进行学习参考。学习任务1. Explain the contextual meaning of the following words and expressions (highlighted in blue) in English.(1) decadent, collapse (Para. 1)(2) indefinitely, slovenliness, reversible, frivolous
英语学习·教师版 2020年2期2020-03-02
- 译文摘要
SpatialandtemporaldistributiondifferencesofgreenefficiencyinutilizationofwaterresourcesinChina/ZHANG Hengquan1, CAI Xiaoying1, HUANG Yuanlong1, ZHANG Chenjun2(1.Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China; 2.School of
水利经济 2020年3期2020-02-22
- 观书有感(其一)
作文评点报·低幼版 2019年40期2019-11-15
- Subtitle Translation in The Flowers of War from the Perspective of Multimodal Discourse Analysis
:原文:走丢了?译文:separated? 原文:长成这样?译文:He is gram.All these sentences can demonstrate the differences in expression level.2.2 Content levelThe text level includes the meaning of the language what characters said and also the format leve
校园英语·月末 2019年7期2019-10-21
- Subcutaneous sarcoidosis of the upper and lower extremities:A case report and review of the literature
着走”意思相近,译文用sidestep来表达,没有重复,读起来流畅而地道。History of past illnessA past medical history of arthritis and recurrent nephrolithiasis.Personal and family historyShe denied any family history of soft tissue masses or autoimmune disorders.P
World Journal of Clinical Cases 2019年17期2019-03-14
- 【汉译英参考译文】Reflections Before the Buddha (Excerpt)
By Trans.by (韩子满)【1】Read a Chinese history book, and you will find something interesting, i.e., Buddhism seems to have always come along with poetry.Which came earlier, or whether they prospered one after another, no one knows.Bu
英语世界 2018年10期2018-11-28
- 【汉译英一等奖译文】Meditation Before the Image of Buddha (Excerpt)
By Trans.by (王骁)【1】It is interesting to notice that in Chinese history Buddhism seems always concomitant with poetry.The order of their appearance is nowhere to know, or they both shine, adding radiance to each other.It appears t
英语世界 2018年10期2018-11-28
- 弟子规
小天使·二年级语数英综合 2018年7期2018-09-11
- 弟子规
塞sè通tōnɡ译文:不bù妨fánɡ把bǎ学xué习xí的de时shí间jiān安ān排pái宽kuān松sōnɡ一yì些xiē,但dàn又yòu要yào抓zhuā紧jǐn用yònɡ功ɡōnɡ,只zhǐ要yào功ɡōnɡ夫fu下xià到dào了le,不bù懂dǒnɡ的de地dì方fɑng自zì然rán就jiù通tōnɡ达dá明mínɡ白bái了le。心xīn有yǒu疑yí 隨suí札zhá记jì就jiù人rén问wèn 求qiú确què艺yì译文:求qi
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小天使·二年级语数英综合 2018年5期2018-06-29
- 弟子规
小天使·二年级语数英综合 2018年4期2018-06-29
- 弟子规
道dào亏kuī译文:事shì情qing即jí使shǐ很hěn小xiǎo,也yě不bú要yào擅shàn自zì做zuò主zhǔ,由yóu着zhe自zì己jǐ的de性xìnɡ子zi乱luàn干ɡàn;假jiǎ如rú任rèn意yì而ér为wéi,就jiù不bù符fú合hé为wéi人rén子zǐ女nǚ的de本běn分fèn。冬dōnɡ则zé温wēn 夏xià则zé凊qìng晨chén则zé省xǐnɡ 昏hūn则zé定dìnɡ譯文:为wéi人rén子zǐ女nǚ,冬
小天使·二年级语数英综合 2018年6期2018-06-29
- The Special Gift
胡译文Not too long ago,I just celebrated my eleven-year-old birthday. I had a great time on that day. I received lots of gifts. All of them were my favourite,such as a lovely bag,storybooks and delicious snacks. But my father gave me
阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2018年5期2018-05-30
- On Home
ai【汉译英参考译文】【1】Of all social organizations, family is the most natural one. It is the principal bond that links man with the earth and with the source of life. To have a good partner, build a good nest and raise the young while nur
英语世界 2017年10期2018-01-04
- 弟子规
莫mò说shuō译文:发fā現xiàn别bié人rén有yǒu短duǎn处chù,不bú要yào随suí便biàn去qù揭jiē发fā;知zhī道dào别bié人rén有yǒu隐yǐn私sī,也yě不bú要yào到dào处chù宣xuān扬yánɡ乱luàn说shuō。将jiānɡ加jiā人rén 先xiān问wèn己jǐ己jǐ不bú欲yù 即jí速sù己jǐ译文:打dǎ算suàn让rànɡ别bié人rén做zuò的de事shì,要yào先xiān问wèn
小天使·二年级语数英综合 2017年12期2017-12-05
- 弟子规
小天使·二年级语数英综合 2017年6期2017-06-06
- 弟子规
小天使·二年级语数英综合 2017年5期2017-05-27
- 渔歌子
小学阅读指南·低年级版 2017年4期2017-04-24
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小学阅读指南·低年级版 2017年4期2017-04-24
- 春雪
小学阅读指南·低年级版 2017年4期2017-04-24
- 弟子规
小天使·二年级语数英综合 2017年3期2017-04-01
- 柳树
小学阅读指南·低年级版 2017年1期2017-03-13
- 竺彩华文章英译文
I.The Role Played by the Belt and Road Initiative in Re-Balancing the World EconomyA.The Effects of the Global Infrastructural Interconnection and IntercommunicationFor a long time, the vicious circle between the lagging of infras
和平与发展 2017年5期2017-03-07
- 葛汉文、林佳萱文章英译文
T he Korean Peninsula has long been the major battleground for geopolitical contention in Northeast Asia, with the emergence of successive regimes basically controlling parts or the whole of the Peninsula in the history of the Kor
和平与发展 2017年5期2017-03-07
- 本期主题:思乡
小学阅读指南·低年级版 2016年11期2017-02-06
- 弟子规
īn伤shānɡ译文:即jí使shǐ是shì很hěn小xiǎo的de物wù品pǐn,也yě不bú要yào偷tōu偷tōu地de私sī藏cánɡ起qi来lɑi,占zhàn为wéi己jǐ有yǒu。被bèi父fù母mǔ知zhī道dào了le,他tā们men一yí定dìnɡ会huì伤shānɡ心xīn难nán过ɡuò。亲qīn所suǒ好hào 力lì为wèi具jù亲qīn所suǒ恶wù 谨jǐn为wèi去qù译文:父fù母mǔ所suǒ喜xǐ欢huɑn的de,我wǒ
小天使·二年级语数英综合 2016年11期2016-12-12
- 弟子规
小天使·二年级语数英综合 2016年9期2016-05-14
- 妙解千字文
才 良。【译文】女nǚ人rén最zuì重zhònɡ要yào的de是shì保bǎo持chí贞zhēn洁jié和hé纯chún洁jié,男nán人rén则zé应yīnɡ该ɡāi效xiào法fǎ才cái德dé兼jiān备bèi的de贤xián人rén。知zhī道dào自zì己jǐ的de过ɡuò错cuò一yí定dìnɡ要yào改ɡǎi正zhènɡ,学xué到dào了le知zhī识shi技jì能nénɡ就jiù要yào经jīnɡ常chánɡ温wēn习xí以yǐ
作文评点报·低幼版 2015年45期2015-05-30
- 英语动物词汇的功能和用法
e water.译文他一个猛子潜入水底。例6 The path snakes through the valley.译文山道蜿蜒穿过峡谷。例7 Those who fish for fame and honors will end up nowhere.译文沽名钓誉的人最后将一无所获。例8 Parroting a theory is a far cry from what the practice requires.译文照搬一种理论决不等于就是实践。例9
上海理工大学学报(社会科学版) 2014年2期2014-04-04