(1.中国石油大学 地球科学学院,北京 102249;2.中国石化 石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083;3.中国石油大学石油工程学院,山东青岛 266555;4.中国石油 新疆油田公司,新疆 克拉玛依 834000)
(1.中国石油大学 地球科学学院,北京 102249;2.中国石化 石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083;3.中国石油大学石油工程学院,山东青岛 266555;4.中国石油 新疆油田公司,新疆 克拉玛依 834000)
图1表示油藏内部水平井注采井网布置,其中包含m口水平生产井(P1,P1,…,Pm)、n口水平注水井(I1,I2,…,In)、一口加密井 Pnew。模型假设油藏顶底边界封闭,四周为无限大。水平井水平段长度均相等,将每口井水平段等分为N段。
图1 井网条件下油水井分布Fig.1 Injection/production well arrangement under pattern condition
胜利油田某油藏是一个以水平井为主开发的层状油藏。目前存在井网偏稀及部分区域注采井点配置不合理、井网不完善等问题。将该油藏西北部某注采单元实际参数(油藏埋深为3 608 m,有效厚度为5.3 m,水平段长度为280 m,井眼半径为0.1 m,渗透率为0.208 μm2,孔隙度为17.5%,油藏压力为43 MPa,井底流体压力为40 MPa)代入半解析模型进行计算,其中 P1、P2、P3、P4为水平生产井,I1、I2为水平注水井,Pnew为新加密水平生产井。与此同时,根据相关参数建立Eclipse数值模拟模型进行产能计算,计算结果见表1,加密水平生产段沿程井底流压、沿程流量以及径向流量分布见图2、3。
表1 计算结果误差分析Table 1 Error analysis of calculation results
图2 加密井水平生产段井底流压分布Fig.2 Bottom hole flowing pressure profiles along horizontal interval of infill well
图3 加密井水平生产段沿程流量、径向流量分布Fig.3 Along-hole flux distribution and radial flux distribution of infill well
图4 油井产量随水井注入量变化关系曲线Fig.4 Variation of oil well production with water well injection rate
图5 油井产量随注采井距变化关系曲线Fig.5 Variatioon of oil well production with producer-injector spacing
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Productivity evaluation model for infill horizontal well in horizontal injection and production pattern
YIN Guo-feng1,XU Huai-min1,YE Shuang-jiang2,LI Yu-rong3,QIU Jian-ping4
(1.College of Geosciences,China University of Petroleum,Beijing 102249,China;2.Research Institute of Exploration and Production,SINOPEC,Beijing 100083,China;3.College of Petroleum Engineering in China University of Petroleum,Qingdao 266555,China;4.Xinjiang Oilfield Company,PetroChina,Karamay 834000,China)
Productivity evaluation for horizontal well in horizontal injection and production pattern should take the interference of other oil or water wells into account.On the basis of the mirror-image method and source-sink theory,the positive factor and negative factor of productivity were defined.A semi-analytical model of productivity evaluation for infill horizontal well in random horizontal injection and production pattern was built,in which the interference of other wells and the pressure drop caused by wall friction and fluid acceleration were taken into account.The impacts of other oil or water wells'working system and producer-injector spacing on the productivity of infill producer were quantitatively analyzed.The field application results show that the error calculated by the model is less than 15%.It is an effective method for the productivity evaluation for infill horizontal well in horizontal injection and production pattern.The productivity of the oil well increases linearly with the injection rate of water wells increasing.The optimal producer-injector spacing is 1.0-1.5 times of the horizontal well length in someone reservoir of Shengli Oilfield.
horizontal injection and production pattern;finite conductivity;infill horizontal well;productivity evaluation;semi-analytical solution
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(编辑 刘为清)