无烟环境smoke-free environment
“Only with the support of the pilot cities municipal governments and legislatures can the people there finally enjoy smoke-free environments,” he noted.他指出:“只有在试点城市政府以及法规的支持下,人们才能最终享受到无烟环境。”
结婚誓词 marriage vow
Introducing the marriage vow, the Ministry of Civil Affairs(MC)A says, is aimed at improving new couples sense of mutual responsibility and their awareness of the Marriage Law. 民政部表示,引入结婚誓词的目的是提升新人的共同责任意识和对《婚姻法》的认识。
临时医院 makeshift hospital
Aid officials in Haiti worked to clear rubble from roads, build makeshift hospitals and remove bodies from the rubble despite transportation problems and broken phone lines. 在海地交通和通信阻断的情况下,救援人员正在清除道路上的碎石瓦砾,搭建临时医院,把尸体从瓦砾中挪开。
网络攻击 cyber attack
The cyber attack, believed to be linked to a Russian gang, was aimed at Citigroups Citibank subsidiary, according to unnamed government officials.据不愿透露姓名的政府官员透露,此次网络攻击的目标是花旗集团下属的花旗银行,据称此次网络攻击与俄罗斯的一个犯罪组织有关。
试运行 trial operation
The Wuhan-Guangzhou high speed railway, which will shorten travel time from ten hours to three, will start atrial operation on December 20. 武广(武汉至广州)高速铁路将于12月20日开始试运行。线路开通后,两地间的运行时间将从十小时缩短至三小时。