世界的重庆 世界的长江——重庆旅游业的黄金时代来临

2010-12-25 07:02杨吉李静
重庆与世界 2010年9期

本刊记者 杨吉 李静

世界的重庆 世界的长江

本刊记者 杨吉 李静





立足重庆 衢通五洲






重庆国际化建设的宏伟目标无疑将极大促进重庆旅游业的进一步发展。长期以来,旅游业一直是西部大开发尤其是重庆市的战略支柱产业。2009年在金融海啸冲击之下,重庆全年共接待海内外游客1.23亿人次,同比增长21.88%, 实现旅游总收入703.23亿元,增长25.23%, 占全市GDP的10.8%。然而,目前随着重庆在全国和国际市场战略地位的再次提升,以及全市发展规划的新一轮布局,旅游业更应成为重庆经济社会发展的重要增长级和新的亮点。






世界的长江 世界的旅游城市——专访前美国国家安全事务助理、奥尔布赖特石桥集团董事长山姆·伯杰




从前美国国家安全事务助理到现在的奥尔布赖特石桥集团董事长,政治到经济身份的转换,伯杰先生的中国情缘却一直没有断过。而重庆两江新区的成立更是让他看到了与中国,与重庆合作发展的新的契机与希望。“两江新区的崛起意味着重庆将发展成为国际大都市。这一次,受维多利亚游轮号创始人毕东江先生的邀请,伯杰先生所在的ASG( 奥尔布赖特石桥)集团合作成为维多利亚游轮公司的全球商业发展战略顾问,将共同带动和提升重庆旅游业的发展,伯杰先生的中国情缘得以再次延续。











合作前景 未来的投资热土




世界的长江 世界的旅游城市









“Chongq ing is the m ost p rom ising, the best c ity to invest in!” On Sep tem be r 5 th, the fo rm e r assistan t to the Presiden t fo r Na tiona l Secu rity Affairs, Presid en t o f Alb righ t Stone G roup, Sam ue l Be rge r, high ly p raised Chongq ing when he was on “The Vic to ria Cruise”.

On Sep tem be r 4 to 6, Sam ue l visited Chongq ing to know m o re abou t the p resen t and fu tu re o f Chongq ing's soc ia l and econom ic deve lopm en t, ac com p anied b y the Presiden t o f Vic to ria Cruise Bi Dong jiang. They p lan to c rea te a wo rld tou r and business trave l destina tion tha t's com b ined w ith Chongq ing Th ree Go rges tou rism and the luxu ry Yang tze c ruise one-stop se rvices th roug h th is insp e c tion, w h ile b o rrow ing the concen tra tion o f ad van tages such as “1 Rive r 2 W ings 3O c eans”s tra teg y, the Tw o New Rive r Zone in Chongq ing to deve lop a new trave l industry cha in.

Pred ic tab ly, once the Yang tze Th ree Go rges in te rna tiona l tou rism zone and the wo rld luxu ry c ruise se rvices fo rm ed, which w ill becom e the tou rist cu ltu ra l asse ts o f Chong q ing and fu rthe r p rom o te the construc tion o f the go lden wa te rcou rse o f Yang tze Rive r, wh ich w ill fina lly becom e the in te rna tiona l to u rism, tra d e an d log is tic s a lle yw a y am ong Chongq ing, Shangha i and the Pac ific.

To p In te rv iew Yang tze Rive r o f the W o rld——In te rview w ith Sam ue l Be rger

Im p ression o f Chongqing

“I'm ve ry p leased to be in Chongq ing. I first cam e to Chongq ing m o re than 25 yea rs ago, en joyed it ve ry m uch then. Eve ry tim e I com e back, it am azes m e how m uch change the re has been, how m uch deve lopm en t, how m uch g row th, while d riving from the airpo rt to the town. I saw m o re new construc tions tha t I've eve r seen in m y who le life.” Back to Chongq ing again, M r. Be rge r still fe lt exc ited, just aboa rd the c ruise, he sa t down and began to ta lk w ith repo rte rs.

Being the fo rm e r assistan t to the Presiden t fo r Na tiona l Secu rity Affairs to the Presiden t o f Alb righ t Stone G roup, Sam ue l Be rge r's fee lings towa rd s China has neve r stop ped. The estab lishm en t o f the Two Rive rs new a rea b rough t him new op p o rtunities and hopes to coope ra te w ith Chongq ing. “The Two Rive rs new a rea p ro jec t he re is seen no t on ly in China but a ll ove r the wo rld, Chongq ing is one o f the g rea t in te rna tiona l c ities in Ch ina。This tim e M r. Be rge r was invited by the Presiden t o f Vic to ria Cruise Bi Dong jiang, Alb righ t Stone G roup w ill coope ra te w ith them to be their g loba l comm e rc ia l deve lopm en t stra teg ic ad viso r to join tly p rom o te and im p rove the deve lopm en t o f Chongq ing tou rism.

Jou rna list: W ha t is you r fee ling abou t being back in Chongq ing again?

Be rge r:It's ha rd to even com pa re Chongq ing from 1983 w ith today. It was a sm a ll c ity, now it's a g row ing c ity; peop le who a re ene rge tic, build ing g rea t fu tu re, w a tching Chongq ing g row is like wa tching a sm a ll child g row ing up.

Jou rna list: Now m any o f the m ed ias com pa re Chongq ing to the “Ch icago o f Ch ina”, w ha t do you th ink o f it?

Be rge r:Chicago is a wonde rfu l c ity, it is a lso on the w a te r, it a lso has a g rea t c ruise, stree ts w hich Chongq ing a lso does, it's a m u lticu ltu ra l c ity, peop le w ith d iffe ren t bac kg round com e toge the r live he re, and ve ry exc iting c ity and I see m any o f these sam e qua lities in Chongq ing.

The Sino-US relations have never been c loser than today

As the fo rm e r assistan t to the Presiden t fo r Na tiona l Secu rity Affairs, M r. Be rge r p layed an im po rtan t ro le in the sta tus o f Am e rica in the wo rld, espec ia lly in estab lishing re la tions w ith China, the Asian financ ia l c risis and so on. He was asked abou t the situa tion o f the deve lopm en t o f Sino-US re la tions du ring this trip.

Jou rna list: How do you th ink o f the Sino-US re la tion s?

Be rge r:I have been invo lved in US-China re la tion since 1970, when I was wo rking in the sta tes in 1979; I've been fo llow ing and wo rking on the re la tionship fo r 30 yea rs. I be lieve US-China re la tionship is the m ost im po rtan t re la tionship in the wo rld; I think wha t we do ind ividua lly and toge the r w ill shape the en tire wo rld. Coope ra tion be tween the two coun tries m ust be a good re la tionship, o r o the r coun tries w ill a lso be a ffec ted.

Jou rna list: Do you th ink tha t “Ch ina th rea t theo ry” ex ists?

Be rge r:I think US China re la tions have neve r been stronge r than today, ou r Presiden ts speak to each o the r frequen tly; the re a re m o re con tac ts be tween peop le and gove rnm en ts. Abou t rising o f China th rea tening to the West and US, I don't think so. I think strong China is good fo r the wo rld, we bene fit from strong China as long as it pe rsist peace fu l co rpo ra tion w ith o the rs.

Broad Prospects The fu tu re investm en t ho t ground

Discha rge o f the po litica l sta tus, M r. Be rge r is a g rea t business en trep reneu r. His trip to Chongq ing is to do resea rch fo r m o re Am e rican en te rp rises tha t wan t to invest he re and exchange the exp e rience.

Jou rna list: As a businessm an's pe rsp ec tive, how is the p rospect be tw een Chongq ing and the Un ited Sta tes in the econom ic and trade aspects? Is the re coope ra tion in the fu tu re?

Be rge r:I think the new Two Rive r econom ic zone which w ill m ake this the third econom ic zone in the coun try. The re wou ld be a lo t o f fo reign com pan ies tha t wan t to loca te he re in Chognq ing. My com pany as business ad vise r w ill wo rk w ith m any com panies, m anu fac tu re com p anies, high techno logy com panies, hea lth ca re com panies and o the r sec to rs. We beg in to see Chongq ing as a c ity like Shangha i and Hong Kong a g rea t p lace to a ttrac t fo reign investm en t. I think the re w ill be m o re fo re ign investm en t com ing to Chongq ing.

Yangtze R iver o f the w o rld·The tou rism city o f the w o rld

Sitting on the c ruise, en joying the beau tifu l view s, M r. Be rge r ac c laim it is the m ost beau tifu l c ruise and scene ry in the wo rld. Du ring the ta lk, he to ld us tha t he took a boa t in 1983, it was rea lly sm a ll. M r. Be rge r had d eep im p ression o f Chang jiang Rive r, esp ec ia lly rhap sod ized abou t the Th ree Go rges' view.

Jou rna list: Any d iffe ren t fee ling s o f tak ing cru ise to v iew Tw o Rive rs th is tim e?

Be rge r:This is the m ost beau tifu l boa t tha t I've eve r taken be fo re. I fee l like its on an island du ring a vaca tion.(laugh ing)

Jou rna list: W ha t d o you th ink o f the deve lop ing sta tus o f Yang tze Rive r tou rism?

Be rge r:The c ruise was a g rea t he lp and in fluence to Yang tze R ive r an d Chong q ing's e c onom ic deve lopm en t, which has G rea t ve rsion. Peop le com e from a ll a round the wo rld, the re a re hund red s o f thousand s visito rs a yea r and they com e to see the c ity and then com e back as investo rs, b ring their fam ily back, so it's sou rce o f g rea t dea l bene fit ac tivity.

Jou rna list: W ha t a re you r suggestions abou t Chongq ing's tou rism?

Be rg e r:The re's g rea t d ea l m o re tha t Vic to ry Cruises can do and co rpo ra tion w ith c ity o f Chongq ing w ith loca l com p anies to deve lop rive r c ruise industry to deve lop the land be tween ocean c ru ises and rive r c ruises, so the peop le who com e from West and Eu rope, ocean c ruises can com e to Chongq ing and look to deve lop the a rea and bo th sides o f Yang tze rive r, being their en te rta inm en t cen tre. Peop le com e on the c ruises can ge t o ff the c ru ises and have exc iting en te rta inm en t to go to. It can becom e one o f the g rea test tou rist cap ita ls o f the wo rld which I think it cou ld bene fit the peop le o f Chongq ing.

The Th ree Go rges Rese rvoir shou ld be ove ra ll deve loped in the fu tu re and Chongq ing shou ld be a tou rism c ity o f the wo rld, and the Yang tze Rive r shou ld be o f the wo rld.

Chongqing of the Wor ld·Yangtze River of the Wor ld

Wr i t ten by Yang Ji Aggie Trans lated by Aggie and Gary Hynson

简单点,再简单点 重庆两江新宸全宅智能私人别墅
世界最大规模游轮将停日本 专营中日航线