澳大利亚 John Murtagh全科病案研究(三十五)——对糖尿病患者的连续诊治过程 (2)

2010-08-15 00:45JohnMurtagh
中国全科医学 2010年1期

John Murtagh

1 对第一部分的病史回顾

病人基本情况:金, 42岁, 警察, 诊断为2 型糖尿病,并发高血压, 轻微高血脂。

检查结果小结:空腹血糖6.7 mmol/L;餐后2 h葡萄糖耐量试验12.8 mmol/L;血清总胆固醇5.7 mmol/L, 低密度脂蛋白胆固醇3.2 mmol/L;血压145/90 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa);吸烟每天10支。

初步治疗计划:主要通过改善生活方式来管理慢性病, 特别是改善饮食, 戒烟, 增加身体活动, 增加娱乐活动来放松身心, 并辅助药物治疗[1]。

糖尿病管理目标:(1)体重减低5%~10%;(2)血糖控制在4 ~6 mmol/L;(3)糖化血红蛋白<7%;(4)血压<130/80 mm Hg;(5)低密度脂蛋白胆固醇<2.5 mmol/L。

对患者的饮食指导:减少饮食中的脂肪 (特别是饱和脂肪), 每天吃5份蔬菜和2份水果。应该避免或减少碳水化合物的摄入, 特别是那些血糖指数高的饮料 (含糖的饮料)和精粉面包。

对患者身体活动的指导:目标是每天至少30 min的中等强度身体活动, 包括每天散步以及有阻抗力的上肢和下肢强度训练。

2 初次诊断6个月后的随访结果

(1)体质指数 (BMI)31 kg/m2; (2)血压140/90 mm Hg;(3)空腹血糖7.2 mmol/L; (4)糖化血红蛋白8.3%;(5)血清总胆固醇5.5 mmol/L, 低密度脂蛋白胆固醇2.7 mmol/L;(6)蛋白尿3 mg/mmol(n<2.5)。

3 问题

看过上面的病历, 你认为应该怎样进一步管理患者的糖尿病?

4 问题的答案

虽然金辨称自己努力地调整生活方式, 但我认为他实际上做得并不好。他的体重降低了一些, 血脂指标也下降了一些,但是他仍然超重, 仍然有高血压。他的吸烟从10支降低到5支, 但还是没有戒烟。他的空腹血糖和糖化血红蛋白指标还是不理想, 而且还有微量白蛋白尿。金应该继续坚持改善饮食和加强身体活动, 并进一步达到戒烟的目标。应该强调, 戒烟是糖尿病管理的优先目标。

现在可以考虑让金开始服用口服降糖药, Metformin是首选的降糖药, 特别适合于体重超重的糖尿病患者。

他的血压一直降不下来, 这要引起足够的重视, 因为高血压是糖尿病患者发生心肌梗死和脑卒中的重要危险因素, 因此要积极地控制血压。现在可以考虑让患者开始服用血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂 (ACE inhibitor)。

5 初次诊断后13年的随访结果

这时候金已经55岁了。从42岁初次诊断为糖尿病到现在, 已经有13年。

临床病史:金主诉疲劳乏力的感觉越来越严重。开始的时候血糖控制还不错, 但后来变得越来越恶化。在服用口服降糖药Metformin的同时, 加上了磺酰脲类药物 (格列齐特缓释片, 160 mg/d)。高血压控制药为培哚普利5 mg/d。鉴于他的血脂还在增高, 给他服用辛伐他汀 (Simvastatin)40 mg/d。

随访的检查结果:BMI 28 kg/m2;血压125/85 mm Hg;空腹血糖10 mmol/L;糖化血红蛋白8.3%;蛋白尿12 mg/mmol;eGFR 70;总胆固醇4 mmol/L, 低密度脂蛋白胆固醇2.2 mmol/L。

6 现在的糖尿病管理措施

尽管使用了多种口服降糖药, 患者的糖尿病控制效果还是不好。我把金转诊到糖尿病专科门诊。糖尿病专家告诉我, 金的糖尿病可能已经发展到了β-细胞凋亡的阶段, 应该考虑胰岛素治疗。有研究证据表明, 早期和及时的胰岛素治疗, 是更好地管理糖尿病的关键措施之一[1]。

7 怎样开始胰岛素治疗[ 1]

标准的治疗方法是晚上注射低剂量的低精蛋白胰岛素 (Isophane)10单位。同时继续服用Metformin和 suphonylurea。继续使用Metformin可以帮助患者减少对胰岛素的依赖性, 并减少胰岛素的注射量。要根据空腹血糖的变化情况, 每3 ~4 d调整胰岛素治疗方案, 使血糖维持在目标水平。每个月要检查糖化血红蛋白3 ~6次, 这是血糖控制的综合评价指标。

1 Harris MF, Makeham M, Vagholar S, et al.Type 2 diabetes.Check Program 448 [M].Melbourne:RACGP, 2009.

译者注:饱和脂肪:主要来自于肉类和乳类的脂肪。世界卫生组织建议人们限制饱和脂肪的摄入量, 因为它已经被证明是心血管疾病的危险因素, 导致血胆固醇升高, 动脉粥样硬化、冠状动脉疾病和中风等疾病。

身体活动强度:大致可以分成日常身体活动, 中等强度活动, 高等强度活动。日常身体活动是每天生活和工作中的活动, 如骑车、走路、走楼梯、打理花草、遛宠物等。中等强度活动是能让呼吸和心跳增加的活动, 比如快走、中速游泳、中速骑车等, 世界卫生组织建议每天要做累计30 min的中等强度活动, 每次至少10 ~15 min。高等强度活动是呼吸和心跳更快的运动, 包括大多数体育活动, 如踢球、打篮球、健身操、快跑、快骑车等。建议每次至少30 min, 每星期3 ~4次。

Initialmanagementwas as follows:The key approach was to manage the condition with optimal life style strategies especially though diet, no smoking, increased physicalactivity and relaxation includingmore recreation andmedication[1].

Goal to achieve: (1)A 5% ~10% reduction in body weight.(2)Blood glucose 4 ~6 mmol/L.(3)HbA1c<7%.(4)BP<130/80 mm Hg.(5)LDL-C<2.5 mmol/L.

Diet:Low in fat(especially low in saturated fat)and include 5 servesofvegetables and 2 of fruitper day.Carbohydrates thathave a high glycaemic index(e.g.softsugar drink, white bread)should be avoided or reduced.

Physicalactivity:Aim for at least30 minutesa day ofmoderate intensity physicalactivity such as walking each day and strength training(with resistance)involving both upper and lower limbs.

Follow up at6 months

Kim′smeasurements were as follows: (1)BMI 31 kg/m2.(2)BP 140/90 mm Hg.(3)Fasting blood glucose 7.2 mmol/L.(4)HbA1c8.3%.(5)Total cholesterol5.5 mmol/L, LDL-C 2.7 mmol/L.(6)Albuminuria3 mg/mmol(n<2.5).


Whatwould be your approach to Kim′smanagement following this review?


Kim hashad an unsatisfactory response to his lifestylemodification although he claimed tohavemade agood attempt.He did lose weight and his lipid levels improved but he is still overweight and hypertensive.He reduced his smoking to 5 cigarettesaday.His fasting blood sugar and HbA1clevel are unsatisfactory and he has evidence ofmild microalbuminuria.

Kim should continue with his diet and physical activity and take the nextstep to quit smoking as smoking cessation isa priority in themanagementof diabetes.

It would now beappropriate to commence him on an oralhypoglycaemic agentandmetformin is the first lineagentespecially as he is overweight.

His persistent hypertension is still a concern as it is an important risk factor formyocardial infarction and stroke in people with diabetes and should be actively controlled.It would be appropriate to connence him on an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor.

Follow up at13 years-K im aged 55 years

Clinical history:Kim reports increasing tiredness and lack of energy.His glycaemic control had improved initially but then gradually deteriorated and sulfonylurea agent(gliclazidemodified release tablets, 160 mg/d)was added to the metformin.His hypertension was treated with perindopril 5 mg daily.His lipids increased so he was prescribed simvastatin 40 mg daily.

Kim′smeasurements:BMI 28 kg/m2, BP 125/85 mm Hg,Fasting blood glucose 10 mmol/L, HbA1c8.3%, Albuminuria 12 mg/mmol, eGFR 70, Total cholesterol 4 mmol/L, LDL-C 2.2 mmol/L.

Further management

Kim′s diabetic control is poor despite the combined oral therapy and a third oral agent-one of the glitazoneswas considered.He was referred to a diabetes consultant who considered that he had probably reached a stage of beta cell failure and it was decided to introduce insulin sinceearly and timely initiation of insulin is a key element of evidence based on optimal treatment of type 2 diabetes[1].

Initiating insulin[ 1]

A standard approach is to simply add low dose isophane(e.g.10 units)atnight.Continue theoralagentsmetformin and the suphonylurea although guidelinesaboutwhat to dowith theseagents while on insulin vary.Continuingmetformin helps to reduce insulin resistance and the amountof insulin needed.Adjust the insulin therapy gradually every 3 to 4 days according to the fasting blood glucose level until the target level is reached.Check overall blood glucose controlbymeasuring HbA1c3 ~6 monthly.


1 Harris MF, Makeham M, Vagholar S, et al.Type 2 diabetes.Check Program 448 [M].Melbourne:RACGP, 2009.
