杨开云 马远庆
I 听力(共两节,满分35分)(略)
Ⅱ 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分35分)
第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
Turn things off if you are not using them. This age-old advice still___21___today, but surprisingly most people still dont___22___it. I can almost___23___theres an appliance in your house you leave on standby - either your laptop or something thats ___24___charging like your electric toothbrush or razor. Turning everything off might___25___you a minute or two each day when you wait for it to warm up again, but over the course of a year you can save hundreds of pounds off your electric ___26___.
The same goes for your ___27___——many of us have heating on a timer but if its not too cold just switch it off, or put on another sweater! A great tip is to turn off the radiators in___28___you dont use- the back bedroom for example thats just used as a storeroom. Of course you dont want it to get completely ___29___but turning the heating down to a minimum stops wasted energy and you can still be___30___and warm in the rooms you do use.
21. A. remains B. adapts
C. appliesD. receives
22. A. followB. understand
C. accept D. give
23. A. doubtB. assume
C. check D. guarantee
24. A. constantlyB. completely
C. surprisingly D automatically
25. A. save B. use
C. waste D. leave
26. A. light B. bill
C. toothbrushD. razor
27. A. timerB. fans
C. heatingD. air-conditioning
28. A. houses B. rooms
C. offices D. cars
29. A. freezing B. fresh
C. hot D. burning
30. A. contentB. cozy
C. lazy D. damp
第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
There is an old Chinese tale about a woman whose only son died. She went to the holy man and said, “What magical prayers do you have___31___(bring) my son back to life?”
The holy man said to her, “Fetch me a mustard(芥菜) seed___32___a home that has never known sorrow. We will use it to drive___33___sorrow out of your life.”The woman went off at once in search of that magical mustard seed.
She came first to a splendid house,___34___(knock)at the door and said,“I am looking ___35___ a home that has never known sorrow. Is this such a place?”They told her,“Youve certainly come to the wrong place,”and began to describe all the tragic things ___36 ___recently had happened to them.
The woman said to___37 ___, “Who is better able to help these poor,___38___(fortune) people than I, who have had misfortune of my own?”She stayed to comfort them, and then went on in search of a home that had never known sorrow. But___39___she turned, in palaces or huts, she found one tale after___40___of sadness and misfortune. She became so involved in ministering to other peoples grief that finally she forgot about her own sorrow.
Ⅲ 阅读 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Dear Mr. President,
I would like to start by saying congratulations on your election. You were elected because we as a nation believe you can bring change. There are a few things that I believe are in need of change.
One of the problems that I see is the national debt.We are currently in debt to other countries $ 9,797,337, 679,549.What is worse is that our nation has a nineteen percent interest rate. This makes the debt go up much faster.While this vast amount of money seems impossible to reach, I suggest an alternate plan contrary to the one currently intact.I suggest that instead of spending money on the war in Iraq, we take the troops out and then the money that is saved from the war can be used to pay off our debt to other countries.This plan sounds simple, but it will be difficult.But, hey, you are the president.
This plan brings me to my second point.This is the war in Iraq. Along with the debt that is constantly growing, this war is costing lives. While money is disposable, a human life should not be. I understand that soldiers are willing to give there lives for their country, but if we can stop them from having to, why not. No one can replace those lives lost, but you can make sure that our troops will go on living.
Finally, on the subject of living, I would like to bring your attention to the number of deaths in America.The number of drunk driving deaths so far is 10,256. This is even more than the number of deaths in Iraq. The difference is that those in Iraq have put their lives on the line; however, those in America have not. A great number of these deaths have been of innocent bystanders. I suggest hammering down (no pun intended) on those who chose to drink and drive. By this, I mean longer sentences or higher bail(保释金) for those who are driving whileintoxicated.
I would like to thank you for taking time out of your schedule to read my letter.
41. Whats the authors opinion of the Iraq War?
A. It brings pains to the Iraqi people.
B. It is worthwhile for the soldiers to give there lives in the war.
C. The Iraq war caused the national debt to go up much faster
D. The soldiers lives are more valuable than the money spent in the war.
42. How does the author suggest dealing with the problem of national debt?
A. By reducing the interest rate.
B. By pulling the US troops out of Iraq.
C. By spending less money on the war in Iraq.
D. By making sure that the troops will go on living.
43. Whats true about the subject of living?
A. The number of deaths in Iraq is more than that of drunk driving.
B. So far 10,256 people have died from drinking too much alcohol.
C. Many people were killed in the traffic accident related to drunk driving.
D. Many people in America died because they have not put their lives on the line.
44. The underlined word “intoxicated”(in Para 4) probably means _______.
A. drunk. B. excited.
C. unconscious D. innocent
45. Which of the following are subjects included in the suggestions to the President?
A. Election; finance; the war in Iraq
B. Election; national debt; living
C. Finance; the Iraq war; healthy eating
D. Finance; foreign policy; traffic safety
Did you know that you can increase chances of success by consciously choosing the right words?Its true! Lets say youre motivated to create change in your life. Youve even gone so far as to put your well-formed goals down in writing. Youve got great enthusiasm and know exactly what it is that youre going to do. You choose your goal tomorrow, and then unknowinglycripple your successbefore you even start. You say, “Ill try.”
What does “Ill try” mean? It means youve given yourself an out. The word predicts failure. It lacks intention and confidence. You are sowing doubt in your own mind. It says, “Alright, Ill give it a go, but I cant really see it working out.”
Now observe what it feels like to say “I am”. For example, “I am now committed to feeling good by honoring my decision to walk 20 minutes today.” If it doesnt feel right, then youve selected a goal that is something other than your natural first step. Back up and find the action step you are ready to undertake. It doesnt matter how small and insignificant it may seem at the time. The wise Lao-Tzu once started, “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” Make sure you are able to complete your first step.
Perhaps having revised your initial starting point, again notice what it feels like to say, “I am now”. This phrase says that you believe in what you are saying and you will find a way to make it happen. Youve made a commitment to yourself that youve chosen to honor. It says that you will find a way to get it done even if things get in the way. It means that even if difficulties pop up, youll find some way to stick to your intent.
Once you find a plan of action that seems doable, forget trying to do it. To try to do something is to not do it. Instead, declare whole-heartedly, “I am now achieving this!”
46. In paragraph 1, the underlined part “cripple your success” probably means _________.
A. have determination to achieve success.
B. make it difficult to succeed.
C. have confidence in your success.
D. doubt your success.
47. By quoting Lao-Tzus words, the author intends to __________.
A. make sure you are able to complete your first step.
B. give readers confidence to accomplish a journey of 1000 miles.
C. tell readers that a great accomplishment starts with something small.
D. tell readers to achieve success by starting with something they are ready for.
48. According to the passage, the phrase “I am now” shows that _______.
A. you will succeed because there is nothing in the way.
B. you will achieve your goal without difficulty.
C. you have confidence and determination.
D. you will be honored by others.
49. The last paragraph mainly tells us that ________.
A. It is useless to try to do something.
B. It is important to have a plan of action.
C. we should forget failure and try to achieve success.
D. we should work heart and soul instead of just giving it a go.
50. Whats the best title of the passage?
A. Increase chances of success.
B. Try to be successful.
C. The secret of success.
D. From “Ill try to” “I am now”.
Scientists are to dig up ice dating back more than 100,000 years in an attempt to shed light on how global warming will change the world over the next century.
The ice, at the bottom of the Greenland ice sheet, was laid down at a time when temperatures were 3C (5.4F) to 5C warmer than they are today. With temperatures forecast to rise by up to 7C in the next 100 years, the ice more than 8,000ft(2,400m)below the surface is thought by researchers to hold valuable clues to how much of the ice sheet will melt. Drilling will start in northern Greenland during the summer in an international project involving researchers from 18 countries to extract ice cores covering the Eemian Period.
The Eemian began 130,000 years ago, ending 15,000 years later, and is the most recent time in the Earth's past when temperatures resembled those that can be expected if greenhouse gas emissions are not brought under control.
Carbon dioxide, methane and other chemicals trapped in the ice can provide a detailed picture of the atmosphere and the climate thousands of years ago. Fragments of organic matter can offer details about animals and plants alive when the ice formed, while particles of dirt can indicate forest fires, tundra fires and volcanic activity. Analysis of the ice should provide the first measurement of CO2 levels over Greenland during the Eemian and the most detailed analysis yet achieved of climate indicators from the period.
Four researchers from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) will be taking part in the operation. They are hopeful of seeing ice not only from the whole Eemian but the years preceding it as well, which could hold clues to what prompted the temperature to start rising, or at least could chart the atmospheric changes that accompanied the rise. Researchers also hope that the chemical traces hidden in the ice up to 8,340ft below the surface will reveal how the Greenland ice sheet responded to the higher temperatures. This will have implications for sea level rises in the coming century. If the ice sheet melts entirely, seas would be expected to rise by 21ft.
Researchers expect to find that much of the ice persisted even when temperatures were 5C higher than today, offering hope that much of it will remain in a world of manmade climate change.
51. It can be inferred from the passage that.
A. The Eemian Period lasted 115,000 years.
B. Uncontrolled greenhouse gas emissions will cause the earths temperature to rise
C. It is predicted that the temperature will increase 3C to 5C over the next century.
D. The ice at the bottom of the Greenland ice sheet was formed when it was colder than it is today.
52. Which of the following can help scientists describe the atmosphere and the climate thousands of years ago?
A. Gases ant other chemicals trapped in the ice.
B. CO2 levels over Greenland
C. Fragments of organic
D. Particles of dirt.
53. Which of the following is NOT the purpose of digging up ice?
A. To find out what prompted the temperature to start rising.
B. To predict the change of sea level in the next century.
C. To stop the temperature form rising in the next 100 years.
D. To find out how the Greenland ice sheet responded to the higher temperatures.
54. The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to ________.
A. ice B. hope
C. temperature D climate change
55. The writer writes this passage in order to.
A. warn people of the danger of manmade climate change
B. introduce the Eemian Period to the readers
C. discuss the effects of global warming.
D. report on a scientific research.
56. Amy from Florida says, “My brother is an avid Harley Davidson fan. For Christmas last year, I bought him a framed share of Harley stock - he couldnt have been more excited! Although he received stock from the company when he bought his motorcycle, he never received the paper certificate.”
57. Bill from Georgia says, “Yesterday was our 8th wedding anniversary. Id ordered a share of Wal-Mart as we were shopping there often for Debbies birthday in August. Not being able to wait that long I decided to give it to her for our anniversary. ”
58. Becky from Illinois says, “Well give our granddaughter a share of DreamWorks Animation Stock for her baptism(洗礼). It is my son (her Dad)who is really thrilled! Hes been collecting DreamWorks items since he was a child”.
59. Lisa from Washington says,“My niece will be two this August. Shell be receiving a share of Disney stock. Ive already received it and have it wrapped for her birthday party. Happy your birthday, my niece!”
60. Pat from Virginia says, “On our tenth wedding anniversary my husband thrilled me with a beautifully framed share of Tiffany Stock. We both have bikes and love to ride. He really impressed me with a simple and touching message:‘Ten years ago we made the best investment of our lives. Im very pleased! ”
Ⅳ 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 基础写作 (共1小题,满分15分)
上世纪80年代前为蒸汽机(steam engines),后来逐渐为内燃机(diesel engines)和电力机车所替代。
第二节 读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分)
Michael Phelps was one of the hot topics in the Chinese media this week. The big swimming star of the Beijing Olympics found himself involved in a drug scandal(丑闻). Phelps spoke out in an internet video that appeared widely on Chinese-language Web sites.
Just as when Phelps made his Olympic record breaking run in Beijing, Chinese media and fans have been following this controversy closely, calling it “marijuana(大麻) gate.”
Michael Phelps won a record eight gold medals at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. His success in the Water Cube helped him build up a loyal fan base in China, and some still seem to be supporting him.
Jiao Haichao said, "His apology is very sincere and honest. Also he has been given relevant punishment, for instance, competition bans. For me, I still like him."
But other Chinese said they felt hurt by the scandal.
Gao Lei said, "The apology doesn't help. The bad impact was already there. I think it is really difficult for us the parents to explain to our children. Do they still need to learn from him, or admire him? I don't think it is easy to explain."
1. 以约30字概括报道内容;
2. 然后以约120字谈谈你的看法,内容包括:
1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。
第一节 完型填空
21. C。本题考查在上下文中词意的理解。apply意为“适用、应用”。句意:这个古老的建议在今天仍然适用。
22. A。考查短语的搭配。it指代advice,所以follow it即follow the advice,意为“听从劝告、遵循建议”。
23. D。考查在上下文中词意的理解。guarantee意为“保证”。doubt(怀疑)、assume(假定)、check(检查)都不合题意。
24. A。副词,意为“始终、一直”,用来修饰动词charge(充电)。
25. C。把电器都关掉可能会每天浪费你一两分钟的时间来等待电器重启。waste与下一分句的save相对。
26. B。电费单,为electric bill。根据上文,养成关电器的习惯,会少用电,所以能节省电费。
27. C。指暖气装置。由下文可以得出答案。
28. B。由下文的the back bedroom for example以及文章结尾的in the rooms you do use,可以得知,是关掉房间里的暖气。
29. A。由下文turning the heating down to a minimum(把暖气调到最小)可以得知,你并不想让房间完全冰冻。
30. B。舒适的,安逸的。句意:把暖气调到最小,可以防止能源浪费,而你依然可以在自己正在使用的房间里感觉温暖舒适。
第二节 语法填空
31. to bring。不定式作后置定语,修饰名词短语magical prayers。
32. from。固定短语fetch...from,表示“从……取来某物”。
33. the/your。表示特指,用定冠词,特指这位妇人的悲痛。也可以用物主代词。
34. knocked。与本句came和said一起是并列谓语,用一般过去时。此处不作伴随状语,所以不用现在分词。
35. for。短语动词look for,意为“寻找”。
36. that。引导定语从句并在从句中作主语,先行词为the tragic things。因先行词前有不定代词all修饰,关系代词用that而不用which。
37. herself。下文内容是这位妇人内心想的,而不是对别人说的,所以填反身代词。say to oneself意为“心里想”。
38. unfortunate。修饰名词people,用形容词作定语;根据句意,应为“不幸的人们”,加前缀un。
39. wherever。“无论哪里”,引导让步状语从句,根据后文in palaces or huts的提示,此处应填表示地点的连接词。
40. another。短语one after another表示“接连地,一个接一个”。
III. 阅读
第一节 阅读理解
41. D。考查作者的观点。根据第三段“While money is disposable, a human life should not be”可知答案为D,同时排除B项。A项观点文中没有提到,排除A;根据第二段第、三、四句可知,是nineteen percent interest rate导致国债增长更快,而非伊拉克战争,故排除C。
42. B。细节理解题。根据第二段“I suggest that instead of spending money on the war in Iraq, we take the troops out and then the money that is saved from the war can be used to pay off our debt to other countries.”可以得知,从伊拉克撤军,可以省下军费还债。
43. C。细节理解题。根据第四段“The number of drunk driving deaths so far is 10,256. This is even more than the number of deaths in Iraq.”可以看出,许多人死于酒后驾驶引起的交通事故,所以选C。A项与原文意思相反;B项意为“迄今有10,256人死于饮酒过量”,而原文意思是“死于酒后驾驶”;on the line意为“战斗准备状态”,故排除D项。
44. A。词义猜测题。根据本段第二句的“drunk driving deaths”可以推断出“intoxicated”意为“drunk(醉酒的)”。
45. D。主旨大意题。第二段讲的是national debt(国债),属于finance(财政);第三段说的是从伊拉克撤军的问题,属于foreign policy(对外政策);第四段讲的是酒后驾驶引起死亡的问题,属于traffic safety(交通安全),所以选D。第一段中,作者只是祝贺总统竞选获胜,并没有在给总统的建议中谈到election的问题,所以排除A和B;healthy eating意为“健康饮食”,文中虽然谈到饮酒,但并非从健康的角度来说的,所以排除C项。
(B)选择正确的语句,可以提高成功的机率。不说:“Ill try.”,而说“I am”,“I am now”,不说尝试做某事,而是要全力以赴。
46. B。词义猜测题。根据第二段的“It means youve given yourself an out. The word predicts failure.”可以推测出“cripple your success”的意思是“make it difficult to succeed”。
47. C。推理判断题。此处引用的是老子的名言“千里之行,始于足下”,此处用来论证引语前的观点“It doesnt matter how small and insignificant it may seem at the time”,所以选C。
48. C。细节理解题。根据第四段可知。
49. D。细节理解题。heart and soul对应原文的whole-heartedly,而just giving it a go对应原文的to try to do something。
50. A。主旨大意题。由文章第一段第一句可以得到提示。
51. B。推理判断题。由第三段最后一句可以得知。根据第三段第一句,The Eemian Period应持续15,000年,故排除A项;C项应为7C;D项应为“...when it was warmer than it is today”。
52. A。细节理解题。由第四段第一句可知。
53. C。细节题解题。根据第五段的“...which could hold clues to what prompted the temperature to start rising”排除A项, 根据“...reveal how the Greenland ice sheet responded to the higher temperatures”排除D项。 由“If the ice sheet melts entirely, seas would be expected to rise by 21ft”排除B项。文中并没有提到阻止气温上升,故选C。
54. A。判断指代关系。根据对照结构“much of the ice persisted”和“much of it will remain”,可以推断出it指代ice。
55. D。作者意图题。本文是一篇报道,报道了科学家对格陵兰岛冰层的研究,所以选D。文章并没有对气候变化或全球变暖进行“警告”或“讨论”,所以排除A,C;B项范围过窄,不是全文的写作目的。
第二节 信息匹配
56. C。二者共同信息词:Harley Davidson与Harley-Davidson。
57. E。二者共同信息词:Wal-Mart 。
58. B。二者共同信息词:DreamWorks Animation Stock 。
59. A。二者共同信息词:Disney stock。
60. D。二者共同信息词:share of Tiffany Stock。
IV. 写作
第一节 基础写作(One possible version)
China has seen great progress in the development of the railway in the past 30 years. In 1978, the total length of railways all over the country was 51,700 kilometres, while in 2008 it has expanded to more than 79,000 kilometres. As for technological advances, before the 1980s, most of the trains were powered by steam engines, which were gradually replaced by diesel and electric engines in the following years. As a consequence, the average train speed has been raised from 40 km per hour in 1978 to 200 km per hour in 2008, and some passenger trains can reach maximum speed of 350 km per hour. Not only does the development of the Chinese railway network make it more convenient for people to travel, but it also contributes to the rapid growth of the national economy.
第二节 读写任务(One possible version)
Michael Phelps, who won eight gold medals at the Beijing Olympics, apologized to Chinese fans through the Internet for taking drugs. Some people accept his apology while others dont.
I was really surprised to hear the news that such a brilliant star as Michael Phelps should take drugs! I still remember how successful he was in the Water Cube. Now I have mixed feelings about him. I do think highly of his efforts and achievements, but I dont like him when he takes drugs. Phelps must keep his promises and any repeat of such a scandal will ruin his image totally.
Nowadays many teenagers consider famous stars to be perfect and even look on them as their idols, but I think we should take an objective attitude toward them. Just as Phelps made great achievements in swimming but made mistakes in life, other famous stars also have their strengths and weaknesses. On the one hand, it is okay for us to show our admiration to them and learn from their strengths; on the other hand, we need to know their weaknesses and avoid being influenced by their bad behaviors. Remember, every coin has two sides.
责任编校 蒋小青