
2009-02-10 03:26
双语时代 2009年1期

"I have no talent. I really don't. No one would have picked me to go into showbiz. I don't have any talent. I'm not an entertainer and yet I have made my living in this industry. It's a fluke."

– TV host Jerry Springer comments on his career.



"Look, I think all women on some level just want to rage against the machine. There are too many movies out there that don't empower women, movies in which their only way of being happy is finding a man."

– Jennifer Aniston discussing her choice of movie roles. She also called her relationship with ex-husband Brad Pitt and his new partner Angelina Jolie "an insane Bermuda Triangle."



"I feel going into a shop and buying a fur coat would be an act of weakness, but if I could go out into the woods and kill a bear myself, I would then wear it proudly as a trophy."

– British TV cook Nigella Lawson on wearing fur. Her comments sparked outrage from animal rights protestors.



"All I can report is it is a size 10."

" That's what people do in a free society, draw attention to themselves."

—Bush joked after an Iraqi Journalist Hurls Shoes at him at a news conference on December 14th in Baghdad. He was not hit.




"Climate change scientists tell us that there's a fifty percent chance the world will warm by 3 degrees in the next century. Now, that doesn't sound like much. But that's the difference between the last Ice Age and the present day! Is this really the world we want our children and grandchildren to live in? "

– Chinese-American Nobel Prize winner Steven Chu, whom Barack Obama has just appointed head of the US Department of Energy.



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