阿尔卡特朗讯正式推出世界上第一个“绿色DSL ”
丰田技术教育项目(T-TEP)在荷兰取得了大发展,在海牙新建了一家培训学院ROC Mondriaan。位于鹿特丹的ROC Zadkine学院也获赠一辆新的丰田AYGO车辆,用于T-TEP项目的培训活动。项目自1990年由丰田公司发起,旨在弥合工业实践与教育的鸿沟。目前50个国家中的450多个教育机构已经参与该项目。
根据EurActiv报道, 欧盟委员会在一份报告中指出欧盟需要将促进经济增长和就业的目标与其长远的环境目标相结合。报告表示,欧盟已为可持续发展作出积极的努力,但“在若干领域不可持续的趋势依然存在”。欧盟将思考如何在未来更好的实现可持续发展战略,并更好地与其他跨领域的欧盟战略相协调。
Upcoming conference calls on CSR issues-suggest topics
Starting in September, CSR Europe will organise a series of informational calls on various CSR topics for corporate members and national partners. These calls will be the opportunity to get a detailed insight on recent developments in various areas related to CSR and sustainability. Topics that have been suggested by our members as of date include among others: ISO 26000, Cradle to cradle, Business and human rights, CSR and philanthropy.
Photovoltaics installation starts operating in Volkswagens Wolfsburg plant
Volkswagen inaugurated North Germanys biggest photovoltaics installation on the roof of its plant in Wolfsburg, lowering energy costs and advocating environmentally friendly production.
Alcatel-Lucent launches worlds first “green DSL”
Alcatel-Lucent has launched a new high-capacity and eco-efficient digital subscriber line (DSL) platform which consumes up to 25% less power compared to conventional DSL solutions.
Toyota technical education programme expands in the Netherlands
The Toyota Technical Education Program (T-TEP) received a boost in the Netherlands with the addition of a new training college, ROC Mondriaan, in The Hague. T-TEP was started by Toyota in 1990 with the goal of closing the gap between industry and education by providing support for technical education and to improve the image of skilled technical professions.
Students from 40 countries collaborate with IBM to build a Smarter Planet
Eight of 10 students want universities to revamp traditional learning environments while over 90 percent want to join or start a Green Advocacy group at their campus. These are just a few of the findings of a crowdsourcing process held by IBM called the Smarter Planet University Jam. Nearly 2,000 students and faculty from more than 200 universities from 40 countries took part in the Jam along with IBM experts, clients and business partners.
ArcelorMittal opens two health centres in Senegal
ArcelorMittal Senegal recently opened 2 health centres in Bofeto and Noumoufoukha villages. Both health centres were entirely equipped by ArcelorMittal Senegal, with each centre containing a consultation room, a delivery room, an emergency ward and restrooms powered by solar panels.
ABB boosts energy efficiency at aluminum smelters
Recent ABB advances in high power conversion technology have increased the energy efficiency of aluminum smelters by 18 percent at two record-breaking installations in the Middle East – an enormous saving for plants that consume as much electrical energy in a year as 300,000 homes.
Latest News from the EU
EU launches reflection on future green policies
The European Union needs to reconcile its growth and jobs objectives with longterm environmental goals, says the European Commission in a report taking stock of the blocs decade-old sustainable development strategy, EurActiv reports. It launches a reflection on how the EU Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) should evolve in the future and how it could be betteraligned with other cross-cutting EU strategies.
Commission launches public-private partnerships for green cars, buildings and factories
As part of the European Economic Recovery Plan, the European Commission is launching three Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) aimed at boosting research efforts in three large industrial sectors – automotive, construction and manufacturing.
100 million EU micro-finance facility to help unemployed start small businesses
The European Commission has proposed to set up a new microfinance facility providing microcredit to small businesses and to people who have lost their jobs and want to start their own small businesses.
EU Commission launches online debate on innovation policy
The European Commission (DG Enterprise) has launched an online debate on priorities for future EU innovation policy. As part of the preparation of the Commissions new Innovation Plan for Europe, DG Enterprise has established an independent business panel to provide inputs on innovation policy from a business perspective.
“2度共识”虽达成 发展中国家仍难展笑颜
发达国家老龄化 退休问题何时了
http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/pdf/PR_Global _MDG09_EN.pdf
防止漂绿 走真正的可持续发展之路
BSR会员网络研讨会 2009年8月12日
This Week's Top Headlines
US productivity leaps as labour costs fall
Productivity rocketed at US companies in the second quarter, hitting its highest point in almost six years as businesses slashed overheads and squeezed more labour out of their shrinking workforces. Employers have slashed the number of hours worked by US workers by cutting overtime and shift work and finally by laying off staff. About 6.7 million Americans have lost their jobs since the recession started in December 2007. As a result, productivity rocketed.
Developing countries accept 2-degree goal
Developing nations including India and China have accepted in principle a goal of keeping climate change to within 2 degrees celsius of pre-industrial levels, reports from Rome ahead of the G8 summit say.There had been fears going into Wednesday's summit that no consensus between industrialized and developing countries over climate change would emerge, even as a deal to replace the Kyoto Protocol is to be negotiated in Copenhagen in December. A G8 draft statement for the summit calls on the world's richest nations to limit global warming to 2 degrees centigrade above pre- industrial levels, reduce world emissions to 50 per cent below 1990 levels by 2050 and make "robust" efforts to cut emissions by 2020.
The G8 Is Dead
The L'Aquila summit showed just how irrelevant the G-8 has become, as emerging economies demand more and more of a say at the negotiating table. But the new focus on common survival means that Western values such as human rights and democracy are being neglected. It was a funeral ceremony: The G-8 is dead, at least as a global leadership forum. It has now been reduced to a mere talking shop for certain heads of state and government.
The end of retirement
Although the idea that “we are all getting older” is a truism, few governments, employers or individuals have yet come to terms with where longer retirement is heading: the end of the whole concept (see special report). Whether we like it or not, we are going back to the pre-Bismarckian world, where work had no formal stopping point. That reversion will not happen overnight, but preparations should start now—to ensure that when the inevitable happens it is a change for the better.It should be for the better because it is being partly driven by a wonderful thing: people are living ever longer.
Crisis and climate force supply shift
Manufacturers are abandoning global supply chains for regional ones in a big shift brought about by the financial crisis and climate change concerns, according to executives and analysts.Companies are increasingly looking closer to home for their components, meaning that for their US or European operations they are more likely to use Mexico and eastern Europe than China, as previously.
Report Corner
Thinking Big: How to Act Now on the MDGs
Created nine years ago, the UN's Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) intentionally employ strong language—words like "eradicate" and "combat" are applied to solving many of our social and environmental ills. But with less than six years left to accomplish these goals, much work remains. According to a recent UN report- The Millennium Development Goals Report, 2009, the economic crisis has dampened or even reversed efforts on the MDGs.
http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/pdf/PR_Global _MDG09_EN.pdf
Sustainability Matters: Understanding and Preventing Greenwash
August 12, 2009, Webinar, Members Only
Although consumer demand for environmentally friendly products is on the rise, consumers are becoming more frustrated with the green messages that frequently accompany these products, many of which are often construed as "greenwash."In this webinar, you will learn about the key themes from BSR's new report, "Understanding and Preventing Greenwash: A Business Guide," also covers the "greenwash matrix" and how to effectively communicate the true impacts of your company's environmental initiatives.