My Mother, My Angel,
My mother is the most beautiful person I know— inside and outside. When I say my prayers each night, I pray that I could have my mothers patience,kindness,and courage. My mother is so selfless and giving to all.
I remember my mother giving homeless people a dollar or an item out of her grocery bag. I told her that I worried about her safety when she did this. She told me to remember the Scripture where it says, “Some have entertained angels unaware.”
My mother hardly ever complains,even though she has crippling arthritis and her hands and feet are painfully twisted. She keeps going full force.
You can find my mother in her beautiful gardens,where she finds peace and beauty in everything. She weeds and plants carefully,and her gardens never go un?鄄noticed. Its similar to the way she planted love and goodness in our home. When things got difficult, she kept everyones spirits up, determined to keep the bad weeds out.
My mother went to beauty college when I was thirteen. I was so proud to wear her beautiful French braids to school. She also gave me lip gloss and did my nails. My girlfriends were envious, but my mom gave plenty of free haircuts to them, and they were always grateful.
When I was seventeen, I got pregnant. I was afraid. My mother was calm, and she helped me in every way. She is the best grandmother in the world, and her grandchildren are smothered with love.
After I got a divorce years later,I was welcomed home again. And when my father passed on this past year,she showed so much courage,even though I know how much it must have hurt—my mother and father were married for forty years.
Recently,I told my mother that I didnt think I could live another day if something happened to her. She said,“Well,thats disappointing to hear. Someday well all be together again,and we must have the courage to enjoy life because it is a precious gift from God.”
Even though I live in another state and miss her very much, I feel close to my mother because of what she has taught and showed me.
I called my mom last week and asked her what she was doing. She said,“Well,I just planted some flowers and in a few hours I am going to the hospital to sit with my best friend while she gets her chemo treatment.”
Thats my mom.
Thats my angel.
I will love you always.
Your daughter,