- Ce3+掺杂La2O3的17O固体核磁共振研究
- Ru掺杂SnO2半导体固溶体的电子结构研究
- 苯基多羧酸及含氮配体构筑的三维框架结构锌配位聚合物的合成、晶体结构和荧光性质
- 一个基于NBD-NH2荧光团的增强型pH荧光探针及其细胞造影研究
- CdS 形貌可控制备及其可见光分解水产氢性能
- 熔盐电解SiO2/C直接制备SiC纳米线
- 硫酸铜掺杂TiO2涂层对碳纤维抗氧化性能的影响
- 三(2-羟基-苯甲醛)乙醇胺三足配体汞(Hg)配合物的合成、结构及其与DNA 相互作用的研究
- Dawson 型磷钨酸盐与混合配体桥连的四核Cu-Phen 配合物构筑的杂化物
- 载银羟基磷灰石抗菌粉体和陶瓷的制备及抗菌性能
- 基于3,6-二肼基-1,2,4,5-四嗪的两种高氮含能离子盐
- 三联吡啶羧基Zn(Ⅱ),Cu(Ⅱ)和Fe(Ⅱ)配合物研究
- 含二吡啶[3,2-a∶2′,3′-c]并吩嗪-2-羧酸的Co(Ⅱ)配合物的合成、晶体结构及光催化性能研究
- 两个4-[(8-羟基-5-喹啉)偶氮]苯磺酸配合物的合成、结构及性质研究
- 基于4-(4-咪唑基-亚甲基氨基)苯甲酸配体配合物的合成及结构
- 5-异烟酰胺基异酞酸构筑的钕化合物的合成、晶体结构和荧光性质
- 喹啉氧基乙酰胺型配体镉配合物的合成、晶体结构及荧光性质
- 无机化学学报2013年(第29卷)1~12期总目次
- Author Index 作者索引
- Synthesis and Characterization of Tungsten Oxide Nanostructures
- Syntheses,Crystal Structure and Optical Property of Two Bis-ligand Silver(Ⅰ)Complexes Containing Diphenic Acid and Bidentate N-donor Ligands
- Synthesis,Structure and Fungicidal Activity of Organotin 1H-Tetrazolyl-1-acetates
- Solvothermal Synthesis,Crystal Structure and Photoluminescence Property of a Coordination Polymer Based on 1,1′-Ethynebenzene-3,3′,5,5′-tetracarboxylate
- Graphene-RuO2Nanocomposites:Hydrothermal Synthesis and Electrochemical Capacitance Properties
- Syntheses and Structures of Two Copper(Ⅱ)Complexes with Salicyl Mono-oxime Ligands
- Synthesis,Crystal Structure,Luminescent and Electrochemical Properties of a New Binuclear Cd(Ⅱ)Complex with 2,4-DAA as Ligand
- Dual Channel Rhodamine Based Colorimetric Fluorescent Probe for Cu2+in Living Cells
- Control Synthesis and Bioconjugation of Core-Shell Structured Gold Nanoparticles
- A New Nickel(Ⅱ)Complex Based on Novel Pyridyl-carboxylate Schiff-Base Ligand:Synthesis and Crystal Structure
- Synthesis of a New Cu(Ⅱ)Complex with in situ Generated 3-Hydroxy-2,4,6-pyridinetricarboxylate Ligand and Analysis of the Reaction Mechanism
- A New 2D Layer Manganese(Ⅱ)Complex Assembled by Flexible 1,4-Benzenebis(thioacetic acid)Ligand:Synthesis,Crystal Structure and Magnetic Property
- Preparation of Functionalized Graphene Sheets via Microwave-Assisted Solid-State Process and Their Electrochemical Capacitive Behaviors
- The Uptake and Membrane Transport of Cesium in Human Erythrocytes
- Synthesis,Crystal Structure and Antibacterial Activity of 2D Hydrogen-bonds Layered Magnesium(Ⅱ)Complex