Biomedical and Environmental Sciences
- Circulating MicroRNAs as Novel Diagnostic Biomarkers for Very Early-onset (≤40 years) Coronary Artery Disease*
- Structural Modulation of Gut Microbiota in Rats with Allergic Bronchial Asthma Treated with Recuperating Lung Decoction*
- Expression of Peroxiredoxins and Pulmonary Surfactant Protein A Induced by Silica in Rat Lung Tissue*
- Distribution Characteristics of Spermophilus dauricus in Manchuria City in China in 2015 th rough ‘3S' Techno logy*
- Alcohol Drinking, Dyslipidemia, and Diabetes: A Population-based Prospective Cohort Study among lnner Mongolians in China*
- Bio logical Effec ts o f Clo th Con taining Specific Ore Pow der in Patien ts w ith Po llen Allergy
- 8-isop rostane as Oxidative Stress Marker in Coal Mine Wo rkers
- Effect of Smo SiRNA-mediated Hedgehog Signaling Pathway Inhibition on Palatal Fusion*
- Evaluation o f Xpert MTB/RIF for the Diagnosis of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis in China*
- Viral Contamination Source in Clinical Microbiology Laboratory*
- Risk of Treatment Failure in Patients with Drug-susceptible Pulmonary Tuberculosis in China*