- Malta's“bun sister”
ption(说明文字)in Chinese characters“from your bun sister”.H.E.John Aquilina,Malta's ambassador to China,said that Chinesedoubao(bean bun) is“great stuff”after viewing the video of Spiteri eating the buns,and more Maltese people have
疯狂英语·新读写 2023年1期2023-04-06
- The windmill trend
(为……添加说明文字)the short video,“fully vaccinated”.Although most of the posters are having fun with the unusual new trend,sadly,medical experts have confirmed that it won't actually have any impact on relieving the pain of your arm exc
疯狂英语·新悦读 2021年10期2021-11-23
- 文字的前世今生
小天使·一年级语数英综合 2021年9期2021-09-22
- 将心折叠在文字里
辽宁招生考试 2017年7期2017-03-11