- Effectiveness and safety of Jinshuibao capsules (金水宝胶囊) in treatment of residual cardiopulmonary symptoms in convalescent patients of coronavirus disease 2019: a pilot randomized,double-blind,placebo-controlled clinical trial
les (金水宝胶囊),a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM),in the treatment of residual cardiopulmonary symptoms in convalescent corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients.METHODS: A total of 200 participants with COVID-19 in convalescen
- Effects of the Huangkui capsule (黄葵胶囊) on chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and Meta-analysis
sule (黄葵胶囊,HKC) on chronic kidney disease (CKD).METHODS: PubMed,Embase,Cochrane Library,and three Chinese databases (China National Knowledge Infrastructure,Wanfang,and China Science and Technology Journal Database) were searched
- Shugan Jieyu capsule (舒肝解郁胶囊) improve sleep and emotional disorder in coronavirus disease 2019 convalescence patients: a randomized,double-blind,placebo-controlled trial
le (舒肝解郁胶囊) on improving sleep and emotional disorder during Coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) convalescence.METHODS: We conducted a randomized,double-blind,placebo-controlled trial,and recruit 200 COVID-19 convalescence patients
- Network pharmacology research and experimental verification of Huangqi (Astragalus Radix) and Jinyingzi (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus) in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia
le (益肾通癃胶囊), an in-hospital preparation that includes Huangqi (Astragalus Radix), Jinyingzi (Rosae Laevigatae Fructus),Gouqizi (Lycii Fructus), Buguzhi (Psoralese Fructus),Shanyao (Dioscorese Rhizoma), Shudi (Rehmanniae Radix Prae
Digital Chinese Medicine 2021年2期2022-01-19
- Shumian capsule(舒眠胶囊)improves symptoms of sleep mood disorder in convalescent patients of Corona Virus Disease 2019
sule (舒眠胶囊) in improving the symptoms of insomnia,anxiety,depression,and other symptoms of convalescent patients of COVID-19.METHODS:Totally 200 patients were collected and randomly divided into experiment group (n= 100)and contro
- Bushen Qiangjin capsule(补肾强筋胶囊)inhibits the Wnt/β-catenin pathway to ameliorate papain-induced knee osteoarthritis in rats
le (补肾强筋胶囊,BSQJ),a Traditional Chinese Medicine,on knee osteoarthritis(KOA).METHODS:In the present study,32 female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into four groups:control,KOA,high-dose BSQJ (H-BSQJ),and low-dose BSQJ (L
- Anti-hypertensive and endothelia protective effects of Fufang Qima capsule (复方芪麻胶囊) on primary hypertension via adiponectin/adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase pathway
ule(复方芪麻胶囊,QM).METHODS:Spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHRs)were used to study the underlying mechanism of the anti-hypertension activity of QM.In this study,SHRs were randomly divided into 5 groups:model group,Telmisartan group (7
- Network pharmacology research and experimental verification of Huangqi(Astragalus Radix)and Jinyingzi(Rosae Laevigatae Fructus)in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia
ule(益肾通癃胶囊),an in-hospital preparation that includes Huangqi(Astragalus Radix),Jinyingzi(Rosae Laevigatae Fructus),Gouqizi(Lycii Fructus),Buguzhi(Psoralese Fructus),Shanyao(Dioscorese Rhizoma),Shudi(Rehmanniae Radix Praeparata),Sh
Digital Chinese Medicine 2021年3期2021-07-23
- The Comparison Between Two Kinds of Integrative Medicine Therapy with the Single Mifepristone in the Treatment of Uterine Fibroids
ule (宫瘤清胶囊) combined with mifepristone, Guizhi Fuling Capsule (桂枝茯苓胶囊) combined with mifepristone, and single mifepristone in the treatment of uterine fibroids. Methods:Retrospective analysis was performed on 307 patients with ute
World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine 2021年1期2021-04-16
- Professor YANG Yu-fei's Experience on the Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine Treatment Strategy for Advanced Colorectal Cancer
les (安替可胶囊), Compound Canthari Capsules (复方斑螯胶囊), and Pingxiao Capsules(平消胶囊) etc.."Basic Questions Yuan Zheng Ji Da Lun"said: Professor Yang Yu-fei stresses that the process of treatment of advanced colorectal cancer is a protrac
World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine 2020年1期2020-12-28
- Study on the Mechanism of Ruanjian Sanjie Capsules(软坚散结胶囊) Inducing Renal Cancer Cell Apoptosis by Blocking NOTCH Signal Pathway
es (软坚散结胶囊) through regulating NOTCH signaling pathway to promote human clear cell renal cell carcinoma 7 860 cell apoptosis.Methods:A laser confocal microscope was used to observe the nuclear displacement of apoptosis-related pro
World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine 2020年12期2020-04-20
- 胶囊要用凉开水服
妇女之友 2018年8期2018-09-17
- 当胶囊君遇到水
文 杜少君/图当胶囊君遇到水○酱 酱/文 杜少君/图实验室里,一凡和尕普准备了温水和冷水要给胶囊君做个实验。我是胶囊君,我在水中会吸水变软后溶解,尤其是在温水中,我的衣服溶解得速度更快。听说胶囊药物要用温水送服,冷水不利于胶囊的溶化和药物的释放,真的如此吗?这时,一凡和尕普把胶囊投入到烧杯中。果然温水中的胶囊溶解得更快,十几秒后,冷水和温水中的胶囊都溶解了。胶囊君的外套是什么材料呢?胶囊外壳的主要成分是一种明胶。胶囊的外壳并没有看上去那么难溶解。胶囊君说:
学生天地 2017年29期2018-01-04
- 磁控胶囊胃镜
这款磁控胶囊胃镜,实现了无痛无创无麻醉的全新胃镜检查之举。这个小小的胶囊内植永久性微型磁极,它主要依靠体外磁场控制,精确控制进入人体内的胶囊内镜的运动。胶囊体积很小,随水吞服后进入体内并无异物感和不适感。利用此胶囊全程检查只需 15 分钟,体检完以后,胶囊会随便便自然排出体外。endprint
大众健康 2016年4期2016-05-31
- 小胶囊翻跟头
发明与创新 2015年27期2015-04-17
- 服用胶囊的小细节
柴 宁胶囊制剂由药物微粒装入胶囊中所制成,一般分为硬胶囊和软胶囊两种。伤风胶囊、诺氟沙星胶囊、头孢氨苄胶囊等属于硬胶囊;鱼肝油丸、维生素E胶囊、藿香正气软胶囊等属于软胶囊。胶囊由骨明胶或猪皮明胶制成,易溶于胃液,对人体无害。而装入胶囊的药物大都对胃黏膜和食道有刺激,或者易被消化液分解破坏。很多人都知道服用胶囊是不能去壳的,因为去壳后,不仅会降低药效,还会使消化道受到损伤,甚至药物的微粒会呛入气管造成危险。还有的胶囊是缓释胶囊,完整吞服后才能使药物均衡释放,
家庭医药 2009年1期2009-02-05
- 曝光台:山东通报查处喘安胶囊等29种假药
家庭医药 2006年3期2006-03-17