
2024-11-11 00:00:00
社会科学研究 2024年6期

Principled Tracing of the Concept of“Culture”in Xi Jinping’s Cultural Thought:Based on the Perspective of Concept Evolution

Qi Guang and Zhang Meng

(School of Marxism,China University of Mining and Technology)

Abstract:The foundational original contribution of Xi Jinping’s cultural thought is its principled contri-bution,which is premised on his principled innovation of the Marxist concept of“culture”.Marxism has con-structed a new structure of the concept of culture from the dimensions of subjectivity,civilization and episte-mology,laying down a philosophical vision and innovative direction for the theoretical innovation of the CPC.In the process of the CPC’s theoretical innovation,the CPC adheres to the connection between theory and practice,constantly consolidates the essence of the Marxist concept of culture,enriches the vivid practice of so-cialistcivilization,and condenses the development law of socialist culture,thus realizing the creative upgra-ding of the Marxist concept of culture.Since socialism with Chinese characteristics crossed the threshold into a new era,the CPC with Xi Jinping at its core has realized a new exploration of socialist culture in the process of combining the basic principles of Marxism with China’s specific realities and excellent traditional culture,which has provided all-round preparations for the refinement,production,and innovation of the concept of so-cialist culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era.From the height of the sinicization and epochaliza-tion of Marxist cultural theory,original concepts and theories such as cultural subjectivity,cultural life body,and“twocombinations”have realized original contributions to Marxist cultural concepts in the dimensions of subjectivity stipulation,civilizationconnotation,and epistemological structure.

Key Words:Xi Jinping’s Cultural Thought;CulturalConcept;CulturalSubjectivity;Cultural Life Body

Theory and Reference of China’s Local Government Debt Crisis Governance:Based on Debt Monetization Examination

Liu Xiliang and Zhang Shengming

(Institute of Chinese Financial Studies,Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)

Abstract:Atpresent,the local government debt is huge,coupled with slowing down growth and having been defaulted many debts.Once debt crisis breaks out,the overall national financial security situation may be concerned.However,the research on the relationship between local debt monetization and hyperinflation in the current context of China is still insufficient,which is not enough to gudie the solution of practical issues.Based on this,from the perspective of economic thought history and economic history,this paper explores the limita-tions of research on the hyperinflation of China’s economy caused by the monetization of local debt,which probably ignores the applicable premise and background of classical monetary theory and typical events,and explores the scientific theoretical support of Chinese debt monetization.Further,it draws on the experience of successful solving local debt crisis in Brazil.It concludes that debt monetization does not necessarily lead to hyperinflation and it is a feasible choice for our country to properly dissolve the local debt crisis;the theory of“national capital structure”provides theoretical support for it with Chinese characteristics.

Key Words:National Economic Security;Local Government Debt Governance;Debt-monetization;Na-tional Capital Structure;

From“Saying According to the Others”to“Saying by Myself”:Thinking About the Construction of Discourse in the History ofChinese Philosophy by Autonomy

Chai Wenhua and Guo Jiaming

(School of Philosophy,HeilongjiangUniversity;School of Humanities and Social Sciences,Harbin Engineering University)

Abstract:The discourse of the history of Chinese philosophy has been gradually moving towards the aca-demic world with the introduction of the concept of“philosophy”,the founding of the discipline of the history of Chinese philosophy,and the writing of the history of Chinese philosophy.The process of its construction has transitioned from the“saying according to the others”stageof“interpreting China with the West”and“inter-preting China with the Marxism”to the multi-dimensional“saying by myself”stage.This represents that the discourse of the history of Chinese philosophy has begun to shift from being dominated by foreigners to being independent and autonomous.Nowadays,in the face of the three shifts in the methodology of the history of Chinese philosophy,choosing the principles of“unity of self-confidence and autonomy”,“unity of characteris-tics and commonalities”,and“unity of tradition and modernity”should be chosen as the principle of construc-ting the discourse of the history of Chinese philosophy,adopting the self-weaving“filter”,integrating the mo-dernized humanistic context,and selecting the modernized Chinese text as the construction path to write the history of Chinese philosophy,we can further promote the construction of the autonomous discourse of the his-tory of Chinese philosophy and the development of the discipline of the history of Chinese philosophy.

Key Words:“Saying According to the Others”;“Saying by Myself”;Autonomy;Discourse in the His-tory of Chinese Philosophy

Essay on the First Ziyang Uprising of the Boxer Movement in Sichuan Province


(School of History,Beijing Normal University)

Abstract:Sichuan Boxer Movement has played the role of connecting the past and the future in the mo-dern Chinese history.It follows the rest of the Boxer Movement centered in North China,and moves from the edge to the center,after the beginning of the late Qing dynasty of civil change,theRailway Project Crisis(May 1911),and the Revolution of 1911.Its historical significance and the value should be reassessed,and its basic historical facts should be better explored and organized.As an independent form of movement,ZiyangShouyi was a landmark event in the second stage of the Boxer Movement in Sichuan province,and the time of its outbreak,its process and scale,its turning point event involve many historical issues.It is necessary to make an examination and analysis according to the historical materials.

Key Words:SichuanProvince;BoxerMovement;First Ziyang and AnyueUprising;Event of Tiangu Bridge

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