对高维Schwarzschild-de Sitter黑洞视界处Fermions量子隧穿辐射率的修正

2024-11-11 00:00:00喻子晗李然罗志全杨树政

摘 要:根据Lorentz-breaking理论对弦量场作用量进行修正并应用变分原理得到了高维Schwarzschild-de Sitter黑洞时空中的费米子动力学方程。通过对此动力学方程的研究得到了高维 Schwarzschild-de Sitter黑洞事件视界处和宇宙视界处的量子隧穿率的修正形式,从而研究了此黑洞事件视界处和宇宙视界处的修正形式的Hawking温度和 Bekenstein-Hawking熵的新的表达式。在得到研究结果的基础之上,文中最后还对研究方法和结论进行了讨论。

关键词:Lorentz-breaking理论;黑洞量子隧穿率;Fermions;高维Schwarzschild-de Sitter时空;黑洞熵

中图分类号:O412 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-5072(2024)06-0656-05



1 修正的旋量场作用量和Fermions动力学方程

通过以上研究方法所得到的一系列结果是对高维Schwarzschild-de Sitter黑洞量子隧穿辐射的修正,同时也为研究其他的高维黑洞的Fermions隧穿辐射的修正和热力学特征提供参考价值。文中结论是半经典理论下的结果,若要考虑量子微扰的效应,就必须利用超越半经典理论研究的微扰修正。需要进一步说明的是,不同的弯曲时空有不同的特征,必须根据具体的时空特征进行研究。以上方法对Bosons修正不适用,应该从修正标量场的作用量开始进行相关的研究。


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Modification of Fermions Quantum Tunneling Emissivity at the Horizonof High-dimensional Schwarzschild-de Sitter Black Hole

YU Zi-han,LI Ran,LUO Zhi-quan,YANG Shu-zheng

(School of Physics and Astronomy,China West Normal University,Nanchong Sichuan 637009,China)

Abstract:The action of the string field is modified in accordance with Lorentz-breaking theory,and the variational principle is applied to obtain Fermions dynamics equation in the spacetime of high-dimensional Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole.The modification form of quantum tunneling rate at the event horizon and cosmic horizon of high-dimensional Schwarzschild-de Sitter black hole are obtained through the study of this dynamics equation.Thus,the new expressions of Hawking temperature and Bekenstein-Hawking entropy at the event horizon and cosmic horizon of this black hole are studied.On the basis of the research results,the last part of the paper conducts an in-depth discussion about the research methods and the series of conclusions drawn.

Keywords:Lorentz-breaking theory;quantum tunneling rate of black hole;Fermions;high-dimensional Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime;black hole entropy