摘 要:为了制备出具有长余辉功能的海藻酸钠纤维,拓宽海藻酸钠纤维和长余辉发光材料的应用领域,文章首先以硝酸锶、二氧化硅、氧化镁、氧化硼、氧化铕和氧化镝为原料,通过高温固相法制备了长余辉发光材料,再采用共混方式结合海藻酸钠制备出纺丝液,最后通过湿法纺丝制备了不同浓度的长余辉海藻酸钠纤维。利用扫描电子显微镜、红外光谱仪、荧光光谱仪、荧光余辉亮度测试仪和多功能力学测试仪对长余辉海藻酸钠纤维的微观形貌、化学结构、余辉性能及力学性能进行分析。结果表明:随着加入的长余辉发光材料质量增加,长余辉海藻酸钠纤维的余辉性能在不断提高,但纤维的强力呈下降趋势;当加入的长余辉发光材料质量分数为2.0%时,所制备的长余辉海藻酸钠纤维的综合性能达到最优。所制备的长余辉海藻酸钠纤维在夜行服和防伪标志等方面具有良好的应用前景。
长余辉发光纤维是通过特定的纺丝方法,将长余辉发光材料封闭于纤维中而获得具有长余辉性能的纤维[12-13]。例如:He等[14]使用静电纺丝的方法制备了直径为200 nm的Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+/PVA纳米纤维,经过后续的煅烧工序(还原
氛围)后得到在471 nm 处有蓝色发射峰的发光纤维;Ye 等[15]以聚乳酸为纤维基质,以溶胶-凝胶法结合静电纺丝制备了具有良好的蓝色长余辉性能的Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+/PLA复合纤维,该复合纤维不仅具有良好的余辉性能,同时具有自降解特性。
1 实验
1.1 实验材料
1.2 实验设备
管式炉(OTF-1200X,合肥科晶材料技术有限公司),注射泵(TYD01-01-CEhPTJLMVv5tchqlUf3gYq+w==,保定雷弗流体科技有限公司),电子天平(BSA124S,赛多利斯科学仪器有限公司),集热式恒温加热磁力搅拌器(DF-101S,邦西仪器科技有限公司),电热恒温干燥箱(202-00AB,天津市通利信达仪器厂),场发射扫描电镜(FE-SEM-S4800,日本日立),傅里叶红外光谱仪(Nicolet-5700,美国热电公司),荧光光谱仪(F-4600 日本日立),荧光余辉亮度测试仪(PR-305,杭州浙大三色仪器公司),拉伸仪(KES-G 日本Kato-Tech公司)。
1.3 实验方法
按照一定的摩尔比将硝酸锶、二氧化硅、氧化镁、氧化硼、氧化铕和氧化镝粉末倒入研钵中研磨。粉末混合均匀后,倒入方舟并将其放入管式炉中进行热处理。反应条件为:升温速率5 ℃/min,保温温度1100 ℃保温时间3 h,降温速率3 ℃/min,气氛为还原氛围(氮气与氢气的物质的量百分比为9∶1)。反应完成后,得到长余辉发光材料Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+。
用电子天平和称量纸称取所需质量的长余辉发光材料,加入100 mL去离子水中,配制成一系列质量分数为1.5%、2.0%、2.5%的发光液,并放在磁力搅拌器上搅拌。称取4 g海藻酸钠粉末,缓慢加入盛有发光液的烧杯中,同时不断搅拌,直至海藻酸钠完全溶解,形成均匀稳定的长余辉海藻酸钠纺丝液。
将配制好的长余辉海藻酸钠纺丝液加入到微量注射器中,在0.9 mL/min的挤出速度,以质量分数为4%无水氯化钙溶液为凝固浴的条件下进行纺丝。最终得到的掺杂不同质量分数长余辉发光材料的海藻酸钠纤维按照上述顺序被标记为:1.5% 长余辉海藻酸钠纤维、2.0% 长余辉海藻酸钠纤维和2.5% 长余辉海藻酸钠纤维。
1.4 测试与表征
对样品喷金处理后,使用场发射扫描电镜观察纯海藻酸钠纤维和长余辉海藻酸钠纤维的纵向形貌和截面形貌;使用Nicolet-5700傅里叶红外光谱仪(FTIR)对纯海藻酸钠纤维和长余辉海藻酸钠纤维在400~4000 cm-1波数内的结构进行表征,得到透过率随波数变化的FTIR光谱图;使用F-46001荧光光谱仪测试分析长余辉海藻酸钠纤维和硅酸镁锶长余辉发光材料的激发谱和发射谱,使用荧光余辉亮度测试仪测试和分析长余辉海藻酸钠纤维和硅酸镁锶长余辉发光材料的余辉性能;使用拉伸仪对海藻酸钠纤维和长余辉海藻酸钠纤维的断裂强力进行测试,拉伸速度为0.02 cm/s。
2 结果与讨论
2.1 表面形貌分析
2.2 红外光谱分析
海藻酸钠纤维和长余辉海藻酸钠纤维的红外光谱图如图3所示。由海藻酸钠纤维的红外光谱可知:3335 cm-1处又宽又强的吸收峰为氢键缔合状态下—OH的伸缩振动峰,这与海藻酸钠纤维表面自由水有关。1598 cm-1与1428 cm-1的两个强峰分别表示COO-反对称伸缩振动与对称伸缩振动,1012 cm-1处为C—O—C的吸收振动峰,上述所提及的吸收峰都为海藻酸钠的特征吸收峰[16]。此外,从图3中可以看出,长余辉海藻酸钠纤维的红外光谱基本与海藻酸钠纤维的一致,推测长余辉发光材料与海藻酸钠的结合方式为物理结合[17]。同时,在1646、1502 cm-1和671 cm-1 处存在吸收峰,分别对应硅酸镁锶长余辉发光材料中Mg—O键的伸缩振动峰、Sr—O键的伸缩振动峰和Si—O键的弯曲振动峰[18]。综上所述,长余辉发光材料已成功掺入海藻酸钠纤维中。
2.3 荧光光谱分析
长余辉海藻酸钠纤维和硅酸镁锶长余辉发光材料的激发光谱如图4(a)所示,由图可知:长余辉海藻酸钠纤维和硅酸镁锶长余辉发光材料的激发光谱均由连续波长组成的宽带谱构成,在330 nm和365 nm处分别有一个激发峰,其中365 nm处的激发峰较高。同时,随着掺杂在海藻酸钠纤维中的长余辉发光材料质量的增加,纤维所对应的发光强度也在增加。长余
辉海藻酸钠纤维和硅酸镁锶长余辉发光材料的发射光谱如图4(b)所示。由图可知:长余辉海藻酸钠纤维和硅酸镁锶长余辉发光材料的发射光谱由一个连续分布在400~550 nm范围内的宽发射带组成,并且在468 nm处有一个发射峰。该发射峰对应于掺杂在海藻酸钠纤维中的长余辉发光材料中Eu2+离子的4f65d1→4f7跃迁[13]。同时,长余辉海藻酸钠纤维的发光强度也随着掺杂在纤维中的长余辉发光材料质量的增加而增大。
2.4 余辉性能分析
衰减过程分为2个阶段:快衰减和慢衰减阶段。由图5可知:随着掺杂在海藻酸钠纤维中的长余辉发光材料质量的增加,长余辉海藻酸钠纤维的初始亮度也在增大。同时,硅酸镁锶长余辉发光材料的初始亮度大于掺入的长余辉发光材料质量分数为2.5% 的长余辉海藻酸钠纤维的初始亮度,原因可能为海藻酸钠包覆了长余辉发光材料,导致长余辉发光材料所能够吸收的光能减少。表1为长余辉海藻酸钠纤维和硅酸镁锶长余辉发光材料各阶段的初始亮度和余辉寿命数据表,由表可知:随着掺杂在海藻酸钠纤维中的长余辉发光材料质量的增加,长余辉海藻酸钠纤维的初始发光亮度和余辉寿命时间也在增大。除此之外,长余辉海藻酸钠纤维的初始发光亮度和余辉寿命小于硅酸镁锶长余辉发光材料的初始发光亮度和余辉寿命。
2.5 力学性能分析
纯海藻酸钠纤维与长余辉海藻酸钠纤维的应力应变曲线如图6所示。从图6中可知:纯海藻酸钠纤维的拉伸应变为36%左右,断裂强力为20.5 MPa。随着掺杂在海藻酸钠纤维中的长余辉发光材料质量的增加,长余辉海藻酸钠纤维的拉伸应变和断裂强力在减小,说明长余辉发光材料的掺入使得海藻酸钠纤维的力学性能降低,这是因为长余辉发光材料的掺入降低了海藻酸钠聚合物在纤维中的取向度和海藻酸钠大分子间的结合力[19]。
长余辉海藻酸钠纤维光照10 min后在黑暗条件下的实物图如图7所示。从图8中可以看出:长余辉海藻酸钠纤维在光照之后能够在黑暗的条件下发出蓝色的光,说明制备的长余辉海藻酸钠纤维具有良好的余辉性能,可以用于防伪标志和舞台装饰等应用领域。
3 结论
a)当海藻酸钠的质量分数为4%,掺入的长余辉发光材料的质量分数为2.0%时,得到的长余辉海藻酸钠纤维不仅具有良好的余辉性能(0.129 cd/m2),同时具有较好的力学性能(19.6 MPa, 16.5%)。
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Preparation of long afterglow sodium alginate fibers and their properties
WANG Yong, DU Pingfan
(College of Textile Science and Engineering (International Institute of Silk),
Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China)
As the concept of green environmental protection continues to be deeply rooted in people's minds, long afterglow luminescent materials, as a kind of green energy-saving environmental protection materials, have gradually attracted widespread attention from researchers. At the same time, most of the studies on the application of long afterglow luminescent materials in the textile field are aluminate long afterglow luminescent materials, and there is relatively little research on the application of silicate long afterglow luminescent materials. In addition, silicate long afterglow luminescent materials have excellent water resistance compared with aluminate materials, so there is no need for coupling modification before incorporating them into the spinning solution, which can reduce the process of preparing long afterglow fibers with afterglow properties.
To prepare sodium alginate fibers with afterglow properties, a series of sodium alginate spinning solutions with mass gradients (1.5%, 2.0% and 2.5%) doped with Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+ long afterglow luminescent materials were set up, and a series of long afterglow sodium alginate fibers with different mass fractions of long afterglow luminescent materials were prepared by wet spinning. The surface microstructure, chemical structure, afterglow properties and mechanical properties of sodium alginate fibers and sodium alginate fibers were tested and analyzed by field emission scanning electron microscope, Fourier infrared instrument, fluorescence spectrometer, fluorescence brightness tester and tension meter, and the best doping quality of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+ long afterglow luminescent material was explored. It provides a theoretical basis for determining the doping quality of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+ long afterglow luminescent materials in other kinds of fiber spinning solution. The results show that the surface of sodium alginate fiber changes from being smooth to being rough and its cross section shape changes from being round to being sawtooth after the addition of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+ long afterglow luminescent material. At the same time, as the Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+ long afterglow luminescent material is successfully incorporated into the sodium alginate fiber, the sodium alginate fiber has the afterglow performance, and has a wide and strong emission peak in its emission spectrum, which is attributed to the characteristic emission peak of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+ long afterglow sodium alginate. In addition, the mechanical properties of sodium alginate fiber decrease due to the addition of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+ long afterglow luminescent materials. All the experimental results show that when the mass fraction of sodium alginate is 4% and the mass fraction of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+ is 2%, the prepared sodium alginate fiber not only has good surface morphology and mechanical properties, but also has good afterglow properties.
In this paper, a series of long afterglow sodium alginate fibers with different mass fractions were prepared by wet spinning and their properties were characterized. The influence of doping different mass fractions of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+ afterglow luminescent materials on the properties of sodium alginate fibers was studied. The optimal doping concentration of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+ long afterglow luminescent material was determined, providing a theoretical basis for the incorporation of other kinds of spinning fluids into the material. At the same time, the prepared long afterglow sodium alginate fiber has good afterglow performance and excellent mechanical properties, and can be used in night clothing, stage decoration and anti-counterfeiting signs and other applications.
sodium alginate fiber; long afterglow luminescent materials; long afterglow sodium alginate fiber; afterglow property; mechanical property