Neighbour Rosicky (Excerpt IX)《邻居罗西基》(节选九)

2024-07-16 00:00:00薇拉·凯瑟/文曹明伦/译析
英语世界 2024年7期

Mary very soon got into town to see Doctor Ed, and then she had a talk with her boys and set a guard over Rosicky. Even John, the youngest, had his father on his mind. If Rosicky went to throw hay down from the loft, one of the boys ran up the ladder and took the fork from him. He sometimes complained that though he was getting to be an old man, he wasn’t an old woman yet.


That winter he stayed in the house in the afternoons and carpentered, or sat in the chair between the window full of plants and the wooden bench where the two pails of drinking-water stood. This spot was called “Father’s Corner,” though it was not a corner at all. He had a shelf there, where he kept his Bohemian papers and his pipes and tobacco, and his shears and needles and thread and tailor’s thimble. Having been a tailor in his youth, he couldn’t bear to see a woman patching at his clothes, or at the boys’. He liked tailoring, and always patched all the overalls and jackets and work shirts. Occasionally he made over a pair of pants one of the older boys had outgrown, for the little fellow.


While he sewed, he let his mind run back over his life. He had a good deal to remember, really; life in three countries. The only part of his youth he didn’t like to remember was the two years he had spent in London, in Cheapside, working for a German tailor who was wretchedly poor. Those days, when he was nearly always hungry, when his clothes were dropping off him for dirt, and the sound of a strange language kept him in continual bewilderment, had left a sore spot in his mind that wouldn’t bear touching.


He was twenty when he landed at Castle Garden1 in New York, and he had a protector who got him work in a tailor shop in Vesey Street, down near the Washington Market. He looked upon that part of his life as very happy. He became a good workman, he was industrious, and his wages were increased from time to time. He minded his own business and envied nobody’s good fortune. He went to night school and learned to read English. He often did overtime work and was well paid for it, but somehow he never saved anything. He couldn’t refuse a loan to a friend, and he was self-indulgent. He liked a good dinner, and a little went for beer, a little for tobacco; a good deal went to the girls. He often stood through an opera on Saturday nights; he could get standing-room for a dollar. Those were the great days of opera in New York, and it gave a fellow something to think about for the rest of the week. Rosicky had a quick ear, and a childish love of all the stage splendour; the scenery, the costumes, the ballet. He usually went with a chum, and after the performance they had beer and maybe some oysters somewhere. It was a fine life; for the first five years or so it satisfied him completely. He was never hungry or cold or dirty, and everything amused him: a fire, a dog fight, a parade, a storm, a ferry ride. He thought New York the finest, richest, friendliest city in the world.



【第1段】注意三点:(1)译文省略了第一句中第一个and后的人称代词she,意思依然清楚,语句更加清爽;(2)译文把had a talk with her boys翻译成“跟孩子们谈过一次话”,而非“跟她的孩子们谈过一次话”(省略了原文中的物主代词her);(3)不要一见if就对应“如果”,须知if还有whenever的意思。例如:If I feel any doubt, I inquire. 我一有疑惑就随时问人。(《英汉大词典》第2版第939页)又如:She glares at me if I go near her desk. 我一走近她的办公桌,她就对我瞪眼。(《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第9版第1082页)

【第2段】有人把“Father’s Corner”译成了“爸爸的角落”,比较参考译文“老爸角落”。

【第3段】有人把第二句翻译成了“年轻时代的生活他最不愿提及的是在伦敦,在齐普赛街度过的,给一个穷途潦倒的德国裁缝帮佣的那两年”。请将此句与参考译文比较。参考译文把先行词the two years(那两年)重复了一遍,把后面较长的定语从句分为两截,分别置于两个“那两年”前面,使译文句子和原文一样清爽(关于这种译法,可参见商务印书馆2013年版《英汉翻译二十讲》第234—235页)。

【第4段】有人把Castle Garden翻译成“堡垒园”,且未加注释,这可能会给不少译文读者造成困惑。加注说明“纽约城堡花园”是美国第一个移民接纳中心,不仅避免了这种困惑,而且与后文的叙述吻合。我曾在《译者的注释意识和译文的注释原则》一文中说“译者的注释意识取决于译者对翻译目的之认识,译文的注释原则取决于译者对译文读者之认知语境和认知能力的正确判断”,并总结了为译文添加注释的六条原则,其中第一条就是“当注必注,不偷懒懈怠”(参见商务印书馆2013年版《英汉翻译二十讲》第72—80页)。


1美国第一个移民接纳中心,位于纽约曼哈顿岛南端的炮台公园(Battery Park),从1855年至1890年,这里共接纳了800万移民,其功能后来被埃利斯岛(Ellis Island)接替。