
2024-07-16 00:00:00余玉清
英语世界 2024年7期



Joey: You look good.(今天你真漂亮啊。)

Angela: That’s because I’m wearing a dress that accents my boobs.(是因为我穿了一件性感的裙子,胸部显得更丰满罢了。)

Joey: You don’t say.(噢,原来如此。)

仅凭字面,我们很难理解上面对话中的“You don’t say.”是什么意思。美国学者Richard A. Spears在Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts一书中对这个短语给出的解释是:Express a little polite surprise or interest but not disbelief.(有礼貌地表示惊讶或兴趣,但没有不相信的意思。)

短语for what it’s worth也不能从字面来“望文生义”:

For what it’s worth, your road trip sounds amazing. I just don’t think it’s gonna pan out for this summer.(我要给你一点忠告,你的旅行计划听上去是蛮不错的。但今年夏天是否能付诸实施就很难说了。)

——《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)

For what it is worth, I don’t think she did it.(依我看,作案的不是她。/ 我觉得不是她干的。)


For what it’s worth, I didn’t think it was a very good impression of you. (在我看来,你当时给人的印象并不好。)

——《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)

上面例子中,for what it’s worth是说话人发表意见时一种客气、谦虚的说法,意思是:我只是说一下我的看法,仅供参考。




You decent?(我能进来吗?)[担心对方没穿好衣服]


Hang on, I’m not decent.(稍等,我还没穿好衣服呢。)


Way to go, Tim!(蒂姆,你太厉害了!)

——《无罪证明》(Proven Innocent)

You have my word.(我向你保证。)

——《国务卿女士》(Madam Secretary)

A:A toast to Rory enter Chilton and an exciting new phase in her life.(我提议为罗里干杯,祝贺她考入奇尔顿高中,开始一段新的精彩人生。)

B:Hear, hear.(说得好,说得好。)[这里hear表示赞同]

——《吉尔莫女孩》(Gilmore Girls)

Level with me, Bree. Do I still have a chance with you?(布里,请对我说实话,我和你之间还有机会吗?)

——《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)

For the record, I really do care about this.(说实在的,这件事我的确很介意。)

——《国务卿女士》(Madam Secretary)

It’s on me.(我请客。)

——《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)

He had it coming. I’ll tell you that now. It serves him right.(他自找的。我想跟你说的是,他活该。)


On a hunch, lecithin.(直觉告诉我,这是卵磷脂。)


We’ll just play it by ear, okay?(我们见机行事,走一步,看一步,好吗?)



Fat chance of that happening.(那种事发生的机会很小。)[= It’s a fat chance of that happening.]

——《指定幸存者》(Designated Survivor)

Fair enough.(你说的有道理。)[= It’s fair enough.]



——《妙女神探》(Rizzoli & Isles)

No strenuous activities, no meat, no booze.(不要做剧烈运动,不要吃肉,不要喝酒。)

——《我为喜剧狂》(30 Rock)

Perfect on the first shot.(第一次做,就做得这么好。)


Not rocket science.(这事简单。/这又不是什么很难的事。)



Don’t sell yourself short.(别小瞧自己了。/别把自己贱卖了。)


Just stay put.(就站在原地别动!)

——《妙女神探》(Rizzoli & Isles)

Zip that lip.(不要乱讲。)

——《神烦警探》(Brooklyn Nine-Nine)

Grab some air.(出去透透气吧。)


Take a gander.(你来看一下。)


So spill.(那么,如实交代吧。)

——《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)

Grow up.(别傻了,你真幼稚啊。/你有点出息好不好?)

——《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)

Read into that what you will.(随便你怎么联想都行。/随你怎么解读吧。)

——《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)

Spare me the sales pitch.(不要向我推销了。/不要多费口舌了。)



Is the coast clear?(安全了吗?/我们没事了吗?)


The story just doesn’t add up.(你对案件的分析不合逻辑。/你的说法讲不通。)


Wow, this stuff rocks.(这东西很神奇耶。/这东西真好用!)


A:Oh, any bites?(你那边有情况吗?/你那边有上钩的吗?)

B:Nada, you?(没有,你呢?)


You call it.(说说你的意见。)


You made a bad call.(你做了一个错误决定。)

——《指定幸存者》(Designated Survivor)

My hands are tied.(我无能为力。/我帮不上忙。)

——《国务卿女士》(Madam Secretary)

前些年,在日本教授英语的Shawn Holley和Marilyn Holley夫妇专门写过一本《日常英语微型短句1660例》,这本畅销书在国内由清华大学出版社出版。无独有偶,美国西北大学教授、词典学家Richard A. Spears针对英语不是母语的学习者也编过一本Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts。他特别强调,他编的这本书不是用来查的,而是用来熟读、背诵的。该书收录短语和短句2100条。信手翻检该书,发现影视剧里的常用语“My lips are sealed.(我会守口如瓶的。)”和“(It’s) my way or the highway.(按我的意思干,否则滚蛋!)”等都在其中。和该书的内容相比,影视剧中,短句更丰富,惯用语也更多。对于英语不是母语的人而言,如果不事先了解、掌握一定数量的短语和短句,理解影视剧台词的程度会大打折扣。为此,平时收集、整理影视剧中出现的短语、短句,体会它们的适用场合和含义,是提高英语影视剧听力的有效途径。

* 上海理工大学外语学院教师,上海理工大学公选课《影视英语面面观》课程负责人,译著有《黑暗之影》《金色男孩》《大哉沪江》等。本文选自其著作《魅力光影——英语影视剧台词聚焦》(上海交通大学出版社,2021),有改动。



I was humble in position when young, so I developed many lowly skills.


If a gentleman dwelt in a place, how could there still be vulgarity? (A gentleman’s living in a place will help civilize it.)


Watching the surging current by the riverside Confucius said, “O time elapses just like this, day and night without cease!”


Let’s take piling up earth to make a mound for example. When I need only one basket of earth to complete the whole work but I stop, it is none other than I who have made the stop. Again let’s take the leveling up of land for example. I may add only one basket of earth. It is a step forward and it is none other than I who have taken that step.
