Portrait of Fritza Riedler《弗里扎·里德勒肖像》

2024-07-16 00:00:00爱艺/译
英语世界 2024年7期

In Portrait of Fritza Riedler, the treatment of the women’s white dresses is very close, as are the geometrical blocks of colour in the background. Fritza Riedler, however, is seated, and here Gustav Klimt has let his imagination take over. The armchair in which she sits—perfectly realistic in the preparatory drawings—has virtually disappeared, becoming a two-dimensional outline filled in with gold and silver eye-shaped motifs. The gold and silver are picked up by the small squares dotted across the background wall.


As in the portrait of Margaret Stonborough-Wittgenstein, Klimt has placed a roughly semicircular shape behind Frieda’s head. This serves to frame and draw attention to her face, in the same way that Tissot1 places Miss Lloyd in a doorway.


However, the mosaic-like semicircular decoration in the Portrait of Fritza Riedler is more complicated than in the earlier work, and would appear to derive from two sources: Diego Velázquez2 and Egyptian art. There is a portrait of Queen Mariana 8EcvK1ub46gVI0KlwE6tfqUfsaqjwsEuSP+hEOPvxZU=of Austria3, ascribed to Velázquez, in the collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien and the queen’s hair is elaborately coiffured with braids and beads in the same shape as in Klimt’s portrait. Klimt may also have been inspired by his study of the ancient Egyptian art in Vienna’s museums. Whereas the Nemes, the best known pharaonic headdress, is a rectangular blue and gold striped fabric. The form of the Nemes comes from the Egyptian lion’s mane.


1指James Tissot 詹姆斯·天梭(1836—1902),本名雅克-约瑟夫·天梭(Jacques-Joseph Tissot),法国画家和插画家,擅长描绘时尚女性和《圣经》人物。

2(1599—1660),西班牙画家,西班牙艺术黄金时代的领军人物,对后世画家及印象派影响很大。1624年,委拉斯开兹受西班牙国王腓力四世青睐,成为国王和王后的御用画家,开始在宫廷供职直至去世。其最著名的作品是《宫娥》和《纺纱女》。 3委拉斯开兹为玛丽安娜王后创作的肖像有三版,大同小异,除了维也纳的藏品,其他的收藏在西班牙马德里的普拉多博物馆,该馆是世界上保有委拉斯开兹作品最多的博物馆。