
2024-06-28 09:59王洋帆
孔子学院 2024年3期




The period from October 7th to October9th each year on the Gregorian calendarmarks Hanlu, or Cold Dew. During thisperiod, temperatures gradually decrease, andthe character  (coldness) becomes morefrequently used in solar terms. The character is an associative compound depictiondepicting ancient peoples avoidance of frostwhile seeking warmth with grass as winterapproaches: Under the roof represented by theradical 宀, individuals huddle together amonggrass symbolized by the configuration , toretain heat. The two downward strokes at thebase signify the cold frost outside the dwelling.


By the Hanlu, most regions of China havebid farewell to the lingering heat of summer. Inthe south, autumn sets in gradually, while thenorth transitions into deep autumn. The primaryfocus during the Hanlu period is preparing for theimpending winter. Across fields, the lively scenes ofautumnal harvests and sowings unfold. There is anagricultural adage “If you dont pick cotton duringCold Dew, you only have yourself to blame whenfrost strikes,” advising that farmers should harvestthe mature crops and store them before the frostarrives. Another saying suggests that “Too earlyduring Autumn Equinox (late September) andtoo late during Frost Descent (late October); theoptimal time for sowing wheat is during Cold Dew,”which guides farmers to till the soil and plant coldresistantcrops like winter wheat in anticipation ofanother bountiful harvest.


In addition to humans, animals and plants alsostart their preparations for winter during the ColdDew season. Geese form a 一 or 人 shape as theymigrate southward in search of warmer habitatsfor winter. Mammals such as bears and deer begingrowing thicker fur coats to endure the harsh coldconditions. Chrysanthemums, the quintessentialflowers of this season, bloom profusely. Peopleapprec iate chr ysanthemums , i ndulge inchrysanthemum wine, compose poetry about theirblossoms, celebrate the resplendent autumn, andobserve the Double Ninth Festival together.


During the Hanlu period, rice is stored inbarns while melons and fruits emit a fragrantaroma. The Southern Song poet Cao Yanyuecaptured the essence of the enchanting autumnatmosphere during the Hanlu period in hispoem “Wind and Rain Blocking the Road onCold Dew Day in Zuoli1”:瓮白应浮酒,篱黄可著花。


As the wine in the jar turns pure white,the golden blossoms adorning the fence isready for picking.My home is only thirty miles away by water,which fills my heart with overwhelming joy.


As he fills his jar with exquisite wineand plucks the golden chrysanthemumsblooming by the fence, the poet experiencedan overwhelming sense of elation upon hisimminent return, realizing that his hometownlies a mere thirty miles away by water.


During the Hanlu period, by ascendingto great heights and gazing into the distance,one can appreciate the crisp autumn light andpeer through the approaching winter, eagerlyanticipating the arrival of another splendidspring in the forthcoming year.


霜降时节的到来,意味着秋天的结束和冬天的开始。这个节气通常在每年的公历10 月23日或24日。“霜”是由于气温骤降,加之昼夜温差大而形成的自然现象。“霜降杀百草”,寒霜的降临使得植物萧条衰败,此时大地逐渐褪去鲜艳的色彩,用一片淡色迎接冬天的到来。

The advent of Shuangjiang, or FrostDescent, signifies the end of autumn andthe beginning of winter. This solar termtypically occurs on October 23rd or 24th.“Frost” is a natural phenomenon triggeredby a sudden plummet in temperature,accentuated by substantial temperaturedifferentials between day and night. Theadage asserts, “The descending frost killsall plants,” as the onset of harsh frost resultsin the withering and decline of vegetation.During this period, the landscape graduallyloses its vivid hues, welcoming theencroachment of winter with a subduedpalette.


Amidst the desolate grasslands andtrees, two crimson splashes captivate thegaze. One emanates from persimmons,whose red hue shines prominent ly.“Harvest persimmons at Frost Descent,and gather soft dates at the Beginning ofWinter.” This is a tradition acknowledging the abundant ripening of persimmons during thisseason. People harvest and savor persimmons, asthe Chinese term for “persimmon” phoneticallyresembles “everything,” symbolizing wishes forsmooth progression in all endeavors. Furthermore,it phonetically resembles “profit” in Chinese,signifying aspirations for commercial prosperity.The other crimson allure arises from maple leaves.Despite the devastation wrought by autumn froston vegetation, it induces the vibrant transformationof maple leaves into fiery red, culminating in apicturesque vista reminiscent of hills ablaze withflames. In the Tang Dynasty, the poet Du Mupenned in his work “Autumn Glory”:



Off the main road runs a narrow stone path,winding, climbing, vanishing into the cloudyheights where perch a few tiny cottages.

Here I pull up my carriage, entranced. Forthe twilight mountainside is ablaze with crimsonmaples more vivid than spring flowers.


The sinuous mountain track ascends towardsthe depths of the profound autumn woodlands,where surprisingly a few homesteads dot the loftyarea. The poet interrupted his journey, lingering inthis locale to admire the late autumnal spectacle of maple groves, beholding the frost-kissed mapleleaves with their incandescent hues eclipsingthe resplendent blossoms of early spring.在霜降时节要注意“秋补”,以抵御寒冬。“一年补透透,不如补霜降”,人们爱吃的牛羊肉,蛋白含量高,味道鲜美,还能温暖脾胃,是极佳的滋补食材。

During the Shuangjiang period, peoplepay attention to “autumn supplementation”to brace for the impending winter. “Better tosupplement at Frost Descent than to regret theentire year.” Beef and mutton consumption isfavored during this period for their rich proteincontent, delectable flavor, and capacity toinvigorate the spleen and stomach, renderingthem superior nourishing ingredients.


“As frost descends from the heavens,autumnal hues deepen on the earth.”2 From thereawakening of life at the years outset to theadvent of frost, which ushes in leaf fall, we havewitnessed the ebb and flow of the natural worldas ordained. The Shuangjiang phase constitutesa brief interlude in this perpetual cycle,heralding the imminent onset of Lidong, or theBeginning of Winter. Nonetheless, when thefrost and snow thaw in the approaching year,and the warmth of spring coaxes forth bloomsanew, a fresh life cycle shall commence.

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