中文教学在越南的本土化发展Localization of Chinese Language Education in Vietnam:

2024-06-28 11:11:58阮国偲王子蕴
孔子学院 2024年3期

阮国偲 王子蕴


In recent years, there has been a growinginterest in learning Chinese in Vietnam. In 2012, theVietnamese government introduced Chinese as anelective course in primary and secondary schools.In 2021, the Vietnamese Ministry of Educationand Training elevated Chinese, along with Russian,Japanese, and French, to the status of a primaryforeign language. This integration of Chinese intoVietnams national education system has led torapid advancements in Chinese language educationover the past decade. Moreover, Chinese language education has also experienced significant growthin private sectors. Currently, there are over 500Chinese training institutions in Vietnam, offeringa range of services provided by local universities,private enterprises, and foreign-funded companies.To explore the localization of Chinese languageeducation in Vietnam and understand how theprivate training institutions contribute to theintegration of Chinese language education, weconducted an interview with Dr. Nguyen Quoc Tu.


Dr. Nguyen currently serves as the Dean ofthe Chinese Department at Dong Do University in Vietnam, as well as the President of the Vietnam Chinese Language Teachers Association. He is a postdoctoralresearch fellow at East China Normal University. Dr. Nguyen began studying Chinese in 2013 and subsequentlyearned his masters and doctoral degrees in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages from JilinUniversity and Beijing Language and Culture University in 2014 and 2016, respectively. After completing hisstudies, he returned to Vietnam and worked as an adjunct teacher for the Confucius Institute online classroom.Through this role, he gained valuable experience in Chinese teaching and teacher training. In 2021, Dr.Nguyen established QTEDU Language Center in Vietnam. Over the years, he has been dedicated to promotinginternational Chinese language education and managing Chinese programs in Vietnam, effectively contributingto cultural exchange and cooperation between Vietnam and China.

采访者:您好,阮老师,非常感谢您接受我们的采访。2021 年,您创办了学而优,并在三年内发展了20 余家子机构,成为越南第二大中文教育培训机构。请您简要介绍一下学而优的发展情况。

Interviewer: Good day, Dr. Nguyen. Thankyou for taking the time to speak with us. Sinceits inception in 2021, QTEDU has establishedover 20 branches in just three years, making itthe second-largest Chinese language traininginstitution in Vietnam. Could you provide anoverview of QTEDUs journey?


Dr. Nguyen: QTEDU was founded on March29, 2021. Over the past three years, our focus hasexpanded to include Chinese language training,study abroad consulting, book publication, andtalent development for Chinese language education.Despite our relatively short time in operation,QTEDU has emerged as Vietnams leading agencyfor students seeking to study in China. Annually, wefacilitate hundreds of student placements, with 640 in 2022 and 420 in 2023. In terms of Chinese languagetraining, we rank second among the 20 traininginstitutions in Vietnam. The top-ranking institution,Thanhmaihsk, has been in business for nine yearsand has established 22 branches. In 2024, our planinvolves further expansion, with a goal of reaching40 branches and establishing ourselves as the largestChinese training institution in Vietnam. UnlikeThanhmaihsk, we have opted for a franchise model toachieve faster growth.


Interviewer: The idea of “franchise-basedChinese language training institution” is quiteinnovative and has been instrumental inQTEDUs rapid growth. Could you elaborate onhow you ensure the quality of Chinese teachingunder this model? Are there specific entryrequirements in place? And how do you typicallyhandle management and supervision?


Dr. Nguyen: Our franchise model entails clearentry requirements, covering financial capabilities,human resources and management skills, teachinglocations, operational conditions, and alignmentwith our corporate culture. These criteria ensure thatpotential franchisees possess the necessary strengthand conditions for success. Once onboard, weequip them with a comprehensive set of operationalprocesses, including textbooks, teaching materialssuch as PPT slides and lesson plans, trainingprograms, contract templates, and exam papers. Thisstandardized approach enables them to hit the groundrunning without the need to develop a teachingsystem from scratch. To uphold educational standards,we have established regular support and monitoringmechanisms. Monthly training sessions and meetingsare conducted to ensure that they fully comprehendand adhere to our operational and teaching standards.Additionally, franchise management teams participatein specialized communication groups facilitatedby the headquarters, providing a platform for realtimeproblem-solving and fostering collaborationwithin the network. Both teaching quality and overallmanagement are overseen by dedicated professionalteams. Our goal is to maintain consistent teachingstandards and service quality across all franchiseinstitutions through rigorous monitoring, therebyensuring that educational excellence is upheld as wecontinue to expand.


Interviewer: Could you provide insight into themain Chinese textbooks used by the institutionsof the QTEDU network?


Dr. Nguyen: Textbooks play a pivotal rolein shaping the quality of Chinese education.Consequently, weve dedicated substantial effortand resources to their selection and development.Ensuring the successful development and adaptationof textbooks is essential for maintaining consistent,high-quality teaching across all affiliated institutions.This a key aspect of our franchising models success.Currently, our primary textbook is Speed-Up Chinese,customized to suit Vietnams local conditions. Wefirst secure the copyright for the original textbookthrough official channels. We then infuse Vietnamesecultural elements into the content — such asincorporating Vietnamese place names, introducingrelevant imagery, and enhancing the typesetting —to better align with the learning preferences ofVietnamese students. Furthermore, we organize theoriginal textbooks into four volumes, tailored tomeet the new standards of HSK Level 9 to ensurethe teaching content remains contemporary andrelevant. Throughout this process, weve receivedinvaluable support from teachers at Beijing Languageand Culture University in China, which contributessignificantly to the quality and applicability of thetextbooks.


Interviewer: Besides Chinese textbooks, you alsomentioned QTEDUs unique Chinese teachingmethod. Could you please explain it further?

阮:学而优采用的教学法是F-I-N智慧教学模型,这是基于我个人长期的中文学习和中文教学实践所得出的一种新的教学方法。目前,我正尝试对其进行理论化。F (Flipped Class) 指的是翻转课堂,一部分学习内容让学生在课前通过视频等方式自学,以便他们在课堂上更多地使用,参与讨论,加深理解,掌握学习重点。I(Immersive Education)指的是沉浸式教学,强调教师尽可能使用纯中文进行教学,即使是对于初学者,也通过提供大量的听力材料(无论是在课堂上还是作为家庭作业),以营造沉浸式的语言学习环境。N (Notes)强调有效的笔记方法,特别是康奈尔笔记法和思维导图的结合使用,帮助学生整理和记忆课程内容。教师的充分讲解、学生的积极参与和操练是实现这种教学法的成功关键,因此,我们在教师培训中会对教师进行专门的教学方法培训。尽管学生对这种教学法的接受度可能因个人学习习惯和偏好而异,但整体而言,这种教学法能够提高学生的自主学习能力,加深对课堂内容的理解,并通过有效的笔记方法提高信息整理和记忆能力。

Dr. Nguyen: The teaching method we use iscalled the F-I-N Smart Teaching Model, which is anew approach based on my extensive experience inlearning and teaching Chinese. Currently, I am inthe process of formalizing it into a theory. “F” standsfor “Flipped Class,” which is to assign studentslearning materials to study on their own throughvideos or other resources before class. This allowsthem to participate more actively in classroomdiscussions, deepen their understanding, and graspkey concepts. “I” stands for “Immersive Education,”which emphasizes teaching in Chinese as much aspossible, even to beginners, to create an immersivelanguage learning environment. We provideplenty of listening materials, both in class and ashomework, to facilitate this immersive experience.“N” stands for “Notes,” highlighting effective notetakingmethods, particularly a combination ofthe Cornell note-taking system and mind maps.This helps students organize and memorize course content more effectively. Thorough explanations byteachers, active participation, and regular practice bystudents are crucial for the success of this teachingmethod. Therefore, we offer specialized trainingon these methods for our teachers during theirtraining sessions. While students acceptance of thisapproach may vary depending on their individuallearning habits and preferences, overall, it enhancestheir self-directed learning abilities, deepens theirunderstanding of the material, and improves theirability to organize and retain information througheffective note-taking techniques.


Question: You mentioned that teachers arecrucial in achieving high-quality Chineseteaching. Could you please elaborate on howQTEDU ensures the quality of its teaching staff?


Dr. Nguyen: To begin with, QTEDU has devisedits own system for evaluating teachers, which is basedon six key criteria. These criteria serve to categorizeteachers into different levels, with the aim ofincentivizing them to enhance their teaching abilitiesand professional standards. These criteria include:holding a bachelors, masters, or doctoral degree inChinese studies; completing teacher training eitherin China or through QTEDUs internal programs;having at least one year of teaching experience orhaving studied in China; possessing an HSK Level 5certificate or higher; holding a teacher qualificationcertificate issued by the Vietnamese Ministry ofEducation and Training; and obtaining the Certificatefor Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of OtherLanguages from China. Teachers are remuneratedaccording to their qualifications and teachingexperience, and they are assigned classes of varyinglevels and sizes accordingly. Moreover, QTEDUconducts regular training sessions for its teachers,utilizing flexible strategies and gradually introducingthem to the F-I-N Smart Teaching Model. While theideal scenario is for all teachers to adopt QTEDUsteaching methods, we recognize that practicalconstraints may exist. If teachers are unable to fullyembrace these new approaches, they are permittedto use traditional methods as long as they effectivelyachieve the teaching objectives.


Interviewer: Youve touched upon the stateof textbooks, teaching methods, and teachertraining at QTEDU. What factors do you believe fuel the rapid growth of QTEDU? Is it primarilydriven by the local demand for Chinese languagelearning in Vietnam, or is there significantgovernment encouragement involved?


Dr. Nguyen: The swift expansion of QTEDUis largely attributed to the considerable demandfor Chinese language education in Vietnam. Asexchanges between Vietnamese and Chinesebusinesses increase, the need for proficient Chinesespeakers naturally drives the development of Chineselanguage education. Undoubtedly, the stability ofpolitical relations between our two countries ispivotal for fostering Chinese language education andthe study abroad sector. Against a backdrop of stablepolitical relations, both Chinese language educationand the study abroad sector have experienced rapidgrowth. While the Vietnamese government hasntdirectly encouraged or supported QTEDU, theyhavent posed obstacles to our operations either. Thisnon-interventionist stance has allowed for a certaindegree of development. Furthermore, over the pastthree years, QTEDU has received substantial supportfrom the Chinese government, including free teachertraining and free accommodation and other relatedservices. This support has significantly enhanced theprofessional capabilities and teaching standards ofour teachers. Additionally, many students have beenable to apply for scholarships to study or intern inChina. All these underscore Chinas commitment to promoting Chinese language education andfacilitating cultural exchanges.


QTEDUs rapid and successful growth is alsoattributed to our ability to attract talent. As the founder,my primary responsibilities revolve around developingteaching methods, selecting materials, and overseeingthe teaching process under the companys framework.Co-founder Mr. Khong Minh Thai, alongside ourtwo vice presidents, Ms. Dinh Thi Thanh Binh andMs. Lung Thi Kien, excel in business managementand are instrumental in overall planning. We are alsofortunate to have Ms. Tran Thi Thanh Liem as ouradvisor, bringing her expertise as the Vice Dean of theChinese department at Dong Do University and richexperience in Chinese teaching. Furthermore, ourextensive involvement in Chinese education since 2015has provided us with invaluable insights.


Personally, since 2015, I have taught Chineseat Confucius Institute online classroom. Throughmy website and Weibo account, I have garnereda substantial following, establishing myself as aninfluential figure known as a KOL teacher in thefield. This personal brand and influence have alsosignificantly contributed to the growth of QTEDU.


Interviewer: What support do you expect Chinato offer for the future growth of QTEDU or the advancement of international Chinese languageeducation in Vietnam?


Dr. Nguyen: Firstly, we hope for increasedemployment and educational opportunities fromChina for our graduates. This is crucial for fosteringthe local development of Chinese language educationin Vietnam. As the number of Chinese learnersin Vietnam continues to rise, closer collaborationwith Chinese universities and businesses is neededto provide ongoing education and job prospectsfor students. Secondly, targeted development ofChinese business talents is essential. We hopeChinese companies could establish agreements withVietnamese educational institutions, like QTEDU, todirectly nurture talents aligned with their needs. Suchpartnerships not only address the talent demands ofChinese companies but also offer students clear careerpathways. Implementing targeted development plansrequires active involvement and resource allocationfrom both Chinese companies and Vietnameseeducational institutions to ensure Chinese teachingcontent aligns with industry needs.


Interviewer: Thank you for agreeing to speakwith us. Much appreciated!

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