Jeremy likes to help his family with thehousework. He spends time playing with his babysister while Mom cooks dinner. After dinner, he driesthe dishes for Dad. But Jeremy’s favorite job isfeeding Fletch. Fletch is the family cat.
One night after dinner, Mom asked Jeremy to findhis sister’s doll2. “I think she dropped it in the backyard this afternoon. She won’t be able to sleep withoutit. Can you take a look before it gets dark?”she said.Jeremy opened the kitchen door and ran outside. Thebright red doll was easy to find in the grass. Jeremytook it and ran inside.
Later that night, Jeremy was ready for bed. Healways said goodnight to Fletch before turning out thelight, but the cat wasn’t in his room. Jeremy looked in the bathroom and hallway.Then he went downstairs3. Jeremy looked in the living room and dining room, butFletch was not there. When he got to the kitchen, Jeremy began to cry.
Mom looked up from her tea.“Jeremy, you should be in bed! What’s wrong?”
Jeremy cried and answered,“The back door is open! And I can’t find Fletch anywhere! ”
“I think you’re right to be worried,”Mom said slowly. “Fletch may slipped4 out the door.”
Jeremy said, “Fletch ran away and it’s all my fault5! I left the door open! ”Mom hugged6 Jeremy. She sat next to Jeremy until he stopped crying. “Cats arevery smart,”she said.“Fletch may come home for breakfast.”
The next day morning, Jeremy ran downstairs and went straight to the backdoor. He opened it wide, and there was Fletch, licking7 his paw8 to wash his face.Fletch looked at Jeremy and meowed. Then he slipped inside the door and walkedstraight to his food bowl.
Jeremy was so glad that Fletch was safe. “Next time I’ll make sure I close thedoor nice and tight9,”Jeremy promised10.“Meow,”said Fletch.
1. mistake 错误;过失
2. doll 洋娃娃;玩偶
3. downstairs 顺楼梯而下;往楼下
4. slip 溜走;悄悄地走
5. fault 责任;过错
6. hug 拥抱
7. lick 舔;舔吃
8. paw 动物的爪子
9. tight 紧紧地;牢固地
10. promise 承诺;保证