The Green Planet (Part Three)绿色星球(三)

2024-05-21 03:17万宇婧
疯狂英语·初中版 2024年5期





Scene A


The relationship between plants and humans isextraordinary. Weve been adapting to each other for aslong as weve been on the planet. We rely upon plantsfor almost everything, the air we breathe, the water wedrink, the food we eat, much of the clothes we wearand in some parts of the world, the very buildings inwhich we live. But that relationship is nowchanging. How it changes next willshape the future of our green planet.

Some plants have the ability to live alongside us, even whenwe make it extremely difficult for them to do so. This is PiccadillyCircus, in the heart of London. It would be difficult to imagine amore 1)hostile place for a plant. And yet, even here, plants willfind a way. Plants like this may seem to follow us wherever wego. We call them, perhaps a little unkindly, weeds. In fact, theseplants are pioneers, theones that are most ableto take advantage ofnew habitats, even very2)harsh ones.

This wall is at leasta hundred years old. Itslike a 3)sheer cliff face,with no sign of soil. And yet this Ivy-Leaved Toadflax thrives here.How? The plant grows towards the light with its flowers facingoutwards to attract 4)pollinators. But once theyve succeededin doing that, and the seed pod starts to develop, its behaviourchanges. Now the pods turn, and grow away from the light,seeking the darkest place they can find, a 5)crevice perhaps, likethis one. Its all the Toadflax needs. It can now germinate andstart to produce a new plant.

Other pioneers have adifferent strategy. They insteaddistribute their seeds far andwide in great numbers. Sowthistles are masters of this trick.Each of its seeds is equippedwith a tiny downy 6)parachutewhich will catch the slightestbreeze. And they can travelextraordinary distances. Theycan rise a mile high in the skyand reach places hundreds ofmiles away from the parent plant.

The seeds only need tofind the tiniest chink and theycan take hold. We barely noticemany of these plant invaders.But here in the heart of HongKong, strangler fig seedsthat landed on a stone wallgenerations ago, have spreadtheir flexible, branching rootsfar and wide. They can beanchored so firmly that theybecome a part of the citysarchitecture. This is, perhaps,the ultimate weed.

1) hostile adj. 敌对的

2) harsh adj. 严酷的;严厉的

3) sheer adj. 陡峭的

4) pollinator n. 传粉者

5) crevice n. 裂缝

6) parachute n. 降落伞



这面墙至少有100 年的历史了。它就像是一处陡峭的悬崖,毫无泥土的痕迹。然而,这株蔓柳穿鱼却在这里茁壮成长。它是怎么做到的?这种植物会向光生长,花朵朝外,以吸引传粉动物。但是等到花朵成功授粉,种荚开始发育之后,它的行为就会发生变化。现在,种荚调转方向,背离光线生长,寻找周围最黑暗的地方,也许是一个缝隙,就像是这里。这里正是蔓柳穿鱼需要的环境。它会在这里发芽并生成新株。



Know More

as long as 的常见用法

原文:Weve been adapting to each other for as long as weve been on the planet.

as long as 表示“ 只要;既然”

1. 表示“只要”,用于条件状语从句,相当于so long as。

【例】Theyll respect you as long as you play fair.


2. 表示“既然,由于”,用于引导原因状语从句。

【例】As long as the weather is changeable these days, wed better get in wheat in time.


其他的 词组

1. as soon as 表示“一……就……”,常见的用法是在将来时态的情境中,遵守“主将从现”的原则。

【例】As soon as I finish my homework, I will go and play with you.


2. as well as 表示“也;既……又……”(注意:就远原则)。

【例】Your husband as well as you is friendly to me.


The girl is lively as well as healthy.


3. as far as 表示“就……而言”(等于so far as)。

【例】As far as I am concerned, Im not against your plan.


As far as I could remember, I did return him the money.


Scene B


Some deserts can be sodry that plants must findtechniques of survivingf o r l o n g p e r i o d swithout any waterwhatsoever. TheChihuahuan desertin North Mexico.Here, one particularplant plays the waitinggame so well, that it spendsmuch of its life looking dead andcertainly not worth eating. And it can survive like this for adecade.

This is the 7)resurrection plant. Its a kind of 8)moss. Itbarely has roots and it certainly cant store much water. Butit can travel. After a particularly long drought, it breaks awayfrom its roots and becomes a 9)tumbleweed. Moving across the desert, it can travel a mile in a week. With luck, it mayfind water. Just a shower of rain can bring it back to life. As itsfronds soak up the water, they unfurl.

In its protected centre, it still has green cells which absorbboth the water and sunlight, and rapidly produce the food itneeds to resume its growth. It will grow for just as long as thereis 10)moisture. But when that disappears, it closes up oncemore and resumes its travels.

7) resurrection n. 复活;恢复

8) moss n. 苔藓

9) tumbleweed n. [ 植] 风滚草

10) moisture n. 潮湿;水分





so that 与so...that... 的用法

原文:Some deserts can be so dry that plants must find techniques...

1. so...that... 意为“如此……以至于……”,引导结果状语从句。

【例】The book is so interesting that most kids become interested in it.


2. so that 意為“以便;为了”,引导目的状语从句。

【例】My sister made a model plane so that she could help with her friend studying the science last night.


3. 注意“so + 形容词+ a / an + 单数名词+that 从句”以及“such +a/an+ 形容词+ 单数名词+that 从句”的区别。

【例】The book is so interesting that many people want to buy one.

=It is such an interesting book that many people want to buy one.


Scene C


It began over 10,000 years ago with plants that wefound especially good to eat. At first, this relationship createdchallenges of its own. Many of the ancestral grasses, like thesewild 11)oats from Israel, have a trick to ensure that their seeds areplanted in the perfect place. Each seed head at the top carriestwo long 12)bristles called awns, and when a seed drops to theground, these awns do something truly extraordinary. They walk!

The awns 13)twist as they dry out during the day and then,when they get wet, they untwist. Tiny hairs grip onto the ground keeping the individual moving forward. In this way the seedswork their way along the ground until eventually they find a rockto hide under or a crack to 14)drill into. This adaptation is usefulfor the plant, but not for us. Its hard to collect seeds when theydrop off and walk away!

So our ancestors selected plants whose seeds dont dropoff, dont have legs and dont bury themselves out of reach.They also selected those individuals which put their energy intodeveloping much larger seeds. Close relationships like this havedeveloped all over the world, producing the plants that are nowour crops. This may seem a poor deal from the point of view ofplants, but not so. We eat their seeds, but in return we cherishand 15)cultivate them. And now they are widespread and farmore abundant that their wild ancestors.

You might call this a bargain between ourselves and plants.And over the years its proved extraordinarily powerful. Overtime, these plants produced more food, increasingly efficiently.We started doing more and more for a small number of chosenspecies. These few persuaded us to eliminate their competitors,cure their diseases, poison their enemies, and keep them wellwatered, even when other species faced drought. Fewer andfewer plant species like soy, wheat and rice, now 16)occupy moreand more land. So now whole landscapes are dominated by asingle species of plant. A monoculture.

11) oat n. 燕麦

12) bristle n. 鬃毛

13) twist v. 转动;使弯曲

14) drill v. 钻;训练

15) cultivate v. 耕作;種植

16) occupy v. 占





Know More


“芒种”的英文是Grain in Ear——grain 为谷物/ 粒,ear 在此处不是指“耳朵”,而是指谷物的“穗/ 芒”,“穗/ 芒”的植物术语是awn。

“芒种”是二十四节气之一,每年6 月5 日或6 日,视太阳位置到达黄经75°时开始。“芒种”之“芒”,本义是谷物种子壳上或草木上的细刺,而“芒种”之“种”,则有两种解释——作为名词的“种”(zhǒng),指植物的种子;作为动词的“种”(zhòng),则指播种。也就是说,“芒种”的一种解释是指有芒的种子,即麦、稻等谷物结出果实、长出种芒;而另一种解释则是指应当从这一时间节点开始谷物的种植。

