Staying Safe Outdoors During Earthquakes在户外,如何避震

2024-05-21 03:17:41李不延
疯狂英语·初中版 2024年5期



1. Move away from buildings, street lights, power lines, and bridges.

The most dangerous locations during an earthquake are areasimmediately around buildings. As soon as the ground begins shaking,try to get as far away as possible from any nearby structures. Stay lowto the ground to keep your balance as you get to a safe spot, and keepyour eye out for falling 1)debris. Do not seek shelter under a bridge or2)overpass. Additionally, look out for sinkholes, open faults, or largeholes in the ground.

2. Crouch down low in a wide open area until the shaking stops.

Once youve made your way away from nearby structures, get onyour hands to cover your head. See ifthere are any objects nearby to use as ashield, such as a trash can lid. If none are3)available, cover your head and neck withyour hands and arms. Remain crouched lowto the ground in a covered position until theshaking stops.

3. Watch out for hazards as you assess your surroundings.

As you venture out after the earthquake, beware of broken glass,rubble, downed power lines, fallen trees, and any other potentialhazards. Check yourself and anyone nearby for injuries. If necessary,administer first aid and call emergency services. Stay away fromdamaged structures and areas immediately around buildings.Remember that aftershocks may occur. If theres an aftershock,weakened buildings, windows, and 4)architectural debris can fall to theground.

4. Get to higher ground if youre on the shore or near a dam.

If a shaking lasts more than 20 seconds, dont wait for analarm to flee. Get to ground thats at least 100 ft (30 m) abovesea level or 2 mi (3.2 km) from the shore. Earthquakes can causetsunamis, so put distance between yourself and the coast. Whilea catastrophic failure is unlikely, earthquake damage can causeflooding downstream from a dam. If you live in a flood zone, proceedto higher ground. Check 5)evacuation plans in advance if you livenear a dam in an earthquake-prone area.

1) debris n. 残骸;碎片;垃圾

2) overpass n. 立交桥;天桥;高架道路

3) available adj. 可用的;可获得的

4) architectural adj. 建筑学的;建筑上的

5) evacuation n. 疏散;撤离;排泄

1. 遠离建筑物、路灯、电线和桥梁。


2. 蹲在一个开阔的区域,直到震动停止。


3. 当你评估周围环境时,要注意危险。


4. 如果你在岸边或大坝附近,可以走到更高的地方。

如果震动持续超过20 秒,不要等待警报响起才逃跑。躲到海拔至少100 英尺(30 米)或距离海岸2 英里(3.2 千米)的地方。地震会引发海啸,所以你要与海岸之间保持足够的距离。虽然发生灾难性破坏的可能性较低,但地震的破坏可能会导致大坝下游洪水泛滥。如果你住在洪水区,那就去地势较高的地方。如果你住在地震多发地区的大坝附近,请提前查看疏散计划。

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