How to Get a Pet Pigeon

2024-05-15 15:29侯均
疯狂英语·双语世界 2024年1期


Having a pet is so much fun!Do you know how to get a pet foryourself? I like pigeons becausethey are smart and friendly. Pigeonshave white feathers, red eyes, andred paws. They are our friends, andwe can enjoy so much when we feedthem.

Let me share with you how to get a pet pigeon.

First, you have to prepare a pigeon cage, a water dispenser,and other necessities. Its also a good idea to have some medicinein case the pigeon gets ill. Additionally, youll need to buy foodfor them.

Next, we are going to choose the pigeons. Its essential toselect strong pigeons. Consider buying a pair of pigeons becausepigeons can easily fly away if they are alone.

Now, bring the pair of pigeons home. Start feeding themevery day, twice a day at 7 a.m. and 4 p.m., giving them 50 gramsof food each time.

If your pigeons get ill, you need to feed them medicine.Provide different medicines based on their symptoms. Pigeonsalso need a shower when they get dirty. Use a pot and a spraybottle to help them stay clean. In summer and autumn, theyusually need a shower twice a week, and in winter, once aweek.

In China, pigeons symbolize “peace”. They are smartand quite cute. Do you like them? Having pet pigeons is arewarding experience!