琼·克雷格黑德·乔治/文 吴文安/译析
After the morning ceremonies and breakfast, Charlie had his own routines to perform. He carried Blue Sky to his cabin for a nap, opened the irrigation gate, watered the plants, made repairs that were needed, and then set traps to catch mice for raven food. Dr. Bernd Heinrich, the world raven expert, had noted in his book The Mind of the Raven the enormous amount of food baby ravens needed every day. A family of four nestlings required six mice, four hens eggs, two six-ounce cans of cat food, ten ounces of puppy chow, and a couple of scoops of beans. Mice were not always available, so Charlie had substituted canned tuna fish. Divided by four, that was a lot of food, and he was a busy raven mom.
Returning to his cabin after breakfast one morning with Blue Sky on his shoulder, Charlie mulled over their relationship. Because he, Charlie, fed and nurtured him, Blue Sky thought that Charlie was his mother and that he looked like him. Thats how it was with imprinting. On the other hand, Charlie now realized the change had gone both ways. Taking care of Blue Sky had morphed him into a mother raven.
“If I were Mr. Spinder,” he said to Blue Sky, “I would say ravens are supernatural. Im not a person anymore. Im a mother raven. And youre not a raven. Youre a person.” He grinned and was about to go in his cabin when Blue Skys feet pressed hard on his shoulder—then lifted off. He flapped his wings. Blue Sky was airborne.
“Hes flying! Hes flying!” Charlie shouted.
“Hes flying! Hes flying!” shouted Singing Bird as she pushed through the willows, jumped the irrigation ditch, and ran to witness this moment of achievement.
From inside Granddads house came Grandma Sallys voice. “Will, hes flying.”
“Help me get on my feet and out of here,” trumpeted Granddad. “I want to see this.”
Blue Sky flapped his wings testily, drifted downward, flapped, then soared up and came to rest on the ranch-house roof as Grandma Sally brought Granddad outside.
He didnt see the flight, but he did see his bird friend run to the top of the roof and flap his wings. Ankle deep in blue lupine flowers, Granddad waited for him to fly.
Ten, then fifteen minutes passed. Blue Sky did not fly. Instead he strutted along the top of the roof, thrust his chest out, tilted his head upward, jumped backward, and posed like a Shakespearean actor. Charlie and Singing Bird clapped and cheered while Granddad looked on. Satisfied with his impression on his audience, Blue Sky turned around and looked up.
“Show off,” said Grandma Sally.
“Hes not showing off,” said Charlie. “Hes sizing up his new world. Thats what he did the first days in my cabin. Hed look at the bed, walk almost up to it and jump back. Finally, when he had figured out the bed wasnt going to pounce on him, he came right up to it. Once he decided that, he didnt pay any more attention to it. Now he is making up his mind about the sky.”
【第一段】第一句原文很简单,译文补出了必要的信息,否则显得不够连贯。这一段中间加入了动物学知识的引用和介绍,让生态文学的知识结构更加严谨和丰满。短语divided by four有点突兀,可以联系上下文来理解,这是从上面的一家四只雏鸟引申来的。
【第四段】原文当中的“He is flying!”如何翻译值得思考。原文是进行时,用的是代词。但译文不一定要照搬过来。按照中文习惯,这是第一次起飞,重点在起飞,而不是飞行,所以译文选取了“飞起来”而不是“正在飞”。鉴于中英文之间代词的使用方式区别,这里不用代词,直接使用名词“蓝天”,更加清楚明了。否则“他”指代不清。
【第五段】这里的场面描写非常生动,画面感很强。句子“I want to see this.”中的this,译文用“渡鸦飞”这种具体的词语来代替原文的代词,更加清晰明白。病中的爷爷匆忙出屋站在花丛里等待看渡鸦飞行,让人身临其境。
* 北京外国语大学英语学院教授,上海外国语大学英语翻译学博士,南京大学外国语学院翻译学出站博士后,英国伦敦大学访问学者。研究领域:翻译研究、文学翻译理论与实践、中国文化外译。译著有《文学百科》《女性心理学》《爱尔兰人与中国》《性、生态、灵性》《小公主》等,共约200多万字。专著有《文学翻译中的美学效果比较分析》《后殖民翻译研究——翻译和权力关系》。另在核心期刊上发表与笔译研究、笔译教学、笔译实践等相关的论文数十篇。