
2024-05-14 09:39刘彩虹
疯狂英语·爱英语 2024年3期



speak v. 说话

say v. 说

talk v. 谈话

utter v. 出聲;说

express v. 表示;表达

state v. 陈述

mention v. 提及

announce v. 宣布

declare v. 表明

assert v. 断言

suggest v. 建议

propose v. 提议

recommend v. 推荐

advise v. 建议;劝告

inform v.通知;告知

notify v.通知

report v.报告

tell v.告诉

converse v.交谈

chat v.聊天

communicate v.沟通

debate v.辩论

discuss v.讨论

argue v.争论

persuade v.说服

negotiate v.谈判

mouth v.不出声地说

whisper v.耳语

mumble v.口齿不清地说

murmur v.喃喃自语;低语

yell v.大叫;吼叫

hiss v. 发出嘘声

shout v.大声说

screech v.尖叫;发出刺耳的声音

exclaim v.呼喊;惊叫

speak up 大声说

talk nonsense 说胡话

have a conversation 进行对话

whisper a secret 私下透露秘密

make an announcement 发布公告

raise an objection 提出异议

make a promise 承诺

speak one's mind 坦率地说

break the news 宣布消息

talk behind one's back 背后说某人的坏话

voice ones concerns 表达关切

speak in public 公开发表讲话

break the silence 打破沉默

say a few polite words 说几句客套话

say a mouthful of words 口若悬河地说

spill the beans 泄露秘密

mumble under one's breath 小声地说

keep silent 保持安静

let slip 无意中说出;泄露

witter on 喋喋不休地说

say...in jest 开玩笑说……

flap one's gums 空口说白话

call out 呼叫


She suddenly exclaimed,which frightened me. 她突然惊叫起来,吓了我一跳。

He asserted that the decision was correct, but nobody believed him. 他声称那个决定是正确的,但大家都不信他。

I couldn't hear what he mumbled, so I couldnt explain his thoughts either. 我没听清他嘟囔什么,所以也解释不了他的想法。

She whispered a sentence in my ear, which made me feel close to her. 她在我耳边轻声说了一句话,这使我觉得我和她很亲近。

He was too reluctant to break the news to her, so I helped him to tell her the news. 他不愿意告诉她那个消息,所以我帮他把事情说出来了。

While others talked behind her back, she remained confident to face each day. 尽管别人在背后议论她,但她依旧自信面对每一天。

I'm also my own lawyer, so I need to voice my concerns for my own rights. 我同时也是自己的律师,所以我要表达对自己的权利的担忧。

He has always been afraid of speaking in public, but I believe he will do well thistime. 他一直害怕公开演讲,但这一次我相信他会做得很好。

The person in front of us kept breaking the silence, making us feel left out. 在我们面前的那个人不断地打破沉默,让我们感觉我们像是局外人。

With endless anger and regret, he asserted that the road was wrong. 带着无尽的愤怒和悔恨,他断言那条路是错误的。


Sarah was known for her assertive nature. She never hesitated to speak her mind. Oneday, she gathered her friends, as she had an announcement to make. With determination inher eyes, Sarah broke the news,“ Im moving to a different country.” Shocking whispersfilled the room as her friends tried to make sense of this sudden decision. Some mutteredunder their breath, talking behind her back, unsure whether she could actually go throughwith it. But Sarah stood her ground and said a mouthful of words, explaining her reasons forthe move and the exciting opportunities that awaited her. Her friends, baffled by her decision,started to mumble under their breath, questioning if she was talking nonsense. 薩拉因其坚定的性格而为人所知。她从不会犹豫地说出自己的想法。一天,她把朋友们聚在一起,因为她要宣布一则消息。带着坚定的眼神,萨拉宣布道:“我要搬到另一个国家去。”房间里,她的朋友们震惊地窃窃私语着,努力理解这突如其来的决定。一些人低声嘀咕,背后议论纷纷,不确定她是否真的能做到。但是,萨拉不动摇,说了很多话,解释了她搬家的原因以及等待她的令人兴奋的机会。她的朋友们对她的决定感到困惑,开始嘟囔着,怀疑她是否在胡说八道。



1. 我会告诉你一个消息,但请不要把它讲出去。

I will whisper a piece of news to you, but please don't______________.

2. 别背后说我坏话。如果有问题,请当面提出来。

Don't______________. If you have any issues, please voice your concerns.

3. 公开发言并不是每个人都擅长的。

______________is not something everyone is good at.

4. 别扯闲篇了,集中注意力做事。

______________and focus on your work.

5. 在多数场合,说几句客套话是一种良好的行为习惯。

______________on most occasions is a good etiquette.

6. 长久的宁静被打破了。


7. 别胡言乱语,我需要一个明确的答案。

___________________, I need a definite answer.

8. 她勇于说出自己的想法。

She is brave enough to___________________.

9. 他终于忍不住了,把秘密泄露了出来。

He couldn't hold it in any longer and___________________.

10. 他通过低声表达自己的意见,表达了对该决定的忧虑。

He voiced his concerns about the decision by___________________.


As the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Emily couldn't contain her excitementany longer. She couldn't wait 1.__________(发布公告) to her friends about the upcomingtalent show. With a beaming smile, she rushed over to the courtyard, ready to2. __________(直言不讳) and 3.__________(宣布消息). As she 4.__________(说出这些话), her friends' faces lit up with enthusiasm. However, not everyone shared the same levelof excitement. Emily overheard a few students 5.__________(窃窃私语,在背后说她的坏话), questioning her decision to participate. Determined not to let their negativity destroyher spirits, Emily 6.__________(提高了声音) and yelled with confidence,“ I believe in myself,and that's all that matters.” She wouldn't let anyone 7.__________(自言自语)or8. __________(口若悬河地说) to discourage her. Emily's determination and resiliencewere an inspiration to her friends, and together, they embraced the upcoming talent showwith unity and support.

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