
2024-05-09 06:33:20
重庆与世界 2024年4期

The Third Meeting of Stilwell Research Center Expert Committee

Recently,  the Third Meeting of Stilwell Research Center Expert Committee was held online. Zhou Yi, Deputy Director-General of Chongqing Municipal Government Foreign Affairs Office (Chongqing FAO), and Ma Yong, Level II Inspector, attended the event and delivered speeches. Members of the Expert Committee—John Easterbrook, Huang Kaimeng and Jiang Ping—deliberated on the 2023 work report and the 2024 work plan of the Stilwell Research Center, and gave speeches respectively.

Zhou Yi extended his gratitude to all committee members for the care and help given to the Stilwell Research Center and the Stilwell Museum. He underscored that, without their endeavors and contributions, the Stilwell Research Center wouldnt have made new progress and achievements last year, especially the successful Commemorating Events for the 140th Birth Anniversary of General Stilwell. The Stilwell Museum has witnessed a significant increase in visitors since the commemorating events were held. More communication channels and events have been established for more “Stilwell publicity”. 2024 is a new starting point. Zhou Yi hoped the committee members to keep providing the Stilwell Research Center with more “golden ideas” and “wise suggestions” for its growth. That would help the Center make high-quality progress in its work.

In his speech, Ma Yong encouraged all committee members to play an active role in the Stilwell Research Center and the Stilwell Museum, thereby expanding channels of cooperation. He expected more wisdom and endeavors to be put into the research center and the museum, which can enrich their exhibition contents, increase their reach and impact, and facilitate cultural exchanges.

The committee members recognized the achievements made by the Stilwell Research Center in 2023, and were delighted with the development and changes of the Stilwell Museum in recent years. John Easterbrook stated that the museum had significantly improved its professionalism. He suggested the Stilwell Museum learn from the latest experience of other professional museums to better curate exhibitions in the future. Huang Kaimeng believed that rich exhibition forms can improve the engagement and interaction of the audience, thereby attracting more young people to visit the museum. Jiang Ping said joint touring exhibitions will “popularize” exhibitions and “enliven” cultural heritage so that these cultural elements can be available to more people.




委员们对史迪威研究中心一年来取得的工作成绩表示肯定,同时也对重庆史迪威博物馆近年来的发展和变化感到高兴。伊斯特布鲁克表示,近年来重庆史迪威博物馆在专业能力上取得了显著提升,未来可继续借鉴其他专业博物馆的先进经验,进一步提升策展能力。黄开蒙表示,可通过丰富展览形式,增强观众的参与感和互动性,吸引更多年轻人走进博物馆。蒋平表示,可通过联合办展、巡回展览、流动展览等多种形式,让展览“走出去”、 文物“活起来”,“流动”到更多人身边。

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