
2024-05-04 08:15:51
世界建筑 2024年3期










Jury member of WA Achievement Award

Academician,Chinese Academy of Engineering

National Master of Engineering Design and

Geotechnique Investigation

Chief Principal Architect,Chief Scientist,THAD

Director,Tsinghua University-Architectural Design

and Research Institute Joint Research Centre

for Collaborative Innovation and Intelligence of Architecture (JCCIIA)

又一次参加WA 中国建筑奖的评审,依旧给我很深触动。一是从奖项设置的分类,可以看到WA 中国建筑奖关注的是社会全方位的人居环境,即建成环境、学科发展、技术进步、设计改变生活,以及社会贡献。奖项分类代表着面向今天纷繁世界的思考,不仅在学术层面,更是在社会层面的一种响应。二是该奖项一以贯之的学术性。参评作品水平之高,评审专家阵容之强大,以及作品所表现出来的学术性、思想性和探索性都一直秉承着WA 中国建筑奖的主旨。在今天价值观愈发多元的背景下,我们更需要有这样一种坚守于学术又放眼于社会的有责任的专业媒体。

Participating in the jury assessment of World Architecture Awards for Chinese Architecture (WAACA)again,I am still deeply impressed.First,it is the categorisation of the awards.It can be seen from the categorisation of the awards that WAACA focuses on all aspects of the living environment of a society,such as the built environment,the disciplinary development,the technological progress,the change of life brought by design,and the contribution to the society,which not only show architects'reflections of the complicated world at present from an academic perspective,but also demonstrate their responses at the social level.Secondly,it is the consistent academic nature of the award.The award has been adhering to the principles of selecting high-level works,inviting highly recognised jury,and highlighting the academic,ideological,and exploratory natures of the works.When we are facing increasingly diversified choices of value,such a responsible and professional media that is committed to academics and has an eye on society is especially precious.






HU Yue

Jury member of WA Achievement Award

National Master of Engineering Design and

Geotechnique Investigation

Professor,Beijing University of Civil Engineering and


Chief Architect,BIAD

WA 中国建筑奖建筑成就奖是一个极具意义的奖项,它要求建筑必须建成5 年以上才有参赛资格。我看到有的参赛作品特别注意向评委传达建筑在经过若干年使用后的准确信息,但同时我们也遗憾地看到有些作品并没有反映建筑当前的状态。一个建筑建成后在使用过程中能够保持良好的状态受多方面因素的影响,这不仅是对建筑设计专业水平的考验,也是对社会的建筑生态环境的考验。我认为只有上述两方面都好,才能创作出真正的好建筑。而在这方面我们还有很多事要做,因此这个奖项就显得更加难能可贵。

I believe the WA Achievement Award is of great significance because it states that in order to be eligible for the award,a building must have been built for more than five years.I noticed that some entries have paid special attention to introducing accurate information to the jury about the building after several years of use,but at the same time,it is a pity to see that some entries did not show the current state of the building.The ability of a building to remain in good using condition after completion is affected by a number of factors,which is a test not only to the professionalism of the architectural design,but also to the ecological environment of the building in a society.I believe that only after passing both of them,can we create a really good building.We still have a lot to do in this regard,which makes this award all the more valuable.






DU Chunlan

Jury member of WA Achievement Award

Professor,Dean,School of Architecture and

Urban Planning,Chongqing University

Dean,Institute of Rural Revitalisation,

Chongqing University

Chongqing Municipal Master of Engineering Design

and Geotechnique Investigation

参加WA 中国建筑奖建筑成就奖的评审工作,每次都是一个特别好的观察、学习和思考的过程。主办方一直秉持站在社会发展的角度设立建筑师通过空间和技术设计,呈现对社会进步贡献的综合成就奖,受到业界和学界的高度重视和关注。因此,这个奖项中的作品不仅在单一层面表现突出,更是在综合层面统筹思考;不仅设计本体做得可圈可点,更是在与周边环境对话、社会发展等方面具有影响力;同时,强大的评委阵容和敬业的专业态度,使得评审过程本身就是具有专业内涵的深度讨论和建筑师责任的再次认知。

Participating in the judging of the WA Achievement Award has always been a particularly good opportunity for observation,learning,and reflection of the industry for me.From the perspective of social development,the organiser established a comprehensive achievement award for architects to present their contribution to social progress through spatial and technological design,which is highly valued and concerned by the industry and academia.Therefore,the award-winning works are outstanding not only at a single level,but also in the coordinated thinking from a comprehensive perspective;and they are not only remarkable in the design itself,but also impressive in the dialogue with the surrounding environment and social development.Meanwhile,the strong jury panel and their dedicated professional attitude make the assessment process itself an in-depth discussion on the connotation of the profession and a re-understanding of the responsibility of architects.





Jury member of WA Achievement Award

Director,Institute of Architecture and Culture,

Palace Research Institute

参加 WA 中国建筑奖建筑成就奖的评选活动对我来说是一次难得的学习机会,这个奖项关注那些经历过5 年以上时间洗礼的设计作品,以实践讨论得失,既关注建筑之得体,又关注建筑之适用,给人留下深刻印象。参评作品之佼佼者,多对文脉之传承、生态之永续、民生之广济怀有深入的思考,并能够将这些思考转化为适宜的设计形式。这再一次提醒我们,对人类基本价值的关怀,始终是杰出设计的灵感源泉,设计条件越是复杂,越能激发设计者的创造能力。

Participating in the WA Achievement Award is a rare learning opportunity for me.This award focuses on the designs that have been in use for more than five years,and discusses the gains and losses with practice,highlighting both the appropriateness of the architecture and its applicability,which is really impressive.The best of the participating entries show in-depth considerations on the inheritance of culture,sustainability of ecological environment,and people's livelihood,moreover,they are able to transform these considerations into appropriate design forms.It reminds us once again that the concern for basic human values is always the source of inspiration for outstanding design,and that the more complex the design conditions are,the more creativity will be stimulated in the designers.




Boris Schade-Bünsow

Jury member of WA Achievement Award


能担任WA 中国建筑奖建筑成就奖评委,我深感荣幸。对我来说,考虑建筑的长远影响尤为重要,这表明哪些建筑在耐久性方面是可持续的。所有参评项目都迎接了这一挑战。实现这一点的基本前提是技术和施工质量,在这方面所有项目都堪称典范。不过,更具决定性的因素是建筑的美学和品质。2023 年的参赛项目再次展示了中国建筑在新建建筑领域的卓越水平,同时也给予了再利用、保护和翻新建筑领域同等重视。优胜、佳作和入围的项目都具有长久的现实意义和广泛的认可度。我相信,这些建筑将在很长时间内得到社会的赞赏、使用和保护。此外,它们还能产生持久的价值并创造身份认同。总之,这些建筑师的作品展现出了一种具有示范意义的创作态度。

It was a great honour for me to be appointed to the jury of the WA Achievement Award.For me it is particularly important to consider architecture in relation to its long-term impact.This shows which buildings are sustainable in the sense of durability.All the projects submitted have met this challenge.A basic prerequisite for this is technical and constructive performance,which all projects offer in an exemplary manner.However,the aesthetics and quality of the architecture are much more decisive.This year's submissions have once again demonstrated an exceptional level of Chinese architecture in the field of new buildings and even important as well in the field of re-use and preserved and renovated buildings.The nominees,the special mentions and the award winner are generating never ending relevance and acceptance with their projects.This makes me confident that these buildings will be appreciated,used and preserved by the society for a very,very long time.In addition,they generate lasting value and create identity.All in all,these architects' works have shown an exemplary attitude.







MENG Jianmin

Jury member of WA Design Experiment Award

Academician,Chinese Academy of Engineering

National Master of Engineering Design and

Geotechnique Investigation

Chief Architect,Shenzhen General Institute of

Architectural Design and Research Co.Ltd.

Director,Benyuan Design and Research Centre,

Shenzhen University

很荣幸能够担任WA 中国建筑奖设计实验奖的评委。在参评作品中,我很欣喜地看到了建筑师在应对设计挑战时展现出来的适应性和创造性。很多参评作品在建筑结构、技术构造、成本控制和空间设计等方面都作出了创新。而且,不少作品在此基础上,不仅展现出了人与自然生态和谐共生的建筑设计理念,还很好地践行了对历史文化遗产的保护,这些都具有深远的社会意义。我深切地感受到了中国建筑师们的责任感和使命感,他们不断探索、创新,为创造更美好的人居环境而努力。我期待未来有更多杰出的作品问世,为世界建筑界的发展贡献中国智慧与力量。

It is an honour to be appointed as a judge for the WA Design Experimentation Award.Among the entries,I am pleased to see the adaptability and creativity of architects in responding to challenges in design.Many of the entries were innovative in terms of architectural structure,technical construction,cost control and spatial design.Moreover,on this basis,many entries not only demonstrated the architectural design concept of harmonious coexistence of human and natural ecology,but also practiced the protection of historical and cultural heritage,which has far-reaching social significance.I deeply felt the sense of responsibility and mission of Chinese architects who are constantly exploring,innovating,and striving to create a better living environment.I look forward to more outstanding works in the future,which will contribute Chinese wisdom and strength to the development of the architecture industry of the world.





ZHANG Pengju

Jury member of WA Design Experiment Award

National Master of Engineering Design and

Geotechnique Investigation

Director of Academic Committee,Professor,

Inner Mongolia University of Technology

担任本次WA 中国建筑奖设计实验奖评委是一次让人印象深刻的经历,获奖作品反差极大,既有国家工程,也有民间小筑,既有技术性实验,也有创意性实验。整体上,“开创性”是它们共同的特征,较好体现了该奖的核心价值。实验性有探索一种可能性的意味,立足于从零到一,手法不一定成熟,但对一个具体的项目须有足够的落地性;同时,实验性在某种程度上包含了对未来方向的探索,须呈现长远价值。因此,把“开创性”进一步分解为独创性和引领性来考察获奖作品,可以看出它们均有全新的广泛应用的潜力。

Being a jury member of the WA Design Experiment Award is an impressive experience for me.The winning works are in great contrast,including both national projects and private buildings,both technical and creative experiments.On the whole,"pioneering" is their common characteristic,which reflects the core value of the award.“Experimental” demonstrates a sense of exploring a possibility from zero to one,with a not necessarily mature method but implementable enough for a specific project.At the same time,experimentation to some extent includes the exploration of the future direction,which needs to present long-term value.Therefore,if we further break down the term"pioneering" into originality and trend-leading,and examine the winning works,we can see that they all have the potential for new and wide-ranging applications.






Jury member of WA Design Experiment Award

Dean,Professor,School of Architecture &

Urban Planning,SZU

Editor in Chief,World Architecture Review

WA 中国建筑奖不同于其他建筑奖的特点在于其评奖体系完善,评奖科目划分特色鲜明,彰显了行业进步和建筑与城市发展的志向和新需求。我参与的设计实验奖也是如此。“实验”作为当今设计创新的手段,评奖范围包含了功能、行为、技术和材料等方面,不仅重新定义了“设计”及其内涵,也有效拓展了建筑学的领域。从申报数量上看,近些年在设计实验领域的成果比较多,项目之间从形式到内容跨度大且多样性。感谢WA 奖工作团队的评审准备,使得评审过程有条不紊而严谨充实,我很荣幸能参与其中且受益匪浅。

The WA China Architecture Award is different from other architecture awards in that it is characterised by a comprehensive award system and distinctive division of award subjects,which highlights the progress of the industry and the aspirations and new needs of architecture and urban development.This is also the case with the "WA Design Experiment Award",which I participated in.As a means of design innovation,the scope of the award includes function,activity,technology,and material,which not only redefines "design" and its connotation,but also effectively expands the boundaries of architecture.In terms of the number of submissions,there are more achievements in the field of design experimentation these years,and the projects are more diversified from form to content.I would like to thank the WA Award team for their preparation,which made the assessment process orderly and substantial,and I am honoured to be able to participate in it and benefit from it.





Jury member of WA Design Experiment Award

Professor,School of Architecture,Tsinghua University

自2002 年起,两年一次的WA 中国建筑奖评选,已成为促进、活跃和展现中国当代建筑创作成就的一个开放和专业的平台。本届参评项目涵盖了当今城乡建设的方方面面,无论类型、规模,从最低限度的建筑干预到令人印象深刻的大型建筑群,从其丰富性和多样性中我们也看到某种一致性,它似乎揭示了一种正在日益成型的建筑文化对品质的共同理解。当然评选出的获奖项目只是参评项目的一小部分,许多优秀项目没有申报奖项,而且并非所有优秀的项目都能获奖,因为任何一个奖项的评选都无法做到完全客观。

Since 2002,the biennial WA China Architecture Award assessment has become an open and professional platform for promoting,enlivening and showcasing the achievements of contemporary architectural creation in China.This year's entries cover all aspects of today's urban and rural construction,regardless of type or scale,from minimal architectural interventions to impressive large-scale complexes.And we also see a certain consistency in their richness and diversity,which seems to reveal a common understanding of quality in a growing architectural culture.It needs to be pointed out that the winning projects are only a small fraction of the projects entered,many outstanding projects did not apply for the award,and not all outstanding projects were awarded,as no award can be selected with total objectivity.








Jury member of WA Social Equity Award

Academician,Chinese Academy of Engineering

National Master of Engineering Design and

Geotechnique Investigation

Chief Architect,China Architecture Design &

Research Group

Founder,Chief Architect,Land-Based Rationalism

Design &Research Center of CADG

本届WA 中国建筑奖社会公平奖的参评作品很多,经过评委两轮筛选、反复讨论才选出优胜奖,可见关注和服务社会弱势群体的作品越来越多,设计者在每一件作品中都认真思考社会公平的价值,令我感动,并产生共鸣。特别应该提到的是在当下城市更新和乡村振兴中,一些微小空间的设计在实现人文关怀的同时呈现出高品质的建筑创作水平,令人敬佩,表达出设计者的社会观和职业素养,值得向同行们推荐和学习。

There were many entries for this year's WA Social Equity Award,and the winners were the results of two rounds of selection and repeated discussions by the jury.It is evident that there are more and more entries showing concerns and serving for the disadvantaged groups in the society,and the designers of each entry have seriously thought about the value of social equity,to which I am deeply touched and sympathised.It needs to be pointed out in particular that in the current urban renewal and rural revitalisation,the design of some small spaces has successfully realised humanistic care and at the same time presented high-quality level of architectural creation,which is really admirable.All these works express the designer's social value and show their professional expertise,which is worth recommending to fellow architects in the industry.





GUI Xuewen

Jury member of WA Social Equity Award

National Master of Engineering Design and

Geotechnique Investigation

Chief Architect,Central-South Architecture

Design Institute

WA 中国建筑奖社会公平奖历经多年沉淀,已形成相对稳定的品质标准与价值序列。我们在评审项目时,可更多聚焦于“以建筑推进社会公平”的主旨上。今年有不少项目令我印象深刻,其中有几位建筑师不约而同地关注到市政设施(如道路、桥梁)附近的局部城市空间,采用建筑设计的策略使之丰富、精彩、宜人起来,塑造了城市中的新场所和新空间,并为之赋予了相当的人文关怀与温度,使得该区域成为市民们停留、休憩、交往的场域,激发了空间活力,改观了城市巨构带给人的疏离感,获得了评委们的好评,体现了该奖项所倡导的社会责任和担当精神。

The WA Social Equity Award has formed a relatively stable sequence of quality standards and values over the years.When reviewing the entries,we can focus more on the theme of "promoting social equity through architecture".I am impressed by a number of projects this year,in which several architects coincidentally focused on local urban spaces near municipal facilities (such as roads,bridges and flyovers).By adopting architectural strategies,such spaces become rich,exciting and pleasant and are transformed into new places and spaces in the city,endowed with humanistic care and warmth.They become space for citizens to stay,rest and interact,spatial vitality is stimulated,and the sense of alienation brought by the urban mega-structure is alleviated.Highly praised by the jury,these projects have fully demonstrated the social responsibility and spirit of commitment advocated by the award.




LI Xiangning

Jury member of WA Social Equity Award

Dean,Professor,College of Architecture &Urban

Planning,Tongji University

WA 中国建筑奖经过多年的培育,已经成为当代中国建筑的代表性奖项之一。它的特点是不囿于单一的价值取向和评判标准,不同奖项的设置很好地兼顾了建筑标准的不同向度,这种不追求面面俱到的建筑品质的奖项设定使得某一方面特质明显的作品能够获得认可。参加评审的作品中既有大型设计院的作品,也有独立建筑师事务所的作品;既有资深建筑师的成熟作品,也有青年建筑师的探索之作。正是这种马赛克式的全景呈现,描摹出了当下中国建筑多元的面貌。

After years of cultivation,WAACA has become one of the representative awards for contemporary Chinese architecture.It is different from other awards in that it is not confined to a single value orientation and assessment standard,and the setting of different sections considers the different directions of architectural standards,which provides opportunities for the works particularly outstanding in a certain aspect to be recognised.The entries include works by large design institutes as well as independent architectural firms,and mature works by senior architects as well as exploratory works by young architects.It is a mosaic-style panorama that depicts the diverse facets of Chinese architecture industry at present.






LIU Doreen Heng

Jury member of WA Social Equity Award

Founder,Chief Architect,NODE

Distinguished Professor,Shenzhen University

非常荣幸这次受邀参加WA 中国建筑奖社会公平奖的评审。关爱弱势群体、追求社会平等是文明进步一个非常重要的体现,该奖项的设立无疑推动了建筑师通过设计促进社会公平的自我意识。申报的项目类型、建筑的尺度以及场地越来越多元,设计手法也越来越多样。更重要的是,我看到了建筑师自身主动追求社会公平的设计意识也越来越强烈:一方面体现在超越任务书既定功能的延展思考上;另一方面是建筑师本体创作能力,有意识地把这种思考、努力并有效转化成社会公平的空间呈现和建筑本体的追求上。恭喜所有获奖建筑师,也祝愿社会公平奖在推动社会的空间公平性上越走越坚定。

It is a great honour to be invited to participate in the assessment of the WA Social Equity Award.Caring for the underprivileged and pursuing Social Equity is a very important manifestation of the progress of civilisation,and the establishment of this award has undoubtedly promoted the selfawareness of architects to promote social equity through design.Together with the increasingly diversified types of submitted projects,scales of the architecture,and sites,the approaches applied are also becoming more and more diverse.More importantly,we can see that the architects themselves are becoming more and more aware of their initiative to pursue social equity in design.On the one hand,it is reflected in the extended thinking beyond the established functions of the mission statement;on the other hand,it is the creative ability of the architects to consciously and effectively transform such thinking into the spatial presentation of social justice and the pursuit of architectural ontology.Congratulations to all the award-winning architects,and my sincere wishes that the Social Equity Award will go further in promoting spatial equity in society.

民族翻译(2022年3期)2022-08-09 13:59:02
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