赵紫君 赵晨 杨可 池明 张卫华
摘 要: 【目的】探究西瓜黃化斑点叶片的生理特性与遗传倾向,为该材料在实际应用及后续基因定位与克隆提供参考依据。【方法】以黄化斑点叶西瓜TNY1201和普通西瓜1182为材料,对其叶片表型、解剖结构以及光合生理特性进行对比分析,同时建立六世代群体进行遗传倾向研究。【结果】TNY1201从第一片真叶开始就具有黄化斑点性状,与普通西瓜叶片相比,具有面积大、密度小的气孔,叶片上下表皮细胞形状不规则,栅栏组织和海绵组织排列松散,叶片紧密度小,海绵组织所占体积较大;TNY1201净光合速率与叶绿素含量均显著低于1182,气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度显著高于1182;将TNY1201与1182进行正反交与回交,遗传倾向表现为F2中叶片有斑与无斑的分离比为3:1,回交BC1P1叶片有斑与无斑分离比为1∶1。【结论】TNY1201叶片叶绿素含量、净光合速率均显著低于普通西瓜叶片。TNY1201叶片的黄化斑点由一对显性核基因控制。
中图分类号:S651 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-9980(2024)03-0517-08
Study on physiology and genetic tendency of watermelon spotted leaf
ZHAO Zijun, ZHAO Chen, YANG Ke, CHI Ming, ZHANG Weihua*
(College of Horticulture and Landscape, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300392, China)
Abstract: 【Objective】 Leaf color variation represents a common plant alteration. It is notably caused by genetic mutations that result in an abnormal chlorophyll metabolism leading to changes in leaf color. Hence, these mutations are popularly identified as chlorophyll mutations. The leaf color variance can serve as a phenotypic marker in plant breeding and as a germplasm resource for ornamental plants. In the realm of plant physiology, leaf color variants are recognized as ideal materials to investigate a spectrum of physiological processes like photosynthesis and hormone metabolism. In the context of genetics, variant analysis can aid in recognizing the function of corresponding genes. TNY1201, a watermelon germplasm, displays speckled attributes on each leaf. Thus, the exploration of its leaf structure, photosynthesis, and genetic features can provide a benchmark for its practical usage and subsequent gene mapping and cloning. The present investigation undertook a comparative analysis on the leaf phenotype, anatomical structure, and photosynthetic physiological characteristics between the spotted leaf watermelon TNY1201 and ordinary watermelon 1182. 【Methods】 The healthy and unblemished leaves were harvested from different individuals of spotted leaf watermelon TNY1201 and typical watermelon 1182 to ascertain the pertinent parameters of the leaves. The leaf length and width were measured. The praffin sections were crafted to observe and assess the anatomical structure of the leaves. The average area and density of single stomata were measured using a micrometer and nail polish imprinting technique. The photosynthetic parameters including net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, and intercellular CO2 concentration were quantified via GFS-3000 photosynthetic apparatus at 09:00—10:00 on a clear day. The chlorophyll content of the leaves was estimated by alcohol extraction method. The content of dissolved sugar was measured by Anthrone colorimetry, and the content of soluble protein was assayed by the Coomassie brilliant blue method. The seeds of F1, F1, F2, BC1P1 and BC1P2 progeny were obtained via conventional field management and artificial pollination. The P1 (1182), P2 (TNY1201), orthogonal F1, reciprocal F1, BC1P1, BC1P2 progeny were sowed in module trays. As the seedlings matured to three leaves, the count of individual plants of spotless leaves and spotted leaves was surveyed and the data were analysed by Chi square test to determine the genetic tendency. 【Results】 From the first real leaf, all leaves of the TNY1201 have yellow spots. The average single stomatal area of the TNY1201 leaves equated to 467.97 μm2, substantially larger than that of the 1182 leaves. Conversely, the stomatal density of the 1182 leaves was notably higher than those of the TNY1201. The anatomical parameters demonstrated notable disparities between the TNY1201 and 1182 leaves. Referencing the leaves of 1182, the morphology of the epidermal cells of the TNY1201 leaves was irregular, the palisade tissue and spongy tissue were loosely aligned within the mesophyll tissue, and the spongy tissue occupied a smaller proportion of volume. The leaf width, leaf area and leaf thickness of the TNY1201 are 18.38 cm, 206.59 cm2 and 124.13 μm, respectively, markedly greater than those of the 1182. Contrarily, there was no significant difference in the leaf length between the two materials. The content of chlorophyll in the TNY1201 leaves was significantly lower than 1182. The content of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll in the TNY1201 leaves amounted to 82.51%, 70.97% and 75.38% of the 1182. There was no significant disparity in carotenoid content between the TNY1201 and 1182 leaves. The net photosynthetic rate of the 1182 leaves was 7.90 μmol·m-2·s-1. The net photosynthetic rate of the TNY1201 leaves was 6.98 μmol·m-2·s-1. The net photosynthetic rate of the 1182 was significantly higher than that of the TNY1201, which accounted for a 1.13 times increase over the TNY1201. The stomatal conductance and intercellular CO2 concentration of the TNY1201 leaves exhibited significantly higher values than those of the 1182. The transpiration rates demonstrated no significant variance between the TNY1201 and 1182 leaves. The content of soluble protein in the TNY1201 leaves was 22.70 μg·g-1, noticeably higher than that of the 1182 leaves. The total soluble sugar content of the TNY1201 leaves was 0.77 mg·g-1, which was markedly lower than that of the 1182 leaves. The F2 segregation population comprised 188 plants, including 146 individuals with spotted leaves and 42 individuals without spotted leaves. In contrast, the BC1P1 population of the 142 plants included 74 individuals with spotted leaves and 68 without spotted leaves. There were 145 strains present in the BC1P2 population, and all displayed spots on their leaves. Furthermore, the proportion of leaves exhibiting spots in the F2 plant population followed an approximate 3∶1 segregation ratio, while the proportion in the BC1P1 population followed a 1∶1 separation ratio. 【Conclusion】 The mesophyll tissue compactness in the TNY1201 leaves was lower than that of the 1182, and the proportion of palisade tissue was minimal. It could be postulated that there was fewer chloroplast in the TNY1201 leaves compared with 1182, leading to decreased chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate, resulting in limited accumulation of photosynthetic products. The development of leaf spots was attributed to the reduction of chlorophyll content in the leaves. It would be noteworthy that the genetic control of these spots in the TNY1201 leaves was governed by a pair of dominant nuclear genes.
Key words: Watermelon; Spotted leaf mutant; Physiological characteristics; Genetic tendency
1 材料和方法
1.1 材料
1.2 方法
1.2.1 斑点叶片的生理特性测定 2022年3月5日将1182和TNY1201两份材料播种育苗,4月1日定植于天津农学院西校区玻璃温室,正常管理。定植40 d时,在两个品种的10个不同个体上分别采集健康、阳生且无破损的材料,其中TNY1201选取黄绿混合部分,将两种取样材料编号密封于封口袋内,带回实验室进行叶片表型、解剖结构、光合色素含量等指标的测定。
1.2.2 斑点叶片的斑点遗传分析 2022年将1182、TNY1201进行正反交,得到正反交的F1代种子。2023年3月将两个亲本与正反交F1播种,进行人工授粉得到BC1P1、BC1P2和F2种子。2023年7月将六世代群体播种,调查群体苗期(三叶一心)的无斑叶片和有斑叶片的单株数量,对所得数据进行卡方检验,确定遗传倾向。
1.3 数据分析
采用SPSS26.0 软件进行试验数据处理及差异显著性分析,应用ImageJ软件进行试验图片处理。
2 结果与分析
2.1 斑点叶片西瓜与普通西瓜叶片表型比较
从表1可以看出,两种材料的叶长无显著差异,TNY1201叶片宽度、叶片面积和叶片厚度分别为20.88 cm、247.08 cm2和176.12 μm,均显著高于1182。
2.2 斑点叶片西瓜与普通西瓜叶片结构比较
由表2可知,TNY1201的叶片单个气孔面积平均为467.97 μm2,显著大于1182。1182叶片气孔密度为137.36个·mm-2,显著大于TNY1201。综上所述,1182的叶片气孔单个面积小但密度大,而TNY1201的叶片则相反,单个气孔面积大但密度小。
由表3可以看出,TNY1201叶片和1182的叶片解剖结构参数之间存在显著差异。TNY1201的上下表皮厚度显著大于1182,分别为1182的1.33倍和1.39倍,栅栏组织厚度和海绵组织厚度也都显著大于1182,分别为66.24 μm和69.54 μm。1182叶肉组织紧密度和栅海比显著大于TNY1201。TNY1201的叶肉组织疏密度为0.40%,显著大于1182。
2.3 斑点叶片西瓜与普通西瓜叶片光合生理参数比较
从表5可以看出,1182叶片的净光合速率为7.90 μmol·m-2·s-1,显著高于TNY1201,是TNY1201叶片净光合速率的1.13倍。TNY1201叶片的气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度都显著高于1182,蒸腾速率之间无显著差异。
从表6可以看出,1182叶片可溶性总糖含量显著高于TNY1201,是TNY1201的1.75倍。TNY1201叶片可溶性蛋白含量为22.70 μg·g-1,显著高于1182。
2.4 西瓜叶片斑点的遗传倾向分析
3 讨 论
西瓜叶色遗传规律有不同的报道。Poole[22]对斑点叶西瓜‘Sun,Moon and Stars的遗传规律进行研究,基于回交和F2群体的观察数据(原文中未详细列出),认为斑点叶是由一种细胞质基因控制的叶绿体缺陷造成的。本试验对两份材料进行正反交、回交并建立F2群体,对性状结果的分离比进行卡方检测,分离比均符合孟德尔遗传定律,显示TNY1201叶片斑点由核基因控制。两种结果不同,可能是试验材料不同造成的。Kidanemariam[23]对西瓜后绿突变体的遗传规律进行研究,通过自交、回交试验,推测该突变体受隐性基因控制。本试验初步推断影响叶片黄色斑点形成的是细胞核基因,但要阐明其机制,仍需要进一步深入研究。
4 结 论
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