胡昊Hu Hao
褐土之謎The Mystery of the Brown Soil
Suizhou is located in the central-northern partof Hubei Province, 155 kilometers northwest of theprovincial capital, Wuhan. In 1977, an air force repairshop in Suizhou was preparing to build barracksin a hilly area in the northwest outskirts of the city.In September, when construction officially began,the deputy director of the repair shop, Wang Jiagui,noticed something unusual in the soil beneath thebulldozer. The soft soil in the middle seemed tohave been artificially filled in. It turned out that theconstruction workers on site had dug up severalpieces of old copper that decayed into a dark browncolor and sold them to a scrapyard. Upon learning ofthis, Wang Jiagui urgently convened a meeting anddemanded that anyone who dug up old copper, iron,porcelain, or anything similar must turn it in to themilitary. He emphasized, “These are all cultural relics,and no one can take them away. Hoarding them isa crime!” A few days later, not far southeast of thisbrown soil area, four more old bronze artifacts wereexcavated one after another.
Wang Jiaguis suspicions grew, and he reportedthe situation to the Suixian County Cultural Centertwice. Unfortunately, due to a lack of substantialevidence at the excavation site, both reports yieldedno results, leaving the “mystery” of the brown soilunresolved.
曙光初现Hope Dawns
Shortly after the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations in 1978, while bulldozers were clearing away amixture of red sandstone and grayish-blue soil, construction workers stumbled upon a massive slab of sesamegraygranite, measuring 1.4 meters in length and 1 meter in width. They soon discovered several more similarslabs nearby, all clearly indicating human craftsmanship. The construction site buzzed with excitement as itbecame evident that these slabs were intentionally placed. At this point, Wang Jiagui made the third visit tothe Suixian County Cultural Center, eventually persuading Deputy Director Wang Shizhen, the museumsmost learned scholar, to assess the situation. After Wang Shizhens thorough survey of the site, he surmisedthat it possessed the characteristics of a burial site. He noted the presence of tomb pits with distinct walls andcompacted earth within them. However, owing to the irregular and substantial size of the tomb pit, he refrainedfrom drawing premature conclusions. Subsequently, he reported the situation to higher cultural authorities,leading to an investigation and excavation carried out by provincial archaeological experts. Finally, the enigmaof the brown soil was unraveled, revealing the Tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng State to the world.
一钟双音The Chime Bell with Dual Sounds
Two months later, as the water in the tomb pitgradually receded, the chime bells made a stunningappearance, sending shockwaves through the worldof archaeology. This extraordinary set of bellscomprises 65 pieces, including Niu bells, Yong bells,and Bo bells, each with a unique shape and size.These bronze bells, organized in descending order ofsize into three tiers and eight groups, are suspendedfrom a curved wooden frame adorned with paintedbronze decorations. Surprisingly, this monumental ensemble is supported by merely six bronze warriorstatues and eight slender columns. It stands as thelargest, heaviest, and most sonorous set of chimebells in all of China, rightfully earning the title of the“King of Chime Bells.”
曾侯乙编钟最为神奇的地方是其“一钟双音”:按照钟体上的标音铭文所示,分别敲击钟的正鼓部和侧鼓部,同一件钟可以发出两个不同的乐音,而且两个乐音之间呈三度的和谐音程关系。比如,中层三组第五号钟,其正鼓部标音为“羽”,侧鼓部标音为“宫”,意思是分别敲击,就可以发出la和do 的音。
What truly distinguishes these bells is theirunique dual sounds: based on inscriptions on thebells, ringing the front and the side of each bellproduces two distinct musical sounds with threedegrees interval between them. Take the fifth bell in the middle tier for example: its front section bears theinscription 羽, while the side section is marked with宫, indicating that they give off the musical notes “la”and “do” respectively.
那么,这“一钟双音”的奥秘究竟是什么呢?《梦溪笔谈》中有记载,先秦时期“ 古乐钟皆扁,如合瓦”。所谓“合瓦”,是说钟的形状如两片瓦合在一起。当敲打这种合瓦形钟体时,钟体两侧的棱部进入振动状态会对钟声起到阻尼作用,也可以避免编钟所发乐声过长而相互干扰。敲击同一编钟的不同部位时,就出现了一钟双音现象。
What exactly produces the dual sounds of thesebells? The Dream Pool Essays reveal that before thepre-Qin period, ancient musical bells were “shaped flatlike two fused tiles.” This term describes their shape astwo semicircular tiles joined together. Striking thesebells causes the edges on both sides to vibrate, whichdampens the sound and prevents interference betweendifferent tones when struck at various points. Thisunique structural feature is what enables the bells toproduce their distinctive dual sounds.
編钟的音色也受其材质的影响。曾侯乙编钟的青铜合金经检测为锡青铜,并含少量的铅。研究表明,不同金属的配比会影响编钟的音色。含锡量为13% ~ 16%,音色就会浑厚丰满,而曾侯乙编钟的含锡量是13%左右,使得音色恰到好处、悦耳动听。此外,含铅量过大,就会对音色产生不良影响。曾侯乙编钟的含铅量为1.2% ~ 3%,既保持了钟声的衰减速度以适应演奏的需要,又保持了音色的和谐。
Furthermore, the material of a chime bellsignificantly influences its tone. The alloy used inthese bells has been analyzed as tin bronze with aminor trace of lead. Research show that the ratio ofdifferent metals can affect the tone of chime bells.With a tin content ranging from 13% to 16%, thebells produce a rich and resonant tone, while atin content of approximately 13% results in a tonethat is perfectly balanced and pleasing to the ear.Additionally, an excess of lead content can negativelyimpact the tone quality. The lead content of the chimebells in the Tomb of Marquis Yi, which ranges from1.2% to 3%, not only maintains the desired decayrate of their sounds but also preserves the overallharmony of the tones.
Achieving two distinct musical notes from asingle bell while maintaining three degrees of intervalin between is not solely attributed to the bells fusedtile shape; it also necessitates meticulous technicaltuning and tempering. Inside the body of each bell,one can find raised sound platforms and recessedsound tunnels, many of which bear the marks ofgrinding and scraping. These are the telltale signs leftby skilled artisans during the tuning and temperingprocess. These dual-tone bells represent a magnificentinvention in Chinese musical instruments. It wasborn from the elements of bronze and fire, rooted inancient civilization, and refined through the mediumof ritual music. This remarkable innovation is theculmination of millennia of exploration into theprinciples of bell sound production and the masteryof bell-casting technology by Chinese ancestors.
千古绝响Echoes Through the Ages
曾侯乙编钟自出土以来,仅公演三次。Since the discovery of these chime bells from theTomb of Marquis Yi, they have graced the public withtheir melodies on just three occasions.
Their grand debut took place a mere threemonths following their excavation and restoration,when they were used in the beginning section of thesong “The East is Red.”
To mark the 30th anniversary of the foundingof the Peoples Republic of China, an exhibitionwas held in Beijing to display the artifacts from theTomb of Marquis Yi. On this occasion, the bells wereshowcased and played live. This marked not onlytheir second appearance but also their sole departurefrom the Hubei Provincial Museum.
1997年香港回归,在中英政府的香港交接仪式现场,来自世界各地的数千名嘉宾欣赏了由著名音乐家谭盾创作并指挥、用曾侯乙编钟原件采音录制的《交响曲1997 :天 · 地 · 人》。曾侯乙编钟第三次向世人展现了它的無穷魅力。
In 1997, during the historic handover ceremony of Hong Kong from Britain to China, thousands ofdistinguished guests from around the globe had the privilege of enjoying “Symphony 1997: Heaven, Earth,Mankind,” composed and conducted by the renowned musician Tan Dun. In this performance, the chime bellswere used for recording, revealing their allure to the world for the third time.
Compared to modern pianos, the chime bells in the Tomb of Marquis Yi make all the 12 semitones in fiveand a half octaves within the central range, allowing them to perform famous music from different times andplaces. Today, the Hubei Provincial Museum continues to reproduce these iconic bells, preserving and carryingforward the enchanting melodies of a bygone era.