
2024-04-27 19:30本刊试题研究中心
疯狂英语·新悦读 2024年2期


第一部分 语言基础(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 单句语法填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1.I felt much better when I went home and ________(chat) with my parents.

2.Brown was ________(identify) as a leading supporter of the values of progressive education.

3.I keep my reference books near my desk for ________(convenient).

4.It is known to us all that doing eye exercises ________(benefit) our eyes.

5.________ the distance is a tall tree which is said to have a history of over 500 years.

6.His speech gave us not only hope but also ________(inspire).

7.I suggest you apply to Peking University, where you can gain access ________ the best traditional Chinese culture.

8.I feel ________ my duty to look after my parents when they get old.

9.After several months' practice, I can type without ________(look) at the keyboard.

10.The office was large and ________(function).

11.Though I was under ________(press), I did well in the contest and finally won first prize.

12.These shirts are sold at ________ discount because some sizes are not available.

13.Taking safety ________ account, they decided to stay in the tent for another night.

14.We'll reach the sales ________(target) in a month which we set at the beginning of the year.

15.I enjoyed the play, ________(particular) the second half.

第二节 完成句子(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


I ________ ________ ________ ________ study English.


________ ________you have grown up, you should not rely on your parents.


________ ________ ________ ________ ________our studies, our teachers always help us patiently.


Students must ________ ________ ________ good resources.


Tom always goes jogging in the morning every day so as to stay ________ ________.


It's hard to ________ ________ ________ the children's comings and goings.


I want you to ________ ________ ________ ________ how things are going with you.


The house ________ ________ ________ ________ my home robot.

9.一个人读的书越多,就会变得越明智。(the+比较级, the+比较级)

The more books a person reads, ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.


Many people now would rely on surfing the Internet ________ ________ read newspapers for news.


________ ________ ________can I lose this important match.


Since Beijing ________ ________ ________ me, I can show visitors around the places of interest in Beijing.

13.我们任何时候都不应该取笑残疾人,因为这样做是不礼貌的。(fun)At no time should we ________ ________ ________ the disabled because it's bad manners to do so.


Please ________ ________ ________ that success comes from hard work while laziness leads to failure.

15.你是怎样说服他改变主意的?(change one's mind)

How did you persuade him to ________ ________ ________?

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)



As you can imagine, there are numerous types of advertisements in different mediums and on different channels.They have different goals for their business.

Print advertising

The first print ad ran in England in 1472.Since then, this type of advertising has become available in newspapers, magazines, and similar methods of carrying a brand's message to its ideal end user.In this ad method, advertisers pay the publisher to place their ads in the publication.

Radio advertising

Radio advertising dates back to 1920, when the first commercial radio stations were launched in the United States.In this ad method, advertisers pay the radio station to play their ads during selected breaks between music and a radio show.

Television advertising

Television ads originated in the 1940s with the promotion of practical items and political campaigns.In this ad method, advertisers pay the local or national TV network to show their ads during selected breaks in the network's regular programming.

Internet advertising

Internet advertising took root in the mid 1990s.In this ad method, advertisers pay the website owner to place their ads in exposed spaces that are minor to the website's own content.Internet advertising has gone on to include video, search engine marketing, and more.

But, as you know, the advertising types above have developed dramatically since their respective (各自的) origins.Some ads have been memorable years after they first ran.So how do you create an advertising strategy that works fine? This blog post is devoted to the ads and campaigns we can learn from.

1.Which type of advertisements served politics at the very beginning?

A.Print advertising.B.Radio advertising.

C.Television advertising.D.Internet advertising.

2.Which of the following do radio advertising and television advertising share?

A.Both originated at the same time.

B.Neither first appeared in the USA.

C.Both are shown during selected breaks.

D.Neither developed much over these years.

3.What does the underlined word “dramatically” in paragraph 6 probably mean?



Online educational learning games is an effective way with endless options for teaching kids of all age groups, and children are also able to operate the computer without much help.Parents who become familiar with operating the computer find it easier to teach kids through these programs.

Children are not willing to learn math tables or difficult words at school.They find it fun to sit in front of a computer to learn language and solve mathematical problems.In this age of computers, computers are becoming an important part of the child's daily curriculum(全部课程) with parents opting to teach these children new things each day with the help of online educational games.

Computers are also known to improve the motor skills in children.In addition, the level of these games can be adjusted according to the level and learning ability of the kids.The makers of the games should keep the kid's interest in mind while designing them so that their interest is maintained.Another advantage of these games is that you can find free online games and do not have to invest (投资) in these expensive products.Other activities that are available on the Internet include online coloring games.This is also a constructive way that children can use to pass their leisure time.

Moreover, children can stay in the comfort of their homes.Kids who are fond of playing on the computer can spend their time learning educational material instead of video games that teach violence.

Parents have to keep an eye on their kids and make sure that they do not spend their time playing games on the computer that could be harmful to them.It is essential to direct the kids to educational sites that have beneficial games and are known to help the progress of these children.

4.Why do parents find it easier to teach kids according to paragraph 1?

A.Kids are clever enough.

B.Kids have fun learning games.

C.Parents know more than kids.

D.Parents themselves can operate computers.

5.What should the makers mainly consider while designing games?

A.Kids' interest.B.Free online games.

C.Available activities.D.Kids' learning ability.

6.What can online coloring games be used for by children?

A.Learning languages.B.Playing violent games.

C.Entertaining themselves.D.Finding educational sites.

7.What should parents do according to the author?

A.Protect and convince their kids.B.Monitor and instruct their kids.

C.Persuade and control their kids.D.Discourage and beat their kids.


China has built in Kunming City, Yunnan Province, Germplasm (种质) Bank of Wild Species, a comprehensive national database for the collection and preservation of wildlife germplasm resources.As of the end of 2020, the bank preserved 85,046 copies of 10,601 wild plant seeds for protecting wildlife germplasm resources.Preserving dried and frozen seeds, the bank provides technological support for the protection and research, makes use of China's wildlife germplasm resources, and plays a major part in international biodiversity conservation.

The importance of science and technology for biodiversity conservation is increasingly obvious.When remote sensor monitoring was not available, agricultural technicians had no choice but to go for field studies, which could barely meet the need for large-scale, fast and nondestructive (非 破 坏 性 的) monitoring of crop conditions and timely prevention and control of diseases and pests.Nowadays, remote sensor monitoring has been applied in agricultural production in China, allowing agricultural technicians to analyze the movements of insect pests and evaluate plant diseases and insect pests by monitoring remotely the vegetation growth, coverage, surface temperature, humidity and other indicators.

In the Internet era, information technology has made the processing of massive data possible and created wider and more convenient platforms for biodiversity conservation in China, including Chinese Virtual Herbarium, Plant Photo Bank of China and National Animal Collection Resource Center.The emergence of databases and digital programs in recent years is driving China to turn around its seriously threatened biodiversity.

From the collection and storage of information to the management and analysis of resources, the constantly improving biodiversity information network has realized the exploration and use of massive biodiversity data, providing a solid foundation for China's biodiversity conservation and research.Biodiversity conservation and science and technology are inextricable.Only by making science and technology a strong support for biodiversity conservation can humankind guard the Earth and build a beautiful world of harmony among all beings on the planet.

8.What can we learn about the bank from paragraph 1?

A.Its crisis.B.Its administration.

C.Its role.D.Its staff.

9.What do researchers hardly need to do with the help of remote sensor monitoring?

A.Evaluate plant diseases and insect pests.

B.Go to fields to control plant diseases.

C.Analyze the tracks of the pests of plants.

D.Satisfy the need to monitor crop conditions.

10.What does the underlined word “inextricable” in paragraph 4 probably mean?



11.Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A.The Germplasm Bank of Wild Species develops fast

B.Technologies promote Chinese biodiversity protection

C.China has made great efforts to process massive data

D.Information technology contributes much to many fields


For centuries, bigger brains has been considered as a sign of our species' unique intelligence.The last two million years of our evolution witnessed a significant four times increase in brain volume.

But growing evidence suggests our brains recently changed in an unexpected way.They diminished in size sometime after the end of the last Ice Age.This reduction was not insignificant.The loss of brain tissue is equal to the volume of an egg.

The precise timing of that brain shrink has remained a mystery until now.Initially,many scientists had believed the change happened with the development of farming and a shift from hunting about 10,000 years ago.But a group of researchers, led by DeSilva, used a mixture of fossil and modern subject data to discover that this loss of gray matter happened between 3000 and 5000 years ago.The more-recent dates from DeSilva's group pointed to the booming of ancient civilizations in North Africa, the Middle East and South America as a potential factor.

Researchers proposed that human societies got so cooperatively organized in the past 3000 years that they began relying on collective intelligence.“It is the idea that a group of people is smarter than the smartest person in the group,” said James Traniello, one of DeSilva's co-authors.This inspiration came from insects such as ants.Ants form highly cooperative societies in which division of labor has favored smaller-brained individuals due to an advanced level of social organization.

The researchers also suggested that as highly social beings, we no longer needed expansive brains to store all information about food, social relationships and the environment.This reliance on social networks and external sources of information, including books and the Internet, reduced the demand on individual brains.

While human brain volume had remained roughly constant for the past 150,000 years,it rapidly dropped by around 10% in recent millennia (几千年).The research said it's crucial not to confuse brain size with smarts.Instead, it suggests that our brains became more efficient with better neural connections in a smaller form.“Like, computers used to be the size of a room, and now they fit in your pocket,” said DeSilva.

12.According to the research, when did human brains decrease in size?

A.It still remains a mystery.B.During the end of the last Ice Age.

C.Approximately 10,000 years ago.D.Between 3000 and 5000 years ago.

13.Which of the following best explains the underlined words “collective intelligence” in paragraph 4?

A.Humans in groups are less intelligent.

B.Groups outperform the smartest individual.

C.Individual smarts beat group intelligence.

D.The smartest person handles all group problems.

14.Which is one reason for the reduction in brain size?

A.Humans learned to hunt for food.

B.Humans became more independent.

C.The natural environment changed greatly.

D.Information could be stored externally.

15.Which of the following views would DeSilva probably support?

A.Bigger brains are more efficient.

B.Bigger brains are a sign of intelligence.

C.Brain size and intelligence are not directly related.

D.The smaller the brain, the higher the intelligence.

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)


Tightening your belt to beat the cost of living doesn't have to mean cutting out all entertainment.Use these tricks to get cheap theatre tickets, TV and more.

Decide what you'll see on the day.If you're flexible about which shows you see, and are willing to miss out on the most in-demand productions, then a great way to save at the theatre is to go for reduced “stand by” tickets.__16__ Quantities can vary from a handful that have been deliberately held back, to all available tickets.

Be a seat filler.A similar way to save on plays, but also comedy shows, gigs and occasionally sporting events, is to be a seat filler.__17__ So there's more of an atmosphere for paying audience members, or perhaps spreading the word of mouth if you enjoy it.However, the big rule is that you don't tell anyone where you got your ticket or how much you paid.

__18__ For the budget-conscious readers, libraries will be essential.You can order books that aren't held locally for a small fee, and get on waitlists for the most popular titles.Check your local library to see what extras are on offer.

Become a member.Memberships can be a huge waste of money if you don't use them.But signing up for unlimited entry for a year can also be fantastic value for money.__19__

Go midweek.It's often the case for events that they're cheaper from Monday to Wednesday than at the weekend.__20__ Not only might the tickets be priced lower, but you can get two-for-one tickets via the Internet so you pay even less.

A.Borrow your books.

B.Just be sure you'll get the most out of it.

C.Make the most of what you already have.

D.That's especially true for cinema tickets.

E.These are generally made available on the day.

F.Most people choose to watch movies on weekends.

G.The idea is that you'll fill out the crowd if they're a bit thin.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Nearly 10 years after losing her right eye in a car accident, 28-year-old Xintong from Beijing transformed the hollow (凹陷) of her eye socket (眼眶)—a “__21__” she used to hide into a fashion statement.She shared a short video online in which she __22__ a glowing prosthetic eye (义眼).

The video soon went __23__ on social media, with many comments __24__ her for being creative, beautiful and optimistic.But that wasn't the __25__ 10 years ago.

“The prosthetic eye I wore at that time was __26__ me,” Xintong said.“It hurt and gave me a red and swollen eye socket, and it looked so dull and __27__.I was young and I wanted to look __28__.”

She took them into her own hands and began researching prosthetic eyes.Beginning in 2019, she dedicated about two years to __29__ the production techniques and skills under the guidance of an ocularist (假眼制造工).This journey led her to establish her own prosthetic eye workshop, providing personalized __30__ for those requiring them.

She produces prosthetic eyes as if she is creating pieces of __31__.“The position, direction, and even stroke thickness (笔触粗细) of the blood streaks (血丝) on the prosthetic eyeballs __32__,” the ocularist said.Sometimes she also paints special patterns __33__customers' needs: twinkling stars, cartoon characters and effects like colored __34__lenses.

Now when Xintong hears her customers say words such as “Finally, I can accept myself” or “Now I feel free to take selfies”, she feels deeply __35__.

21.A.flaw B.gift C.label D.tag

22.A.puts B.wears C.brings D.takes

23.A.mad B.viral C.wild D.special

24.A.criticizing B.accusing C.praising D.blaming

25.A.truth B.point C.reality D.case

26.A.torturing B.comforting C.relieving D.easing

27.A.big B.convenient C.beautiful D.fake

28.A.lifeless B.painful C.attractive D.weak

29.A.searching B.mastering C.understanding D.promoting

30.A.stories B.contents C.services D.behaviors

31.A.artworks B.suggestions C.tools D.kits

32.A.work B.matter C.flash D.aid

33.A.together with B.other than C.because of D.according to

34.A.photo B.paint C.contact D.glass

35.A.annoyed B.ambitious C.cheated D.moved

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Located on cliffs above a river, Hongyadong is a stilted house complex (吊脚楼建筑群) in the traditional style in Chongqing.Its bars, restaurants and golden lights 36.________(be) popular draws since it was built in 2006.The main reason, it seemed, was Hongyadong's sudden 37.________(popular) on social media, 38.________ is used for sharing photographs and 15-second videos.By the end of the year, the waiting time 39.________(get) in was three hours.“For a while, Hongyadong became the 40.________(big) tourist attraction in China after the Forbidden City,” says 41.________ well-known travel website.

Instead of having fun, some people now make their way to remote strawberry farms or bays to take photos to impress their friends on social media.One of the most popular apps has 230 million monthly active users and its fans 42.________(common) use the app to watch hot videos posted by users they do not know under categories such as “food” and“scenic spots”.43.________(upload) a picture or video from a photogenic place to platforms is known in China 44.________ “daka”.The word is also used to refer to the practice of registering your 45.________(present) in a location that has already become hot,such as Hongyadong.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (满分15分)

你校将举办主题为“Take a break from social media”的英语演讲比赛,请你写一篇演讲稿参赛。内容包括:







Take a break from social media







第二节 (满分25分)


It was a chilly autumn evening.Sarah, a tired businesswoman, left her workplace and drove home.When she turned a corner, she spotted a puppy in the middle of the road.The dog was muddy and trembling.His eyes held a glimmer of both hope and despair.Sarah couldn't ignore the poor puppy.Approaching him cautiously, she coaxed (哄) him and brought him home.

Over the next few days, Sarah tried her best to look for the dog's owner, but in vain.It seemed that the dog had been abandoned, with no collar or tags to identify its owner.

She determined to take care of the dog, which she named Max.She kept him in the backyard, feeding him, providing water and watching him chase his tail in the yard.The puppy trusted her slowly with Sarah's gentle care and patience.Sarah had a happy feeling she never had before.

As days passed, Sarah became more comfortable with Max's presence.When she was working, Max would sit calmly by her side.When she woke up in the morning, Max would sit near her bed with a playful bark, demanding his daily walk.The early morning air was cool, and the rising sun cast a warm glow on them.Sarah realized that Max had been a great comfort to her.

As days turned into weeks, Sarah grew more attached to Max.She found herself looking forward to coming home every day, excited to see her furry friend waiting at the door.Then, she would lovingly prepare Max delicious meals.His eyes, once filled with sadness, now sparkled with gratitude.He would eagerly follow her around the house wherever she went.Max became more than just a pet; he became a loyal friend and a source of happiness for Sarah, who had discovered a newfound balance between her career and personal life.They became inseparable.

One evening, as Sarah and Max were out for their regular evening walk, something unexpected happened.A social media post attracted her attention.A lady named Emma was anxiously looking for her missing dog, Buddy.


Paragraph 1:

Her heart sank as she saw the photo of a dog.__________________________________






Paragraph 2:

Sarah arranged the bittersweet reunion.______________________________________








1.Parents have to keep an eye on their kids and make sure that they do not spend their time playing games on the computer that could be harmful to them.父母必须密切关注孩子,确保他们不会花时间在电脑上玩可能对他们有害的游戏。

【点石成金】该句中,第一个that 引导宾语从句;第二个that 引导定语从句,games为先行词。

2.When remote sensor monitoring was not available, agricultural technicians had no choice but to go for field studies, which could barely meet the need for large-scale, fast and nondestructive monitoring of crop conditions and timely prevention and control of diseases and pests.当农业技术人员无法进行遥感监测时,他们别无选择,只能进行实地研究,这几乎无法满足大规模、快速、无损监测作物状况和及时防治病虫害的需要。

【点石成金】该句中,which 引导非限制性定语从句,field studies 为先行词。have no choice but to do意为“别无选择,只能做……”。

Tips on finding summer jobs for teens
Is $2 million enough to feel wealthy 有多少钱才算富
Comparative Adjectives (形容词比较级)