1 建筑外观夜景Exterior view
设计团队:姚咏梅,魏熙,豆勇辉,陈宇,江中雨,柴秉江,韩吉喆,王坤,郑娜,黄佳,李刚,汪蕾,高子絮,卓科秀,王敬宇;实习 |丁祎涵,唐泽羚,廉佳欣,王清漪,吴昊,张忠天,张向月,朱开元
合作机构:施工图 | 中国中建设计集团有限公司,景观 | 沈阳建筑大学HA+建筑方案创意工作室、广州山水比德设计股份有限公司,展陈 | 广州凡拓数字创意科技股份有限公司,照明 |汉都设计顾问(深圳)有限公司上海分公司,室内施工图 | 安东红坊建筑设计咨询(北京)有限公司
摄影:TAL,UK Studio,焦睿彪
Client: China Resources Group (Shenyang)
Principal Architect: WANG Hui
Project Team: YAO Yongmei,WEI Xi,DOU Yonghui,CHEN Yu,JIANG Zhongyu,CHAI Bingjiang,HAN Jizhe,WANG Kun,ZHENG Na,HUANG Jia,LI Gang,WANG Lei,GAO Zixu,ZHUO Kexiu,WANG Jingyu;Intern | DING Yihan,TANG Zeling,LIAN Jiaxin,WANG Qingyi,WU Hao,ZHANG Zhongtian,ZHANG Xiangyue,ZHU Kaiyuan
Collaborators: Construction Documents |China Construction Engineering Design Group Co.,Ltd.;Landscape |SJZU HA+STUDIO,S.P.I Landscape Group;Exhibition | Guangzhou Frontop Digital Creative Technology Corporation;Lighting | Handu Design Consultant (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd.;Interior Construction Document |Andong Hongfang Architectural Design Consulting (Beijing) Co.,Ltd.
Floor Area: 9944 m2
Design Period: 2020-2022
Completion Time: 2022
Photos: TAL,UK Studio,JIAO Ruibiao
东贸库是新中国最早的物流建筑,如何把文物和当下生活融合,是该项目在艺术、技术和功能策划上所需要突破的。一个白色的婚礼堂把两座相同的、各自长度为90m 的老仓库连接起来,每个仓库的第一进空间都做成温室,形成在东北严寒地区充满温暖的社区花园。从这个花园再展开两个叙事,一个是社区图书馆,一个是新社区展厅,两个叙事沉浸在老仓库壮丽的木结构围合的空间氛围里,而这些结构则是经过了巧妙的钢结构置换,以满足功能要求,并使自然光营造出迷人的空间效果。
Dongmaoku is the first generation of logistics architecture after 1949.The challenge of this design is to imbue the historic warehouses with contemporary life through artistic,technical and programmatic explorations.
Two identical warehouses,each 90 metres long,are connected by the white structure of a wedding chapel,with the entry space to each warehouse designed as a community glasshouse garden.Starting from this warm gathering place for the cold northern area,the story line of each space is articulated by two functionalities,one is a community library,and the other one is the urban renewal exhibition centre.The delineation of the functions is evolved within the old wooden structure which is elaborately replaced with a real steel supporting system in order to meet code requirements,and to introduce a daylighting system to highlight the spatial experience.
2 阅读殿堂Reading Hall
3 改造后建筑鸟瞰Aerial view of the converted building
4 伊甸园Garden of Eden
5 轴测Axonometric
6 剖面Section
7 仓库改造示意Schematic of warehouse renovation