
2024-01-27 19:38:22安妮贝姆
世界建筑 2024年1期



“地球边界”为地球界定了9 个生态边界,提供了一系列方法衡量人类的生产和活动对气候和环境的影响,以及大自然承载能力的极限是多少。换句话说,对地球上的每个人而言,都存在一个边界,它决定了一个人在食物、住房、交通、娱乐等方面消耗地球资源的上限。从这个意义上讲,用于界定地球边界的各种因素及它们之间的联系,与联合国可持续发展目标的整体理念是息息相关的,二者都涉及到如何应对多种全球性挑战(图1)[1-3]。

1 地球边界框架,来源:由Azote创意机构为斯德哥尔摩大学斯德哥尔摩韧性中心绘制,基于参考文献[1-3] Planetary boundaries,Credit: Azote for Stockholm Resilience Centre,Stockholm University.Based on References [1-3]


丹麦皇家建筑艺术学院工业化建筑中心从2017 年起一直进行相关实验,基于绝对可持续性原则、以真实尺度来测试建筑材料和施工过程。这些真实尺度的建造实验,旨在以少量材料和材料碎片来实现碳中和。此外,可拆卸设计等材料也是一项主要的设计标准。








The concept of absolute sustainability is recently defined amongst researchers in environmental science in Denmark and may not be widely known yet amongst international peers in academia,public authorities or at policy level1).Also,when first being presented to the concept one may think it alludes to a simple dogmatic or radical understanding of sustainability.On the contrary,it is a systemic integrating concept based on theories linked to the fields of climate and environmental science that refer to the concept of Planetary Boundaries,which is a framework to describe limits to the impacts of human activities on the Earth system2).

The concept of planetary boundaries defines a set of nine planetary boundaries.It includes a series of methodologies measuring nature's tolerance limits of how much we can allow our products and actions to impact the climate and the environment.In other words,each individual on Earth has a scope for manoeuvre that defines how much that individual can afford to consume the planet's resources on food,shelter,transport,entertainment,etc.In that sense,the spectrum of dimensions involved and their connectivity which define the planetary boundaries links well to the overall idea of the UN SDG's that also refer to diverse global challenges (Fig.1)[1-3].

At the centre of Absolute Sustainability at DTU (The Danish Technical University) researchers are presently working on how to calculate consumption without it putting a critical strain on the climate and the environment[4].But examining the implications of defining absolute sustainability in regard of construction and architecture is a delicate matter,since the idea of acting according to the planetary boundaries also interfere with the practices and cultures linked to creating,maintaining,and facilitating our built environment.

In CINARK -Centre for Industrialised Architecture at the Royal Danish Academy,we have,since 2017,experimented with testing materials and constructions in full-scale that are based absolutely sustainable principles.The full-sale construction experiments are meant to be CO2neutral,based on few materials and pure material fractions.Also,design for disassembly (DfD) have been applied as primary design criteria.

So,for one research project we developed "absolutely sustainable constructions" based on Clay,Wood and Straw.In this case reduction of material consumption,recycling,and reuse were at the centre of assessing the environmental impact up against the architectural outcome.In sum,it pointed to construction practices based on the following principles:

-prioritise renewable,bio-based materials over rare,mineral,and non-renewable materials and resources.

-use of green energy sources to reduce CO2emissions.

-ensure that resources are not wasted but can be included in new technological and biological circuits (reuse and recycling).

-avoid environmentally harmful substances in materials,constructions,and construction processes.

-incorporate the social,contextual,and cultural dimensions,which are undoubtedly of equally great importance as economic and technical aspects in the green transition of the building industry.

Lessons learned were that building with circular principles coupled with absolute sustainability implies that we must think of materials,constructions,and buildings' provision,life,and their afterlife fundamentally different than we do today.

Pearl Izumi发布新的“社会使命”声明以及可持续性相关的宏伟目标
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