2024-01-26 22:46祖瑞
初中生世界 2023年46期


During the Spring Festival,all the members of the family will get together on the eve to have a big dinner.Food such as fish,apples,noodle,dumplings,poke,chicken,candies are the most popular and will usually be served at the meal.They all symbolize for the lucky and happy days of the coming year.However,the main dish of this meal is always dumplings,which are indispensable on the table.

Here is one way to make a dumpling dish.

Main ingredients

500 grams of meat,Chinese cabbage,dumpling wrappers


Mix together the meat and the Chi⁃nese cabbage.

Fill the dumpling wrappers with the mixture.Stick the edges of the dumpling wrappers together.

Boil the dumplings.

Set the cooked dumplings on a plate and serve with vinegar.


Before mixing,salt the Chinese cab⁃bage,let it rest for 15 minutes and press out extra water.

Use water to stick the edges together if necessary.


Don’t put the dumplings into the wa⁃ter when it is not boiling.

Don’t overfill the dumplings,or they will fall apart when you boil them.

If you don’t know how to make a dumpling dish,read the instructions above carefully and try to make it by yourself.


1.How to remember words?

Can you remember new words quickly? A prefix and suffix can help you.The word“indispensable”in the passage has a prefix“in-”and a suffix“-able”.The prefix“in-”means“not”,we can use it to form new words with opposite meaning.But one of the most common prefixes for adjectives or adverbs is“un-”,please read the passage and add“un-”to some words to give them the opposite meanings.


( )-( )

( )-( )

( )-( )

2.DIY and share

Your friend is calling to ask how to make a dumpling dish.Please tell her the instructions.You can use the adverbs,such as First,Next,Then and Finally.


Nowadays,if you need something,what will you do? Buy one or do it by your⁃self? If you did a DIY job and discovered the joy or pity of DIY,write about it titled“My DIY story”.


My DIY Story

I have a rabbit at home.It is my dear pet.I don’t know when it was born.I got it on Feburary 1,so the day became its birthday.

对“兔子”的介绍稍显冗长,建议开门见山,直接阐述DIY 的原因,点明主题。

Some time ago,when its birthday was coming,I asked myself,“What birthday present can I give my dear rabbit?”The rabbit was not very comfortable in winter,so I decided to make a jacket to keep it warm.

First,I measured its size.Then I asked my Mom to find a large piece of cloth.I used color pens to design patterns on the cloth.I drew stars and candies.Stars stood for wisdom and candies for happiness.I cut the cloth according to its size and knitted it up like a jacket.It took the rabbit some time to get used to the jacket.It could hop around with the jacket.

正文部分可以重点介绍DIY 的步骤以及遇到的问题和感受。注意使用合适的连词或表示顺序的词,使衔接更加自然。

But soon I found a problem.When the jacket be⁃came dirty,it could not be washed.The cloth was not strong and could be torn easily.I am still thinking about how to solve the problem.

Maybe someday in the future,I will make my dear rabbit a new jacket.I like my rabbit,and I hope it likes its birthday present.



My DIY Story

I dream of becoming a fashion designer in the future.My first design was a small jacket and you can never guess who it was for.It was for my dear rabbit.When its birthday was coming this year,I decided to make a jacket as its birthday present.

First,I had to measure the size of the rabbit.It was easier said than done,because the rabbit kept struggling and made quite a mess.Then I found a large piece of cloth.I used col⁃or pens to design patterns on the cloth.I also drew bright stars and delicious candies.Stars stand for wisdom and candies for happiness.I cut the cloth carefully and knitted it up like a jacket.I even made a rose with the cloth and stuck it on the jacket.I tried to fit the jacket on the rabbit.However,it did not like the jacket at first and even left a scratch on my hand.Then I realized that I forgot to consider its hair,so the jacket was too tight.I used the rest of the cloth to make it larger.Finally,I added some colors on the cloth so that the jacket could match the color of the rabbit hair.It looked much better on the rabbit,although small pieces of cloth were left everywhere in the room.

This is my DIY story.I learned a lot from my first design.I understood the true meaning of“Practice makes perfect.”I believe I can become a fashion designer.The small jacket for my rabbit will turn into a gorgeous dress in the future.


作文主题明确,结构清晰,围绕“DIY 的原因→步骤→结果”这一逻辑顺序展开。升格后的作文内容丰富多彩,语言生动形象,情感细腻,读来亲切自然。小作者增加了很多细节描写,将DIY的过程生动形象地展现在读者面前,表达了对宠物的喜爱之情。小作者能熟练运用复合句,如When...,I decided to...和 that...来进行表达。“It was easi⁃er said than done.”和“Practice makes perfect.”等谚语的使用则让文章锦上添花。

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