Learning About the New Era of Communication from Gen Z Kids从Z世代身上了解通讯新时代

2024-01-23 08:09:30梅拉妮·加博里奥/文王冰/译
英语世界 2024年1期

梅拉妮·加博里奥/文 王冰/译

When I picked up my 15-year-old daughter from an event recently, I overheard her, as she said goodbye to someone she’d just met, ask them: “Hey, what’s your Snap handle1?”


At that moment, I couldn’t help but remember the days when I would scribble down friends’ home phone numbers on torn sheets of paper. I’d wait until after dinner to make calls, nestled in my room with the 10-foot cord from my landline stretched under the door.


It was then that I realized I have a unique view into how this new gener-ation is communicating.


As a mom of three kids between the ages of 15 and 18 (not to mention the numerous other teenagers that make a regular appearance in our home), I’ve been a bystander to their digital behavior, which has equally intrigued and perplexed me as a communicator, especially within the social space I work in, as I am privy to and see the evolution of these trends unfold daily (often hourly).


How is Gen Z really communicating?


According to a study done by Edison Mail, Gen Z’s three core communication channels are SMS (69%), email (31%), and social media (29%). But what’s important to note here is that the survey was conducted among 1,112 adults over the age of 18, meaning that those aged 9 to 18 years old weren’t represented. These are those who I am observing every day, and the trends I’ve seen are quite the opposite.

根据Edison Mail的一项研究,Z世代的三个核心沟通渠道是短信(69%)、电子邮件(31%)和社交媒体(29%)。值得注意的是,这项调查是在1112名18岁以上的成年人中进行的,也就是说9至18岁的用户没有纳入调查范围,而这个年龄段的用户恰恰是我每天观察的对象,我看到的趋势和调查结果完全相反。

Where SMS came out the front- runner, it’s a channel that is quite outdated in the eyes of my kids. While they do text each other at times, more often than not, their use of SMS is reserved for conversations with adults or, interestingly enough, playing games.


Where email held second place in the survey, my kids admit that although they all have an email address, it’s rare that they would choose the channel as a preferred method of communication, nor do they know of anyone their age who would. They check their inboxes periodically for communication from teachers, bosses, or coaches, but that’s it.


To really get at the heart of how and where they communicate, it’s social.


Social media’s rise to the top of the communication charts


There is no question that social media has become one of the most adopted communication channels, with over 4.7 billion social media users worldwide and the average user spending nearly 2.5 hours every day on social platforms. And, with over 45% of those users between the ages of 13 and 29, Gen Z truly does sit in a power position within the channels they use.


When we think back to where the actual genesis of the social media space stemmed from, it could have actually occurred well before MySpace2—back to the launch of MSN Messenger3 in 1999, just two years after the first Gen Z babies were born. Since then, the draw for instant messaging has prevailed. It’s just the messaging channels themselves that have evolved and continue to change.

当我们回想社交媒体的真正起源时,会发现社交媒体实际上可能在MySpace之前就已经出现了——可以追溯到1999年MSN Messenger发布的时候,只比第一批Z世代婴儿的出生晚两年。从那时起,即时通讯的吸引力一直强劲,只是通讯渠道本身已有所演变,并将持续改变。

While my habits and preferred means of communication are SMS and messaging apps, my kids primarily use Snapchat. Rather than ask for someone’s phone number, they exchange Snapchat handles, and keep streaks4 as a way of staying in touch—the longer the streak, the better the connection. But strangely, more often than not, the “message” is nothing more than a photo, and that photo can often be of the ceiling or the wall with no text (they know and admit it’s weird, but they all do it). Even when they photograph themselves, those photos are not curated5, they’re often unfiltered and authentic. Much can be communicated through a photo: no words are required, and regardless of the image, they’ve let the other person know they’re thinking of them.


When they have something to say to each other, they often prefer not to call, text, audio message, or even Facetime in real-time; instead, they send a video message over Snapchat. The exchanges can go back and forth for hours without ever talking live. Why? I asked. It allows them the flexibility to receive the message in their time, and it provides an easier end to the conversation than what can be an awkward “you hang up first” sign-off otherwise. Hmm.


A new focus on authenticity


We’ve heard it before, but Gen Z really is all about authenticity, and from my experience, they prioritize social channels that promote this.


Not surprisingly, the primary channel my kids frequent is TikTok. They have the feeling that “TikTok knows everything” and find the app to be more “real” and unfiltered than curated channels like Instagram and Facebook. I’ve seen them shun filters and criticize people (and brands) who try too hard. If a TikTok is an obvious ad, they reject it. But if a brand finds a way to “get them” (i.e., inject brand messaging into a TikTok in a way that feels real), they respect and admire that.


TikTok is where Gen Z seek out life hacks6, and research nearly anything they’re wondering about—only turning to search engines if they’re not confident in a source or aren’t finding what they are seeking on social media first. In our house, nuggets of information that came from TikTok often surface over dinnertime conversations, and I’m always shocked at the depth of subjects.


Feeding Gen Z’s desire for unfiltered reality, BeReal has added a new and very interesting distraction. My kids admitted that they look critically at others who don’t follow the real-time prompts and wait hours past to post a more compelling photo. While most posts are boring and the basis of the platform may seem mundane, that’s the point—it’s a glimpse into real life.


What does all of this mean?


Despite the fact that connection is mainly happening behind a screen, Gen Z is more connected than any gener-ation before them.


They like to have control over when and how they communicate. They straddle old and new technology—navigating these channels with ease and quickly adapting to new technology while acquiescing to the channels older generations prefer.


We all need to keep in mind that these 9 to 24 year olds, if not already, will soon be our colleagues. Like Brad Pitt said in Moneyball, “adapt or die.” Communication vehicles are moving forward at a blistering pace, and being left behind is increasingly becoming a real risk.


My personal solution has been to readily adopt the social channels they’re using. Give it a try, and you might be surprised to find something you like.



1 handle社交媒体账号。

2 2003年上线的社交网络服务网站,提供人际交互,用户自定朋友网络,个人文件页面、博客、组群、照片、音乐和影片的分享与存放。  3 微软开发的一款即时通讯软件,现已结束服务。  4此处指Snapstreak,即Snapchat的连胜功能。两个人连续三天相互发送快照,连胜功能便会启动,开始计算连续互动天数。此后,两人必须每 24 小时至少相互发送一次快照(照片或视频),否则就会失去连胜记录。

5 curate操持(收藏品或展品的)展出,此处指从众多照片中精心挑选出发布到社交媒体上的照片。

6 life hack原指非常巧妙高效的“黑客技巧”,后引申为“生活妙招”。

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