On Coming Home1论回家

2024-01-23 08:09:30阿尔弗雷德·乔治·加德纳/文朱建迅/译
英语世界 2024年1期

阿尔弗雷德·乔治·加德纳/文 朱建迅/译

A friend of mine found himself the other day on the platform of a country station in the south of Scotland near the sea-coast. A middle-aged couple were the only people visible, and they sat together on the single form provided for waiting passengers. They did not speak, but just sat and gazed at the rails, at the opposite platform, at the fields beyond, at the clouds above, at anything, in fact, within the range of vision. My friend went and sat beside them to wait for his train. Presently another person, a woman, appeared, and advancing to the other two, addressed them. She wondered what train the couple were waiting for. Was their holiday over?


“Oh no,” said the woman. “We’ve another week yet.”


“Then maybe ye’re waiting for a friend?” queried the other.


“No,” replied the woman. “We’re just sitting. We like to come here in the evening and see the trains come in and out. It’s a change, and it makes us think of home. Eh,” she said, with a sudden fervour that spoke of inward agonies, “you do miss your home comforts on a holiday.”


I fancy this excellent woman, sitting on the platform to watch the trains go homewards, and yearning for the day to come when she will take a seat in one of them, disclosed a secret which many of us share, but few of us have the courage to confess. She was bored by her holiday. It was her annual Purgatory2, her time of exile by the alien waters of Babylon3. There she sat while the commonplaces of her home life, her comfortable bed, the mysteries of her larder, the gossip of her neighbours, the dusting of the front parlour, the trials of shopping, her good man’s going and returning, the mending of the children’s stockings, and all the little somethings and nothings that made up her daily round, assumed a glamour and a pathos that familiarity had deadened. She had to go away from home to discover it again. She had to get out of her rut in order to find that she could not be happy anywhere else. Then she could say with Touchstone4, “So this is the forest of Arden5: well, when I was at home I was in a better place.”


It does not follow that her holiday was a failure. It was a most successful holiday. The main purpose of a holiday is to make us homesick. We go to the forest of Arden in order that we may be reconciled to No. 14, Beula Avenue, Peckham. We sit and throw stones on the beach in the sunshine until we get sick of doing nothing in particular, and dream of the 8:32 from Tooting as the children of Israel dreamed of the fat pastures of Canaan. We climb the Jungfrau6 and explore the solitudes of the glaciers so that we can recover the rapture of Clapham Common7 and the felicities of Hampstead Heath8. We endure the dreary formalities of hotel life and the petty larcenies of the boarding-house in order that we may enjoy with renewed zest the ease and liberties of our own fireside.


In short, we go on a holiday for the pleasure of coming back. The humiliating truth is, of course, providentially9 concealed from us. If it were not, we should stay at home and never see it afresh through the pleasant medium of distance and separation. But no experience of past disillusions dims the glow of the holiday emotion. I have no doubt that the couple on the platform set out from Auld Reekie10 with the delight of children let out from school. We all know the feeling. “Behold … Beyond …” cried young Ruskin11 when the distant vision of the snowy battlements of the Oberland12 first burst on his astonished eyes. “Behold … Beyond,” we cry as we pile up the luggage and start on the happy pilgrimage. And the emotion is worth having, even though we know it will end in a sigh of relief when we reach No. 14, Beulah Avenue again and sink into the familiar armchair and mow the bit of lawn that has grown shaggy in our absence, and exchange reminiscences with No. 13 over the fence, and feel the pleasant web of habit enveloping us once more.


It is when the holiday is over that we begin to enjoy it. Then we come, as Gissing13 says, under the law that wills that the day must die before we can enjoy to the full its light and odour. We are never, by the perversity of our nature, quite so happy as we think we were after the event had become a memory, and no doubt by next spring the couple who sat on the station platform watching the homeward-bound trains with longing eyes will recall the gay holiday they had without a suspicion that they welcomed the end of it as children welcome release from school. The illusion will only mean that they are a little sick of home again, and that they need the violent medicine of a holiday to make them homesick once more.



1本文选自阿尔弗雷德·乔治·加德纳的随笔集《道道畦沟》(Many Furrows)。

2 purgatory(罗马天主教教义中的)炼狱;受难的状态。  3原义为“流放到巴比伦异域之水边”。巴比伦为古巴比伦王国首都,后泛指流放地。  4 touchstone 试金石;标准。  5 the forest of Arden亚登森林,莎士比亚喜剧《皆大欢喜》(As You Like It)故事的发生地,一个远离尘世、充满梦幻色彩的地方。

6少女峰位于瑞士伯尔尼高地,是联合国教科文组织认定的世界自然遗产“少女峰-阿莱奇冰川-比奇峰地区”的一部分。  7克拉彭公地,又译作“克拉彭公园”,伦敦市内的一块大型绿地。  8 汉普斯特德荒野,伦敦市内一个古老的大型公园。  9 providentially天缘巧合地。

10 Auld Reekie 老烟城,英国工业革命时期苏格兰首府爱丁堡的绰号,意指该地污染严重。  11此处指约翰·拉斯金(John Ruskin,1819—1900),英国艺术评论家,著有《近代画家》(Modern Painters)、《建筑的七盏灯》(The Seven Lamps of Architecture)等。  12此处指瑞士风景如画的伯尔尼高地(Bernese Oberland)。  13此处指乔治·吉辛(George Gissing,1857—1903),英国作家,著有长篇小说《新格鲁布街》(New Grub Street)、散文集《四季随笔》(The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft)等。

Quotes About Coming Home

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.

—George Augustus Moore

The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back.

—Wendy Wunder

Maybe that’s the best part of going away for a vacation—coming home again.

—Madeleine L’Engle

Maybe you had to leave in order to miss a place, maybe you had to travel to figure out how beloved your starting point was.

—Jodi Picoult

There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.

—Nelson Mandela

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