
2023-12-25 13:25
重庆与世界 2023年11期





Delegation of Samarkand Region of Uzbekistan Visiting Chongqing

From October 14 to 17, Abilov Feruz Nematullayevich, First Deputy Governor of the Samarkand region of Uzbekistan, led a delegation to Chongqing upon invitation.

On October 16, Ou Shunqing, Vice Chairman of the Chongqing Municipal Peoples Congress, met with Abilov and his delegation. Ou Shunqing noted that Uzbekistan is an important country along the Belt and Road and that when President Xi Jinping met with President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who attended the China-Central Asia Summit and paid a state visit to China this May, he stressed that China is willing to deepen all-around cooperation with Uzbekistan and build a community with a shared future between China and Uzbekistan. Ou Shunqing noted that the two sides should broaden economic, trade, investment, energy, and healthcare collaboration, strengthen connectivity, and launch active exchanges and cooperation in local communities, culture, and poverty alleviation. He added that Chongqing is open to extensive exchanges and cooperation with relevant regions of Uzbekistan, including the Samarkand region, under the joint leadership of the two countries leaders, to realize mutual benefits and shared development.

Abilov said that he was impressed by the hospitality of the Chongqing people and the citys dynamic and distinctive development. Under the framework of the friendly cooperation agreement signed between the Samarkand Region and Chongqing in May 2019, the Region is ready to further its cooperation with Chongqing in economy and trade, culture and tourism, transportation, people-to-people exchanges, and other fields. He invited Chongqing companies to invest in the Samarkand Region and Chongqing citizens for sightseeing in Samarkand.

During his stay in Chongqing, Abilov visited Fuling District, Chongqing Modern High-Tech Agro-Park, Southwest Aluminum Group, and other places, and exchanged views with relevant parties on deepening cooperation between Samarkand Region and Chongqing in intelligent agriculture, metallurgical industry, and other fields. The conference on friendly cooperation and exchanges between Chongqing and Samarkand was held with success, where about 30 companies from both sides engaged in matchmaking sessions for project cooperation in agriculture, construction, transportation, chemical, and medicine and concluded a number of cooperation intents.

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