
2023-12-25 22:36:43李立欣
孔子学院 2023年4期


五大连池位于黑龙江省五大连池市,被称作“一本打开的火山教科书”,经联合国教科文组织批准为首批世界地质公园。虽然五大连池的面积只有1 060 平方公里,却有着众多纵横交错的河流,其星罗棋布的泉眼有300 多个,其中包括世界三大冷矿泉之一的南、北饮泉。

Wudalianchi (literally meaning theve joint ponds) is located in WudalianchiCity, Heilongjiang Province in northeasternChina. Known as “an open textbookof volcanos”, it is enlisted in the firstbatch of Global Geoparks by UNESCO.Covering a moderate area of about 1,060square kilometers, the Ponds boast manyinterlacing rivers and over 300 scatteredsprings, including the South and NorthDrinking Spring Cluster, one of the world’sthree most renowned cold mineral springs.


The name “Wudalianchi” is believed tobe a transliteration of the Manchu phrase“Wuderlinchi” (literary medning the UdelinPond). According to historical records,the eruption of fire and stones from theunderground of Mount Wuyunherdongjicut the Udelin River (later known as theBaihe River) into ve smaller ponds, hencethe name “Wudalianchi”. Encircling thevolcanic crater at the Ponds are distinctlayers of life, from lichens at the innermostlayer to moss, ferns, meadows, andeventually ourishing forests. Each journeyof restoration and re-formation spansdecades, centuries, and even millennia.One cannot help but feel a profoundreverence for life as one contemplatesnature’s remarkable tenacity and vibrantvigor.


According to legend, a blackdragon, known as “Bald-Tail Li”,made a selfless sacrifice to protectthe local inhabitants. Many yearsago, Bald-Tail Li had a fierce battleagainst an evil white dragon. Tosafeguard the communities from theengulng ames of an undergroundfire, the black dragon valiantlyblocked the erupting vent with itsown body. As time passed, geologistscame and discovered volcanic lavaformations that resembled the shapeof a dragon in the area. Today, themost famous volcano in the area,Mount Black Dragon, is believedto have been the resting place ofBald-Tail Li, and enshrined in thehall of the Black Dragon Templeis a statue revered as the “BlackDragon King”. ‑roughout the ages,people have been grateful for thesacred creature’s heroic efforts insafeguarding the local communities.


The cold spring water from the South and NorthDrinking Springs oers a taste somewhat similar to sodawater at first sip and provides a revitalizing sensationthroughout the body when savored plentifully. Enrichedwith health-benefiting microelements, the spring waterwas once known as the “holy water” that could not betaken away. Today, tourists from around the world canbottle and take the spring water with them. Nevertheless,those fortunate enough to have drunk directly from the“sacred springs” know that the bottled water lacks theperfectly crisp and refreshing taste found in the naturalsource.


The North Drinking Spring is also commonlyknown as the “Medicinal Spring”. Each year, peoplehost celebrating events to express their gratitude forthe blessings bestowed by divinity. Legend has it that aDaur hunter once traced a wounded deer to the ponds.To his astonishment, the deer miraculously healed afterdrinking from one pond and bathing in another. ‑e wordof this wonder spreads, and the impoverished localsbegan using the divine water to preserve their health.

每年农历五月初五,人们都会来到五大连池,庆祝发现了神水。历史上,鄂伦春族、鄂温克族、蒙古族等称其为“神水日”,满族、汉族等称其为“药泉会”,现在这个节日正式定名为“圣水节”。圣水节每年的端午节开幕,历时三天。生活在这里的20 多个民族的人们,以及八方来客,在端午节的午夜时分,都会争先恐后地去饮一杯泉水,祈求一年的康健。

People gather at the Wudalianchi to celebrate thediscovery of the sacred water every year on the traditionaldate of the Dragon Boat Festival, which falls on the hday of the h month of the lunar calendar. Historically,this day was referred to as the “Divine Water Day” bythe Oroqen, Ewenki, and Mongolian people and the“Medicinal Spring Gathering Day” by Manchu and Hanethnicities. Today, the rituals, officially celebrated as the“Holy Water Festival”, begin at the Dragon Boat Festivaland last three days. When the day comes, local peoplefrom more than 20 ethnic groups, as well as tourists fromacross the world, eagerly drink a glass of spring water atmidnight, praying for a year of good health.

五大連池拥有著名的“泉浴场”和“泥浴场”。20 多年前,这里大多是户外天然浴场,不限时间开放。当天气转暖时,人们便络绎不绝地来到这里享受泉浴和泥浴。在冷泉中浸浴,喝上几杯矿泉水,再配合泥浴,舒缓身体的疲劳和不适,心情也随之愉悦起来。

One can also nd the renowned “Spring Bath Area”and “Mud Bath Area” here. Over two decades ago,this place consisted mostly of natural outdoor bathingspots, accessible at all times. Today, in the warmermonths, people ock here for an enjoyable experienceof spring and mud baths. Aer all, what compares toa refreshing cold spring bath, accompanied by a fewglasses of mineral spring water, and followed by arelaxing mud bath, when it comes to alleviating fatigueand lightening the mood?


The locals firmly believe in the health benefits of“alternating spring baths and sunbaths, preferably forthree rounds”. The spring water temperature remainsaround 10°C (50°F) all year, so keeping the first bathshort is advisable. Once the whole body relaxes, onecan come out of the water and lie on the rock platform,warmed by the sun as if on a cozy kang (a Chinesestylebed in the northeastern region), to fully enjoysunbathing. As the body warms up and starts to sweat,taking a break in the shade and drinking mineralwater is recommended. And remember to wait untilthe body returns to its normal temperature beforetaking another spring bath. ‑is alternating approachinvigorates the body and enhances its self-repairingfunctions.


te mud bath is also a must-try. Visitors can rollaround in the mud like a carefree child, and whenwashing off the mud from head to toe, they will beamazed by the pleasure and health benets brought bythe mud bath. No wonder people say that “even mud inthe Wudalianchi is a treasure”.

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