2023 年5 月下旬至6 月中旬,孔子学院“对话与互鉴”之电影系列文化活动邀请著名导演谢飞先后前往匈牙利罗兰大学孔子学院、罗马尼亚克卢日巴比什—博雅依大学孔子学院、希腊色萨利大学孔子学院、德国纽伦堡—埃尔兰根孔子学院参加电影展演活动。本次活动持续25 天,放映了以《香魂女》(1993)为代表的六部谢飞执导的电影,其间,350 余名孔院师生、外方合作高校电影学院师生以及当地电影爱好者积极参与了此次活动。此外,谢飞导演还举办了相关主题的讲座,介绍了中国人的思想观、价值观与文化观,展现了中欧在文化视角与思维方式上的异同。现场气氛热烈,活动受到了广泛好评。
From late May to mid-June 2023, renowned Chinesedirector Xie Fei toured several Confucius Institutesacross Europe, as part of the “Dialogue and Exchange”film event. His visits included the Confucius Institues atEOtvOs Loránd University (ELTE) in Hungary, Babes-Bolyai University (UBB) of Cluj-Napoca in Romania,the University of Thessaly (UTH) in Greece, andNüremberg-Erlangen in Germany. During this 25-dayjourney, six of Xie Fei’s films were showcased, includinghis most acclaimed work, Woman Sesame Oil Maker(1993). The event attracted over 350 students andteachers from the Confucius Institutes and the filmschools of the hosting universities, as well as manylocal film enthusiasts. In addition to the screenings, XieFei delivered lectures that delved into the ideological,cultural, and value systems of the Chinese, andexamined both the parallels and contrasts betweenChinese and European cultures and thought processes.the event sparked lively discussions and concluded withwidespread acclaim from all participants.
5 月24 日,匈牙利羅兰大学孔子学院举办电影艺术与文化多元主题讲座。谢飞作为主讲人,从他的个人成长经历切入,分享了自己学生时代的观影片单,介绍了他所执导的《香魂女》《我的田野》《湘女萧萧》等六部代表作品,并向现场观众展示了中国网友对匈牙利著名导演及其电影作品的影评,探讨中匈两国电影的文化互动。讲座结束后, 谢飞一行与北京外国语大学学术委员会主任王定华,罗兰孔院匈方院长郝清新(Hamar Imre)、中方院长李登贵进行交流。王定华主任对谢飞导演在中国电影界的突出成就予以高度评价,谢飞导演也对北京外国语大学为中外电影译制所作的贡献表示赞赏。
On May 24th, the ELTE Confucius Instituteheld a lecture focused on film art and culturaldiversity. The keynote speaker, Xie Fei, sharedinsights into his personal growth and reflectedon influential films from his student years.He spotlighted six of his most notable works,including Woman Sesame Oil Maker, OurFarmland, and A Girl from Hunan. Moreover,he analyzed Chinese internet users’ opinions onfilms directed by Hungarians, thereby fosteringa cultural exchange between Chinese andHungarian cinema. After the lecture, Xie Feiand his team engaged in a discussion with WangDinghua (Director of the Academic Committeeat Beijing Foreign Studies University), HamarImre (the Hungarian Director of the ELTEConfucius Institute), and Li Denggui (the ChineseDirector of the ELTE Confucius Institute). WangDinghua commended Xie Fei’s contributions tothe Chinese film industry, while Xie Fei expressedhis appreciation for Beijing Foreign StudiesUniversity’s efforts in translating Chinese films forthe international audience.
5 月31 日,谢飞到访罗马尼亚克卢日巴比什—博雅依大学孔子学院,在电影媒体学院放映厅举办学术讲座,70余人出席活动,现场座无虚席。讲座结束后,谢飞代表北京电影学院向巴比什—博雅依大学电影媒体学院赠送北京电影学院学生电影作品集,向克卢日孔子学院赠送六部数字媒体电影硬盘,用于孔子学院的中文电影教学。仪式结束后,现场放映了由谢飞执导的剧情片《本命年》。之后,谢飞一行应邀参观罗马尼亚克卢日纳波卡市创新园区影视作品基地,与园区媒体技术工程师们共同探讨中罗电影拍摄制作环境和资源的异同。
On May 31st, Xie Fei visited the UBBConfucius Institute, where he delivered a lecturein the Faculty of Theater and Film’s screeninghall. The event drew a crowd of over 70 people,filling the room to capacity. Following the lecture,Xie Fei, on behalf of the Beijing Film Academy,presented a collection of student films to UBB’sFaculty of Film and Media, along with six digitalmedia movie hard drives for the ConfuciusInstitute’s Chinese film teaching program. Theceremony concluded with a screening of Xie Fei’sfeature film Black Snow. Later, Xie Fei and histeam visited the film studios at the Cluj InnovationPark, engaging in a stimulating discussion withthe park’s media technology engineers about thesimilarities and differences of film production inChina and Romania.
6 月9 日,希腊色萨利大学孔子学院成功举办“品味中国电影· 讲好中国故事”电影展演活动闭幕式暨谢飞导演座谈会。中华人民共和国驻希腊大使馆肖军正大使,色萨利大学校长齐西斯· 玛姆里斯(Zisis Mamouris)、副校长约安娜· 拉里奥图(Ioanna Lalioto),中华人民共和国驻希腊大使馆教育专员田磊,雅典中国文化中心主任任刃,亚里士多德大学孔子学院中方院长鲍晓英,以及色萨利大学孔子学院师生共80 余人出席活动。孔子学院学生还为到场嘉宾和观众表演了新编中国舞蹈《梦回江宁》和《回家》。本次活动为沃洛斯民众提供了一次零距离接触中国电影的机会,是中希方在电影艺术上的一次深度对话。
On June 9th, the UTH Confucius Instituteheld a special ceremony to mark the conclusionof the “Appreciating Chinese Films and TellingChinese Stories” Film Exhibition. The eventfeatured a discussion session led by director XieFei. In attendance were several notable figures,including Xiao Jun (China’s Ambassador toGreece), Zisis Mamouris (Rector of UTH), IoannaLalioto (Vice-Rector of UTH), Tian Lei (EducationCommissioner of the Chinese Embassy in Greece),Ren Ren (Director of the China Cultural Center inAthens), and Bao Xiaoying (the Chinese Directorof the Confucius Institute at Aristotle Universityof Thessaloniki). Additionally, over 80 studentsand teachers from the UTH Confucius Institutewere present. The students put on a remarkableperformance of two newly choreographed Chinesedances, Dreaming Back to Jiangning and GoingHome, for the audience. The event not onlyprovided an opportunity for the people of Volos toconnect with Chinese filmmaking but also servedas a signicant bridge for artistic dialogue betweenChina and Greece.
6 月16 日,謝飞携代表作《香魂女》来到了德国纽伦堡—埃尔兰根孔子学院,与广大电影爱好者面对面交流。该片曾获第43 届柏林国际电影节金熊奖,如今应用当代技术对该片进行了修复,做成4K 高清版本。此次谢导故地重游,也是《香魂女》30 年后在德国的首映。此次放映吸引了160 多位电影爱好者前来观影,在之后的互动环节,谢飞在回答影迷提问的同时,也向大家分享了这部电影背后的故事。影展见面会结束后,观众们热情不减,纷纷与谢飞合影留念。
On June 16th, Xie Fei brought his most wellknownfilm Woman Sesame Oil Maker to theConfucius Institute at Nuremberg-Erlangen inGermany and engaged in a face-to-face exchangewith the film enthusiasts there. This film hasbeen restored to a 4K high-definition version,three decades a er it won the prestigious GoldenBear award at the 43rd Berlin InternationalFilm Festival. The visit represented Xie Fei’ssecond time in the town and the film’s debutscreening in Germany, attracting a crowd of over160 enthusiasts. Following the screening, XieFei answered questions from the audience andshared behind-the-scenes stories about the film’screation. The excitement continued even afterthe event ended, with many participants takingphotos with Xie Fei.