
2023-12-25 22:36:43崔玉华
孔子学院 2023年4期





保护区面积2 100 平方公里,是世界上最大的野生丹顶鹤栖息繁殖地。全世界丹顶鹤不足2 000 只,扎龙有其五分之一。

In Heilongiang Province inNortheast China, there is an inlandriver named “Wuyur”. It originates fromthe Lesser Khingan Range and windsits way for thousands of miles until itdisappears into the vast reed marshesin the eastern part of Qiqihar. Nestledwithin this marshland, a place whereeven rivers seem to lose themselves, liesthe Zhalong National Nature Reserve.The name “Zhalong” translates to“enclosure for raising cattle and sheep”.this reserve serves as a natural breedingground and habitat for various birds,animals, fish, and frogs. Above all, itstands as a sanctuary for red-crownedcranes. Covering an area of 2,100square kilometers, Zhalong holds thetitle of the world’s largest wild habitatand breeding ground for red-crownedcranes. Considering that there arefewer than 2,000 red-crowned cranesworldwide, Zhalong is home to one-fifthh of this precious population.




The red-crowned crane, also knownas the fairy crane, is nicknamed the“god of wetland”. Its slender, long legs,graceful neck, and black and whiteplumage create an enchanting andethereal presence, reminiscent of an inkpainting come to life.


Another reason why people lovethe red-crowned crane is its care foroffspring and loyalty to its partner. Oncepaired, the red-crowned cranes neverpart ways and stay together for life.Although their reproductive rate is low,with only two eggs laid each time, thecrane parents take turns incubating theeggs for a month without venturing far.They keep the hatchling close by anddiligent care for it, resembling a devotedhuman couple.


Throughout history, the red-crowned crane has been cherishedand celebrated by literati and poets alike. One such poet was Lin Bu,also known as He Jing, from the Northern Song Dynasty. Instead ofpursuing a traditional path of serving as an official, getting married,or having children, Lin Bu dedicated his days to nurturing plum treesas his spouse and raising cranes as his beloved children, showcasinghis profound fondness for these elegant birds. The red-crowned cranehas also long been associated with longevity. Chinese artists from bothancient and modern times often adopt the timeless theme of “Pine andCrane Prolonging Life” in their congratulatory artwork.




“Have you ever heard the tale of the girl who once gracedthat riverbank? Have you caught wind of the girl who leftbehind a melody while strolling along the reed-covered slope?Why do the ivory clouds weep silent tears? Why does thetender breeze murmur her name with a flock of red-crownedcranes gliding through the skies?”

这首歌曾经唱遍大江南北,不只因为其旋律优美,更因为其中有护鹤人坚守的灵魂。歌曲中的女孩叫徐秀娟,她出生在黑龙江齐齐哈尔市一个养鹤世家,从小喜爱丹顶鹤,也致力于丹顶鹤的保护和繁殖。不幸的是,她的生命终止在23 岁,1987 年她因寻找走失的丹顶鹤牺牲在沼泽地中。

This song has traveled far and wide, not just for itsenchanting melody but also for the spirit of the craneprotectors it embodies. The girl at the heart of this balladis Xu Xiujuan, born into a family that nurtured cranes inQiqihar. From a tender age, she was captivated bythe red-crowned cranes and dedicated herself totheir preservation and reproduction. Sadly, her lifewas cut short at the age of 23. In 1987, she made theultimate sacrifice in the marshlands while searchingfor a lost crane.

徐秀娟的故事在人們心中留下了一首歌,徐建峰的故事则在人们眼前铺开了一幅画。徐建峰是徐秀娟的弟弟,他1997 年退伍后放弃了稳定的国企工作,回到保护区继续姐姐未竟的事业——守护丹顶鹤。他在2014 年因公殉职时,已坚守扎龙18 个春秋。

Xu Xiujuan’s story has left a song in people’shearts, while Xu Jianfeng’s story has unfoldedbefore people’s eyes. Xu Jianfeng, Xu Xiujuan’syounger brother, gave up his stable job in a stateownedenterprise a er being discharged from thearmy in 1977. He returned to the nature reserveto continue his sister’s unfinished mission —protecting the red-crowned cranes. When he diedin the line of duty in 2014, he had devoted himselfto this cause for 18 long years.


The tenderness and dedication demonstratedby the Xu siblings towards the red-crownedcranes also mirror the love and care shown byall those who protect these birds in Zhalong. Forgenerations, the people here have toiled tirelessly,safeguarding the cranes’ habitat while nurturingtheir own homes.




The protection of red-crownedcranes cannot be left solely toindividual efforts. The wild cranesare incredibly cautious during thebreeding season, seeking refugeamidst tall reeds to safeguardthemselves and their young frompredators and human interference.Sadly, Zhalong has experienceda decline in precipitation and adegradation of its reed beds dueto both natural factors and humanimpact. To secure the sustainablehealth of the wetland ecosystem andpreserve the red-crowned crane’shabitat, Heilongjiang Province hastaken the lead in implementingan essential water replenishmentmechanism. Every year, they investmillions of RMB to divert waterfrom the Nen River into Zhalong,gradually restoring abundantfish resources and promoting theregrowth of reeds.


The livelihood of villagers nearthe Zhalong wetland revolves aroundfishing in the summer and harvestingreeds in the winter. However, achallenge arises as both humans andbirds compete for the available foodresources. To tackle this issue, thereserve has adopted a two-prongedapproach. Firstly, it implements the“wetland restoration and reservedreed belt project”, which compensatesfarmers for the preservation of vitalreed resources. Secondly, the reservehas initiated the “core area residentrelocation project”. In response to thegovernment’s call, the compassionatepeople of Zhalong have graduallymoved to nearby urban communities.Here, they have willingly set asidetheir sickles and fishing nets,either taking up work in the city ordedicating themselves as guardiansof the Zhalong Nature Reserve.


Furthermore, in a concerted effort to bolster the population of red-crowned cranes, the reserve has set upspecialized centers for artificial breeding and reintroduction. Additionally, they’ve established a genetic bankdedicated to preserving the species’ unique traits. To ensure a holistic approach to wetland ecosystem management,an integrated monitoring system has been put in place, spanning the skies, land, and water.


Today, the fruits of these endeavors in Zhalong are becoming increasingly evident: the expansive marshes have onceagain come alive with the elegant dance of red-crowned cranes, and the air resonates with the delightful calls of cranechicks as they eagerly seek their mother’s attention. Zhalong Nature Reserve is now teeming with vibrant vitality.

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