
2023-12-02 14:59:43
世界建筑 2023年10期

在全球化愈演愈烈的今天,历史文脉传承的重要性愈发凸显——文运同国运相牵,文脉同国脉相连。2021 年《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和2035 年远景目标纲要》中提到“保护和延续城市文脉……让城市留下记忆、让居民记住乡愁”。城市历史文脉传承已上升为重要的国家战略,并成为规划工作者必须直面的重大课题。虽然基于长期在理论、技术上的探索,许多历史文化遗产得以保全,但以建成环境遗产保护、符号复制或形态模仿的方式进行的历史文脉传承,也造成了假古董、历史错置、地域错置等问题。


In today's increasingly globalised world, the importance of historical and cultural inheritance is becoming more and more prominent - the cultural destiny is linked to the national destiny, and the cultural context is connected to the national lifeline.In 2021, the "Outline of the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for the National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Visionary Objectives for the Year 2035" mentions that "protect and continue the urban culture...so that the city will leave a memory and residents will remember their nostalgia".The inheritance of urban history and culture has risen to an important national strategy, and has become a major issue that planning practitioners must face up to.Based on long-term exploration in theory and technology,many historical and cultural heritages have been preserved.However, the inheritance of historical and cultural heritage in the form of built environment heritage protection, symbolic reproduction or morphological imitation has also caused problems such as fake antiques, historical and territorial disposition, etc.

The Space Gene theory suggests that the key to the realisation of cultural inheritance in historical towns or traditional villages is not the protection or reproduction of historical forms or symbols,but the continuation of the regional combination of spatial elements and their inherent generative mechanism.Based on this mechanism, when planning and designing cities, space gene research could provide a more scientific and clearer technical path for the inheritance of historical culture.The following case studies of Suzhou Historic District, Suzhou Historic District Ring and Changzhou Qingguo Alley illustrate the application of this technical path.□

保护“文脉” 吸引“人脉”
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