2023-11-22 11:53
浙江社会科学 2023年11期

Service Price Inflation and Industrial Structural Transformation:Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Evidence(4)

Wu Maohua1,Li Xiawei2

(1.School of Public Finance and Taxation, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing 210046;2.Institute for Six Sector Economy, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433)

Abstract:This paper aims to explore the impact of service price increases on industrial structural transformation.Firstly,we construct a two-sector growth model with characteristics of industrial structural transformation and analyze the role of price effects in industrial structural transformation and economic growth.Based on the dynamic analysis method of general equilibrium,we further discuss the impact of sectoral technological progress rate differences on industrial structural transformation and economic growth through price effects,and derive the formula for the impact of price effects on industrial structural transformation and actual total output growth rate.Then,we use panel data from Chinese cities and empirical research based on the theoretical model to test our hypotheses.The empirical results show that service price increases have significantly promoted the rise of the service industry in Chinese cities,and the development level of the service industry itself will further strengthen this price effect.In addition,the development of the service industry will regulate the impact of the rise in service prices on economic growth.

Key words:industrial structural transformation; service industry; economic growth

Service Trade Agreements,Depth of Provisions and Export Efficiency——Evidence from the High-Tech Industry(17)

Zhang Liao,Ma Yifan

(School of Economics, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018)

Abstract:Based on the export data of high-tech industries, in this paper, the stochastic frontier gravity model is used to measure the export efficiency among the signatories of the trade in services agreement,and the influence of the depth of the provisions of the trade in Services agreement on the export efficiency of high-tech products is empirically investigated.The results show that:(1)increasing the depth of service trade agreement clauses can significantly improve the export efficiency of high-tech industries in contracting countries.(2)Technology spillover effect, resource allocation effect and demand scale effect are important channels through which the provisions of trade in services agreement deeply affect the export efficiency of the contracting parties.(3)The increased efficiency of exports brought about by the depth of the provisions of the Trade in Services agreement is more prominent in the process of exports from developed countries to developing countries and from developing countries to developing countries.(4)The longer the entry into force period of a service trade agreement is,the greater of the effect on increasing the depth of its provisions of improving export efficiency.

Key words:depth of agreement provisions; export efficiency; technological innovation spillover; resource allocation optimization;market demand scale

Digital Transformation and Foreign Market Entry Mode Choices:Empirical Evidence from China’A-share Listed Companies(28)

Yu Rongjian, Bai Wei, Jiang Tingting, Lou Xingyan

(School of Business Administration(MBA School), Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou 310018)

Abstract:Based on the data of China’s A-share manufacturing listed companies from 2007 to 2020,this paper uses transaction cost theory and resource-based view to explain and empirically test the impact of digital transformation on multinational enterprises(MNEs)’ choices of foreign market entry mode.The results show that:(1)digital transformation can promote the transferability of firm-specif assets of MNEs, help enterprises reduce their dependence on complementary resources of host countries,and thus improve the possibility of the enterprise to enter the overseas market in the mode of wholly-owned subsidiary;(2)firm innovation capability plays an intermediary role between digital transformation and MNEs’choice of foreign market entry mode: Digital transformation helps to enhance firm innovation capability, and enterprises with innovative ability will choose the wholly-owned mode with higher resource commitment to enter overseas market in order to protect their firm-specific resource;(3)based on heterogeneity, it is found that the influence of digital transformation on enterprises’choice of foreign market entry mode is influenced by the heterogeneity of bilateral political relations, the nature of high-tech industry, and the overseas background of senior executives; (4)through further research, it is found that digital transformation can improve the operating performance of overseas subsidiaries by increasing the possibility of MNEs entering overseas markets in the mode of wholly-owned subsidiary.This study has enriched and expanded the research on the impact of digital transformation on the entry mode of foreign markets,and provided a reference for Chinese manufacturing enterprises to rationally choose the entry mode of overseas markets to carry out internationalization under the background of digital economy.

Key words:digital transformation; foreign market entry mode; firm-specific assets; host country complementary resources

Natural Law Politics:A Response to Tamanaha’s Critique of Natural Law Theory(38)

Wu Yan

(Law School,Tongji University, Shanghai 200092)

Abstract:The development of the natural law theory in contemporary world has raised many critiques from other camps, especially the Tamanaha’s critique which is based upon his liberalism and pragmatism.This article shows that his critiques are groundless.Firstly,natural law theory not necessarily presupposes some theological stance.Secondly, natural law theory is not necessarily illiberal, on the contrary, it absorbs many elements and claims of liberalism.Thirdly,natural law theory accepts that some legal norms are the results of social construction.So it claims that there are some basic principles that are rooted in human nature, and should not be considered as constructed or posited, but as “natural”.

Key words:natural law; transcendent; social construction

On the Rights Status of Human Embryos:An Analysis and Reflection on the Bioethics of Natural Law(48)

Zhu Zhen

(Research Centre of Theoretical Jurisprudence, Jilin University, Changchun 130012)

Abstract:Currently, biological techniques such as artificial assisted reproduction and genome editing are constantly being applied to the human body,and new types of disputes are beginning to emerge.They have all been brought to court for resolution,however, there are no clear legal provisions for these cases.This requires exploring the ethical and legal status of various forms of existence before the birth of a person in a theoretical perspective,attempting to provide a theoretical premise for the unified resolution of these hard cases.In this regard,the bioethics of natural law has made valuable theoretical explorations, but there are also some problems.The continuity of life proposition can lay a solid foundation for establishing the normative status of human embryos.Even if the controversial issue of whether an embryo is a person is set aside,we can still grant rights to the embryo.These rights has passivity because they are oriented towards the future.

Key words:bioethics of natural law; human dignity; equality; rights

A Natural Law Approach to Pro-life Arguments(59)

Yang Tianjiang

(Administrative Law School, Southwest University of Political Science&Law, Chongqing 401120)

Abstract:Pro-life arguments and pro-choice arguments are two antagonistic arguments developed out of particular legal cases in the United States, with the former stressing the value of a fetus’s right to life and the latter emphasizing the safeguarding of women’s freedom of choice.Since the 1970s, certain type of New Natural Law Theory, inspired by Aristotelian-Thomistic thought, has been furnishing core arguments for the “Pro-life” stance.This type of theory maintains that a fetus possesses a substantial identity throughout its developmental trajectory, obtaining moral standing as a life organism from the moment of conception, and categorically falls within the essential definition of a person.This kind of natural law arguments opposes the treatments of abortion issues of Utilitarianism and Situationism,and engages in a sustained theoretical competition with pro-choice arguments.

Key words:pro-life arguments; pro-choice arguments; abortion issues; natural law

Will Subsidized Childcare Increase Women’s Fertility Intentions?Evidence from the Seventh National Survey on Births and Fertility(71)

Shi Yi1,Han Runlin2

(1.China Population and Development Research Center, Beijing 100081; 2.Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100732)

Abstract:Based on the data from the Seventh National Survey on Births and Fertility, this paper examines the relationship between childcare services and women’s fertility intentions,as well as the underlying mechanisms, using logistic regression and propensity score matching.The study finds that, first, in an environment where market-oriented childcare services prevail,receiving childcare services not only fails to significantly increase women’s fertility intentions but may actually have a certain inhibitory effect.Second,flexible forms of childcare services have a positive impact on women’s fertility intentions, with women who receive part-time childcare services showing significantly higher intentions compared to those who opt for full-time care.Third, the prices of childcare services have a significant influence on women’s fertility intentions, with higher absolute and relative prices associated with lower intentions.Fourth, after controlling for sample selection using the instrumental variable and nearest neighbor matching methods,the inhibitory effect of childcare services on fertility intentions decreases significantly; however, this effect is primarily observed among low-income, middle-high-income, and high-income families,while no significant impact is found for middle-income and middle-low-income families.Therefore,this paper proposes policy recommendations for developing inclusive childcare service systems and stabilizing and increasing women’s fertility intentions,focusing on enhancing service flexibility, reducing childcare service costs, promoting effective supply-demand matching,and targeting policy interventions towards specific population groups.

Key words:childcare services; fertility intentions; income effect; substitution effect; work-family balance

How Community Health Education Affects Health:Based on the Analysis of the Floating Elderly Population in China(82)

Jin Hui

(School of Economics and Social Welfare, Zhejiang Shuren University, Hangzhou 310015)

Abstract:Chinese modernization is a massive-scale modernization, characterized by having a substantial floating elderly population;while the accelerated aging of the population and increased internal migration pose more challenges to the health of the floating elderly population in China.This study,based on nationwide dynamic monitoring data of the floating population,takes the content and form of community health education as the starting point,uses the Logistic Regression models to analyze the impact of community health education on the subjective and objective health status of the floating elderly population.And it also introduces the Coarsened Exact Matching method to evaluate the underlying causal relationships.The results show that education on occupational disease prevention, infectious disease control, and mental health significantly improves the health levels of the floating elderly population.In terms of education form,health lectures have the most noticeable impact on health improvement.This study provides a new perspective on community health education for understanding the influence of migration on the health of the elderly.

Key words:health education; the floating elderly population;community; coarsened exact matching

The Triple Role of Digital Platform Participation in Social Governance——Based on An Organizational Perspective(93)

Liu Xue

(National Institute of Social Development, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100732)

Abstract:This paper takes the digital platform as a new organization to discuss its role in the transformation of social governance,and believes that the digital platform plays an important role in the production of social governance issues,the certification of governance objects and the finalization of governance structure.As a traffic distributor,the digital platform is the producer of the public social issues.Platform traffic which is individual instead of organizational induced social governance offer more emergency management services.As the definition of data,the digital platform combines the data and information collected on the terminal equipment into a set of value system in the name of “scene” to identify and evaluate the governance objects.The issue of social organization and mobilization is simplified to the bilateral relationship based on points.As the authority deployer,the digital platform connects the devices with different permissions with a certain organizational structure,and the point-based control system is established.To accelerate the construction of a constraint mechanism for digital platforms to participate in social governance,it is necessary to start from its organizational role,review the traffic allocation scheme,evaluate the degree of scene matching,and establish a public participation mechanism for its structure design.

Key words:digital platform; social governance; information intermediary;organizational role

Technological Myths and Response Path of Western Algorithmic Ideology(102)

Wang Haiwen,Li Mengxi

(School of Marxism, Hangzhou Dianzi University,Hangzhou 310018)

Abstract:As the “leader” of the new round of technological revolution, algorithmic technology is promoting the accurate matching between massive information and individual needs,and has become an important driving force for the development of digital economy.However,algorithms with ideological attributes are gradually forming the technical myth of algorithmic ideology under the influence of intertwined and superimposed logic of derivation, technical logic and political logic, i.e.facing a series of challenges such as ideological construction under algorithmic hegemony,transfer of communication power under algorithmic recommendation and reversal of individual cognition under algorithmic siege.It is urgent to eliminate algorithmic information barriers through technological empowerment,improve algorithmic legal deployment by promoting governance innovation,and guide subjects to collaborate to build a multi-participation paradigm,so as to provide a strong gravitational force to realize algorithmic legal system for the good of technology and avoid algorithmic ideological risks.

Key words:algorithmic ideology; inner logic; technological myths; action options

“Illusory Community” to “True Community”——The Evolution Logic of Community Form in the Perspective of Historical Materialism(110)

Jiang Cuibin,Liu Deluo

(School of Marxism, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026)

Abstract:The reality of history is the generative field of the community form.Examining the logic of the evolution of the community form from the perspective of historical materialism is not only an important issue in examining the evolution of human social form, historical laws, and internal logic, but also an important field in grasping the narrative logic of the intrinsic tension relationship between the reality and the should of the community form in historical reality,and an important field of discourse that presents the overall survival situation of people in historical reality.Marx revealed the abstract and illusory nature of the “capital community” in the abstract logic of “currency capital rational state”, outlined the endogenous logic of production foundation, subject status, connection order, and value orientation that must be followed in constructing the “true community”, and deeply deduced the historical inevitability of the evolution from the “illusory community” to the “true community” form.It provides a historical materialist worldview on the contemporary situation and internal tension of the development of the contemplative community form,and explores the construction principles, ideas, and paths of the contemporary community form.

Key words:historical materialism;illusory community;true community;contemporary situation

Marx’s Critique and Transcendence of Bruno Bauer’s Theory of Alienation(118)

Niu Xiaoxia1,Xu Yaojian2

(1.School of Marxism,Hefei University of Technology,Hefei 230031;2.School of Marxism,Jilin Normal University, Siping 136000)

Abstracts:Bruno Bauer, starting from the abstract concept of “self-consciousness,” expounded on the historical perspective of alienation, religious alienation, and the rejection of alienation by “critics.” His perspective represents a typical speculative view of alienation that does not transcend the idealistic paradigm of Hegel’s “absolute spirit.” In response, Marx critiqued and surpassed Bruno Bauer’s concepts of “self-consciousness” alienation, the historical perspective of alienation, religious alienation theory, and the rejection of alienation by the “critics.” Marx’s critique transcended the abstract and one-sided nature of the latter’s alienation theory by grounding it in social reality and economic laws,revealing that the root of human alienation is not “self-consciousness” but rather the private ownership of the means of production.Marx introduced the theory of labor alienation and developed a materialistic view of history.Studying Marx’s critique and transcendence of Bruno Bauer’s theory of alienation is helpful to deepen the understanding of the profound connotation of Marx’s theory of labor alienation and the inherent logical relationship between Marx’s theory of labor alienation and historical materialism.

Key words:Marx; labor alienation; Bruno Bauer

Printed Japanese Hongren Edition of Wen Guan Ci Lin and Literary Works of Sui and Tang Dynasties(124)

Lin Jiali,He Mali

(School of Humanities&Foreign Languages, Zhejiang Shuren University, Hangzhou 310015)

Abstract:Printed Japanese Hongren Edition of Wen Guan Ci Lin includes 60 literary works from the Sui and Tang dynasties, and its literature and historical value mainly includes three aspects: firstly, it supplements the complete texts from Sui Dynasty in Yan Kejun’s Complete texts from Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin and Han Dynasties, Three Kingdoms Period and Six Dynasties, and Dong Hao’s Complete Texts from Tang Dynasties that are not included; Secondly, those who supplement the incomplete chapters and sentences collected by the Yan and Dong;Thirdly,it is mutually proofread with the articles compiled by Yan and Dong.Among them,the remaining 11 Sui and Tang epitaphs are particularly valuable,including 3 Sui and 8 Tang epitaphs.The authors include famous literati from the Sui and Tang dynasties, such as Xue Daoheng, Li Delin, Xue Shou, Yu Shinan, Chu Liang, and Li Baiyao.The epitaphs mostly involve middle and lower level soldiers in the turbulent Sui and Tang dynasties,not only filling the blind spots of elite historical views, but also highlighting the level of literature during the Sui and Tang dynasties, which is worth further exploration.

Key words:Wen Guan Ci Lin; The Complete Texts from Sui Dynasty; The Complete Texts from Tang Dynasty;literary value

On M.H.Abrams’Literary Heterocosm Research(133)

Zhang Yu

(School of Humanities&Communication, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou 310018)

Abstract:M.H.Abrams is one of the the most famous scholars who systematically studied the literary heterocosm in the 20th century.Starting from The Mirror and The Lamp in 1953 he has made a systematic study of the historical origin, development process, theoretical orientation and theoretical contribution of literary heterocosm in Western literary theory for more than 30 years,and achieved pioneering and foundational results.Reviewing and reflecting on Abrams’achievements in the study of literary heterocosm is of great enlightenment and significance for the literary world research that is increasingly receiving attention in contemporary literary theory development.

Key words:M.H.Abrams;Literary worlds; Heterocosm

The Historical Production of the Cultural Landscape of Filial Piety in the Qing Dynasty(140)

Zhang Peiguo

(Department of History, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240)

Abstract:The filial piety cultural facilities of the Qing Dynasty, such as the filial piety temple, the Qing Jie Tang, the chastity memorial archway are not isolated buildings, but the internal components of the specific cultural landscape of the regional society.In regional society,why the places had a certain degree of visibility is that only incorporating architecture into the cultural network of power can generate certain forces and formcultural landscapes.Cultural facilities such as the filial piety temple can become the cultural landscape of the local society,which also lies in the sacred existence of its ceremonies and rite.The expanded family concept has become the conceptual basis of the local filial piety cultural landscape such as the filial piety temple,the chastity memorial archway.The filial piety culture has become the concentrated embodiment of the filial piety ideology.

Key words:filial piety culture; chaste women; filial piety shrine; cultural landscape

The Natural History of Family and John Millar’s Formulation of the Commercial Society(147)

Zhang Zhengping

(School of History, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058)

Abstract:John Millar, the Scottish philosopher in the18th century, narrated a history of family in the frame of four stages as “hunting, pasture, agriculture and commerce” in The Origins of Distinction of Ranks.Millar argued that the rights of individuals had changed in different stages,and the rights of women had gradually improved with the economic development.There was a close relationship between Millar’s arguments about the rights and his formulation of the commercial society.He noticed the improvement in the status of women and saw it as a major advantage in the commercial society.Miller recognized the commercial spirit would bring the corruption of the moral sentiments.He hoped that the family would be a hotbed of good sentiments to safeguard the individuals against moral corruption,and that the domestic economy could alleviate the poverty in societies.Millar’s assertions on the history of the family and the rights of family members provides a reference for family relationships in modern societies.

Key words:John Millar; family; natural history; commercial society